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[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2008-07-31 08:57:03

Bill Viola


点击超级资料 Bill Viola  比尔·维奥拉

比尔.维奥拉是一名录像艺术家,1951年生。他在纽约的奎恩郡(queens)和怀斯特贝里镇(westbury)长大,并在1973年取得了雪城大学(syracuse university)的实验影像工作室的美术学士学位。在毕业后,他在意大利佛罗伦萨的Art/Tapes/22工作室工作了18个月,Art/Tapes/22工作室是欧洲第一批出现的录像工作室中的一个,维奥拉在那里做节目技术指导。之后他去所罗门群岛,爪哇岛,巴厘岛和日本旅行,在那里记录传统表演艺术。1977年,维奥拉被文化艺术指导吉拉.派罗芙(kira perov)邀请他在澳大利亚的拉筹伯大学(la trobe univercity)展示他的录像作品。一年后,派罗芙移居去了纽约,她和维奥拉在那里结婚了。他们一直都一起生活和工作。

1980年,他们在日本生活,作为文化交流的任务,在那里他们拜入禅宗大师达安慎二(daien tanaka)门下学习佛教。在这期间,维奥拉还被邀请去索尼的atsugi研究实验室作第一个居留艺术家。1984年,维奥拉在美国圣地亚哥动物园做客座艺术家,参与“动物意识”研究与创作计划。1997年,美国纽约惠特尼美术馆为他举办了大型作品回顾展——“比尔•维奥拉:25年的回顾”。在长达两年的时间里,该展览先后在美国及欧洲的6个博物馆展出,维奥拉的艺术引起举世瞩目。他的作品在纽约现代美术馆,伦敦国家美术馆,柏林古根海姆,纽约古根海姆,惠特尼美国艺术美术馆,洛杉矶盖提艺术中心(getty los angeles),纽约首都美术馆展出过。维奥拉也作为美国艺术家的代表参加了46届威尼斯双年展,他展示了作品“埋葬的秘密”(Buried Secrets)。维奥拉1998年在洛杉矶的盖提研究中心做居留学者的研究项目,并在2000年被推选为美国艺术的学者和科学家。现在他在加利福尼亚的长滩(long beach)居住和工作。


纽约james cohan画廊

伦敦的haunch of venison画廊







我现在的书有一本中文的宋词书,我非常喜欢它。我还有一本书是佛陀传。在我的学习中,我看一本关于高清晰摄影机技术的科技杂志,我总是带着它。我还看一本历史上曾被禁止的书,名叫“等待金刚鹦鹉”(waiting for the macaws),是一个苏格兰的作家写的。还有一本书,是乔凡尼•贝利尼(giovanni bellin)的绘画,我在来这里以前读它。我还有一本乔凡尼•贝利尼的新书,他是我最喜欢的艺术家之一,我想他是一个非凡的艺术家。







(参见2007年威尼斯双年展在圣戈洛(san gallo)教堂的比尔维奥拉的报道)



[沙发:1楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-07-31 08:39:11

bill viola

is a video artist, born in 1951. he grew up in both queens and westbury new york and received his bfa in experimental studios from syracuse university in 1973. after graduating he worked in florence, italy for 18 months as technical director of production at art/tapes/22, one of the first video art studios in europe. he later traveled to record traditional performing arts in the solomon islands, java, bali, and japan. in 1977 viola was invited by cultural arts director kira perov to show his videos at la trobe university in australia. a year later, perov moved to new york, where she and viola married. they have lived and worked together ever since. in 1980, they lived in japan as part of a cultural exchange where they studied buddhism under zen master daien tanaka. during this period, viola was also invited to serve as the first artist-in-residence for sony's atsugi research lab. his work has been shown at the museum of modern art in new york, the national gallery in london, guggenheim berlin, guggenheim new york, the whitney museum of american art, getty los angeles and the metropolitan museum of art in new york. viola was also selected as the u.s. representative for the 46th venice biennale, where he showed ' buried secrets', a collection of five installations including 'the greeting'. viola has served as a scholar in residence at the getty research institute in los angeles in 1998 and was elected to the american academy of arts and sciences in 2000. he currently lives and work in long beach, california.
bill viola is represented by both james cohan gallery, new york [url]http://www.jamescohan.com
and haunch of venison, london

we met bill viola in venice, on june 9th, 2007.

what is the best moment of the day?
twilight is the most important moment of the day because that is the time when nature herself is unstable. twilight is so beautiful because the sun is going down and it's getting darker. the sun has set but it's still light out. the daytime world made up of the creatures that live in the day, the dogs, birds, squirrels, trees, people (they live in both day and night) and plants all go to sleep. while they're preparing to go to sleep, the animals and the living beings from the night are waking up. this doesn't happen in a neat little perfect line, it's actually a messy transition where nature is still showing us light from the day but, the night has not fully arrived. the two are kind of touching each-other and some animals from the night time are coexisting with animals from the daytime; it's a very special moment. the beauty of it is the instability. this also occurs at sunrise too. so I'm interested in moments and places of instability: thresholds of transition in between two things. for example, my favourite times of year are springtime and the autumn. in the springtime, the flowers try to come up but sometimes it's still snowing. in the autumn, you have the trees holding on to their life, some of them are loosing their leaves and some are green. those are the kind of moments I like, where things are not clear and you can't decide between this and that. the age of computers is a very dangerous time for us because computers work on 'yes or no', '1 or 0'. there's no maybe, perhaps or both, it's only yes or no. I think this is affecting our consciousness, because nature doesn't work that way. nature works on maybe and poetry comes from maybe, not from a hard fixed order. those kind of transitions and thresholds are very very important in my work.

what kind of music do you listen to?
classical music, tibetan music, german and american music
from the cinema, ...

what books are on your bedside table?
the books I have right now are a book on chinese sung dynasty poetry, which is I love. I have a book of the biography of the life of buddha. I have a magazine in my study, a the technical journal of the new high definition video cameras, which I keep with me. I'm also reading a book about extinctions in history called 'waiting for the macaws' by a scottish writer and I have a book on the paintings of giovanni bellini that I was reading before I came here. I also got a new book on alberto giacometti, who has become one of my favorite artists, I think he's an extraordinary

do you listen to the radio?
no, not really.

where do you get your news from?
new york times, internet.
I guess that you notice how women dress,

do you have any preferences?
simple is best.

what kind of clothes do you avoid wearing?
a tie. anything that’s pretentious and uncomfortable.

where do you work on your projects?
I have a studio. I live in the los angeles area, in a town called long beach, california and I've been living there for 25 years. it's a very quiet street that we live on. we have two children so it's a normal neighborhood because I don't like to live in the centre of the city or in the centre of the art scene. I always prefer to live on the side, just in the corner. so I have a studio, a big studio, a warehouse industrial space where I have some assistants. that's where we do shooting, this piece was shot in my studio and that's where I do my work, when I make works. but my real place to work is in a very small house across the street from our house that I rent. I have all my books, I have tables to write and of course my computer. that's where I work because I used to work in my studio everyday, but what I found was the studio was becoming very busy. I couldn't think quietly because there were assistants doing things and when we're doing productions there is a lot of activity. I realized I needed a very private space because of the way I work. so what I did was, rent this house with only three rooms. it's very quiet, I have no telephone and that's where I really think and develop my ideas. then when I'm absolutely ready with a new idea that I've really really worked on very very severely, I go to my studio and Iexplain it to everybody. I say this is what we are going to make and then we start working. but if I don't have an idea, I don't go to my studio.

could you describe your style as a good friend of yours might?
we have all come from a place of the unborn and we are all here for a short period of time. we have to cross a threshold of water and light to arrive and to leave. we will ultimately all go back to this eternal non-spatial, non-temporal world of potentiality. a lot of my work deals with questions like this, of giving birth, death and human transition.

what are the main characteristics of the work you are showing here?
the main characteristics of my work here are light, water and time. the images concern people who are approaching from a distant place, a dark shadowy place. this world that has no colour and has very little detail or visibility. as they approach us they become more and more clear, present and individual. they become more individualized and then at a certain point they cross a threshold, an invisible threshold. this threshold is made up of water, which is pouring from above, across the image. the water cannot be seen because it's a special kind of water system which has no disturbance, except at the bottom. as they cross the threshold of water, they also meet a second surface made of light. when they pass through this threshold, they disturb the water and it sprays and falls everywhere. at that moment they become materialized, they become colour, detail and substance. the body becomes present and it's like a kind of birth as they arrive in our space on this side of the water. the sound gives us the impression that they're in the room, because sound occupies space. they arrive with light and with sound. the so
[板凳:2楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-07-31 11:39:51
