发起人:之乎者也  回复数:0   浏览数:1644   最后更新:2015/11/03 09:56:49 by 之乎者也
[楼主] 展览预告 2015-11-03 09:56:49




GRAND OPENING Saturday, 7 November from 2 PM
and open daily from 6-12 November, 11 AM to 7 PM

98 Anshun Road, Stall 26 near the Dingxi Road Flower Market

诚挚邀请您于2015年11月6日-12日来《展销场第五期:水货》捧场!四十多位艺术工作者、设计师与实践者以“边角料”为基础,对以前的作品或废料进行改造,让它们脱离常规的生产方式,加入 “展销场” 的网络。在这里临时性地把 “余料” 放在另一种 “展” 和 “销” 的循环系统也是为了审视我们创作中的“生产性”,回应当下的市场、生产和消费价值的关系。作为创作或者生产过程中的分支,展销场的边角料来自资本主义的江湖产物,也就是我们的 “水货” 。

所有作品待售。诱人的 “百货” 包括:盗版艺术作品DVD、情感醉条、首饰和时装、签名日用套装、旧照翻印的明信片、门挡、雕塑、嫉妒脓包、新旧陶瓷挂件、 绝技、特别版电器、香港地产、独立出版物、放心艺术品、跑腿服务、指甲图书馆、异形球,还有更多更多。所有作品都是限量的,欢迎抢购!

You are cordially invited to Display Distribute No. 5: Parallel Trade, which will be inserted into the Bazaar Compatible market stall in Shanghai from 6-12 November. Participating artists, designers and practitioners have joined the Display Distribute network taking 'the remnant' as their material foundation, reconfiguring ideas and materials absorbed from previous artworks or other detritus such that 'the work' veers from a standard mode of production. Putting such leftovers into another cycle of display and distribution is a reconsideration of value and relation within current creative labour practices, or in other words, our version of parallel trade.

All items are for sale. Among the enticing "hundred goods" will be: black-market DVD editions of video artworks, jewelry and fashionable pieces, love notes, discarded photographs re-purposed as postcards, door stoppers, special-edition headphones, jealousy pustules, sculpture, artist edition white goods, skilled service workers, independent publications, Hong Kong real estate, calculations, balls and much, much more. All pieces are limited and all sales are final!

==  作品提供 Featuring Work By ==

北 鸥 BEIO
卢 蛋 Lucio CASTRO
陈妮娜 Nina CHEN
陈天灼 CHEN Tianzhuo
得译工作室 DeYi STUDIO
丁 男 DING Nan
高 灵 GAO Ling
高铭研 GAO Mingyan
耿 晨(勺子) Spoony GENG
郭 颢 GUO Hao
何颖雅 Elaine W. HO
佩 雀 Petra JOHNSON
江卓姿 Jessica KONG & 李彦铮 Dexter LEE
李春生 LI Chunsheng
李景湖 LI Jinghu
李子杰 June LEE
李 楠 LI Nan
李丽莎 Lisa LI
梁 硕 LIANG Shuo
梁 越 LIANG Yue
凌 明 Ming LIN & SIMPSON
劳丽丽 Natalie LO Lai Lai
小龙花 Xiao LONG HUA
陆 扬 LU Yang
尤纳思∙马瑞恩 Jonas MERIAN
奶粉zhou NAIFEN
昵娜∙水汽 Nina SCHUIKI
田 牧 TIAN Mu
王懿泉 WANG Yiquan
胡 安 Ann WOO
许志锋 Shaw XU
叶甫娜 YE Funa
余晓 YU Xiao
张小船 Boat ZHANG
张 达 ZHANG Da
赵天汲 ZHAO Tianji

“To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art”

“展销场” 位于香港九龙一个车水马龙的路口。它是在当下产业消费中探索和注入“便宜”、“假货”和“快捷”庞大网络的起点。在上海临时展示和销售这个网 络是为了审视我们创作中的“生产性”,如香港“展销场”的一个连锁点,通过一系列特许项目(展览、活动、出版),它将回应我们当下的市场、生产和消费趋势的状况。

Display Distribute began as a unique point of sales located at a busy intersection in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Taking ‘cheap’, ‘fake’ and ‘fast’ goods as a starting point, this roving project (exhibitions, events, publications) investigates the wider networks that surround current landscapes of production and consumption.

“兼容的盒子” 空间的目的是:在文化全球化、网络化的今天,邀请艺术家来考察,发掘,发展出新的、与社会环境相融的"兼容格式"。陆续将有各种形式的艺术在这个实验杂货 铺"小盒子"登场。现当代艺术史以"白立方"(画廊/艺术空间)和对特立独行的孜孜以求作为特性标志,而最新的艺术实践则借由各种手段,无孔不入,渗透浸 润于日常生活,人群以互相懂得的密码沟通。兼容性已经成为下载形式美学的第一个标准。

Bazaar Compatible is an exhibition space embedded in a market in Shanghai. Implementing strategies of infiltration, immersion and encryption, Bazaar Compatible explores compatibility and new formats developed by artists in a global, networked culture.
