皮力演讲视频 | 从行动到观念:晚期现代主义艺术理论的转型
发起人:毛边本  回复数:0   浏览数:1268   最后更新:2016/01/06 19:35:24 by 毛边本
[楼主] 展览预告 2016-01-06 19:35:24


封面作品:薛松 XUE Song | 山水-与弘仁对话Landscape-Dialogue with Hongren | 布上综合材料 | 2013 | 240x180cm

是不索自来的答复/ 掷给喋喋的漂泊者/ 仿佛她寻常的啼呼/ 同耶?异耶?—同中有大别!

Unsolicited reply/ To a babbling wanderer sent/Like her ordinary cry/Like - but oh, how different!

《山的回音》Mountain Echo

英国诗人华兹华斯 William Wordsworth

薛松 XUE Song | 江山如此多娇The Land That Is Rich in Beauty | 绘画 布上综合材料 | 2015 | 230x170cm

香格纳新加坡将于2016年1月22日隆重推出“开门见山:薛松个展” ,展览将持续至3月20日。作为中国最早进行“波普艺术”创作的艺术家,薛松从1990年即开始将烧蚀的碎片图文拼贴在画布上,逐渐形成了他独具特色的艺术语言和风格样式,成为中国当代艺术重要代表人物之一。

ShanghART Singapore is pleased to present one of the pioneer “Pop Art” artists in China – Xue Song’s solo exhibition, titled ‘The Mountain Echoes’ from 22nd January to 20th March 2016. The exhibition will showcase his widely known collage of landscapes and poetry. The official opening will be held on 22 January, Friday, 4-6pm.


薛松 XUE Song | 致敬罗斯科之一 Salute to Mark Rothko 1 | 绘画 布上综合材料 | 2015 | 200x100cm


In Chinese traditional culture, landscape imagery is often the main theme of artistic creation. Landscape paintings focuses on expressing the ‘senses of nature’, with a poetic and picturesque outcome. Guo Xi, a literatus and painter from the Northen Song Dynasty once said: "Poetry is like an invisible painting, while a painting is tactile poetry."

薛松 XUE Song | 符号系列 - R Mark Series - R | 绘画 布上综合材料 | 2008 | 60x50cm | 符号系列,共26个字母 Mark Series - 26 Letters

薛松 XUE Song | 可乐·山水Cola·Landscape | 装置 合金,施华洛世奇水晶 Installation Alloy Swarovski Crystal | 2014 | Diameter 直径:25.0 cm

薛松 XUE Song | 龟裂纹 The Craquelure | 绘画 布上综合材料 | 2009 | 120x150cm (in 4 pieces)


When a landscape imagery is placed in a contemporary context, a new interpretation full of spirituality, sensitivity and temporal nature is composed. In some of Xue Song’s artwork, the urban life of luxury and pleasure is placed in contrast with the traditional landscape imagery on the same canvas, this forms a poetic variation and creates a strong dialogue between the past and present.

薛松 XUE Song | 交租The Price | 雕塑 3D打印 Sculpture 3D Print | 2015 | 40x41x105cm

开幕时间|OPENING:2016/1/22 4PM-6PM
展期|DURATION:2016/1/23-3/20,11AM-7PM(CLOSE ON MON.)
地址|ADDRESS:香格纳新加坡,吉门营房, LOCK路9号02-22, 新加坡 108937 |
ShanghART Singapore, 9 Lock Road, #02-22 Gillman Barracks, Singapore 108937

联系|CONTACT:65 6734 9537infosg@shanghartgallery.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/shanghartgallerysg
