发起人:lecodeproject  回复数:0   浏览数:2352   最后更新:2012/01/28 09:08:16 by lecodeproject
[楼主] 小青年 2012-01-28 09:08:16

Ingrid Luche个展“The Turquoise Rabbit”近日在巴黎Air de Paris开幕。Ingrid Luche现居住于巴黎,在布尔日国立建筑学院担任老师。自从她在阿尔松别墅(编者注:一个隶属于法国文化部的综合艺术机构)下属的艺术学院中学习时起,她就开始通过雕塑、摄影以及特定场域的装置来探索对建筑与公共空间的感知体验。毫无疑问,Luche的作品会让人们感到困惑:在她的雕塑与装置中,观众们可以看到那些在日常生活中具有功能性的物品(这些东西是Luche的灵感来源),但是它们却被一种只能说是将现实与梦境分离了开来的裂缝限定了出来。Luche在展览中创造出来的空间都是充满了无意识体验的地方的残余物。
这场展览是Luche在Air de Paris举办的第三场个展,它以一种类似于博物馆的世界的联想为基础;这是一个与众不同的“博物馆”,展出的作品都被它们具有的魔力影响了:例如受美洲印第安人的祭祀舞蹈启发的宽大的衣服(即“Ghost Dresse”系列作品)以及扭曲的雕塑(即“Monsieur Pigman”)等等。在这里,博物馆并不是对一些遥远的物品进行分离展示,而是一种具有自身力量的体验。这里的空间与我们的欲望和记忆进行交流,勾勒出了当前时代的一段共同的历史:在这段历史中,对过去的重视以那些我们希望看到的历史的标志物为基础。



英格丽Luche生活在巴黎,并在全国学校建筑在Bourges任教。由于她在艺术的别墅纵火学校多年研究尼斯附近,她一直在探索,通过雕塑,摄影和站点特定的装置建筑和公共场所的感官知觉和其娱乐。她最近举行了一次个人画展,乐在La落聘在尼斯和勒在Clichy- LA - Garenne Rutebeuf站绿松石,将展示她的下一个节目,Ailleurs在11月,(18.11.11-15.01.12)。去年夏天,五月Riving馆的大型网站的具体工作是DE LA NEIGE EN ETE CONFORT摩登乐在普瓦捷展览的一部分。
Press Release:

No question, Ingrid Luche’s works disconcert: in her sculptures and installations the viewer recognises the everyday functional forms she takes her inspiration from, but those forms are marked out by a gap that is none other than the one separating reality from dream. The spaces she creates in her exhibitions are remanences of places passed through and permeated with a now unconscious experience.
“The Turquoise Rabbit”, her third solo exhibition at Air de Paris, is based on reminiscences of a museumlike world; a distinctive museum in which the exhibits are affected by the magical powers they supposedly represent: loose-fitting garments inspired by Amerindian ritual dances (the Ghost Dresses series), ethnography-inflected sculpture (Monsieur Pigman) and magic objects (Le Lapin turquoise). Here the museum is no longer a detached presentation of distant objects, but an experience in its own right; a place not of knowledge but of recognition for the viewer. A space that speaks to us of our desires and our memories, and sketches a collective history of the present time: a history in which accounts of the past live on like markers of the history we want to see now.

Ingrid Luche lives in Paris and teaches at the National School of Architecture in Bourges. Since her study years at the Villa Arson school of art near Nice she has been exploring the sensory perception of architecture and public spaces and its recreation via sculpture, photography and site-specific installations. She recently held a solo exhibition, Le Lapin Turquoise, at La Station in Nice and Le Rutebeuf in Clichy-la-Garenne will be presenting her next show, Ailleurs, in November (18.11.11–15.01.12). Last summer the large site-specific work The May Riving Pavilion was part of the exhibition De la Neige en Eté at Le Confort Moderne in Poitiers.
