发起人:之乎者也  回复数:2   浏览数:2791   最后更新:2015/02/27 20:45:38 by guest
[楼主] liu.dao 2015-02-27 17:39:09

Do you ever think in circles only to discover that your mind really is a circle and it’s a knotty maze of chaos and circles have no end and wow *#%! you really are crazy after all…. Welcome to the slippery edge of sanity, where tornados of absurdity and abstruse clouds of hazy climatic beginnings are waiting to push you over the edge. Toe the line of socially acceptable behavior with “Babble Jabber,” a multimedia exploration of bottomless lunacy by the Shanghai-based Liu Dao art collective.

Do you know yourself well enough to trust the clamoring voices in your head? Trust them when they beg you to allow your entire labyrinth-like dreams to come to life when “Babble Jabber” unfolds at island6 Hong Kong. The dynamically deranged exhibition opens with an insanely elegant vernissage on the evening of March 10th, from 7-10pm at 1 New Street, Sheung Wan. Join the island6 crew as they take a leap into the deep end of the human psyche while sipping a handpicked selection of libations from our sponsor, Catangi Wine, that are sure to get the mind (and other things…) flowing.

你是否曾陷入脑洞漩涡,不停盘转并且重度怀疑自己已经*#%! -疯掉?欢迎来到荒诞之颠,在这里充满着神秘且高深之层层疯狂细语,时刻准备将你推向终极零界处。"Babble Jabber"-“疯言疯语挑战日常生活可接受之底线,来自上海的六岛团队邀你一同狂欢。

展览开幕夜:2015 310日晚 7-10pm

地点:island6 Hong Kong 香港中环新街 1

*本展览开幕夜由 Catangi Wine资助

