Gary Hume 加里.休姆 Gary Hume 加里.休姆 Gary Hume 加里.休姆
发起人:红色饺子  回复数:4   浏览数:5739   最后更新:2007/05/18 18:10:04 by
[楼主] 红色饺子 2007-05-17 08:23:27

Gary Hume 加里.休姆
[沙发:1楼] 红色饺子 2007-05-17 09:08:49
The Adoration of the Magi 2006

Big Baby 2005

Brown Silver and Brown 2005

In the Home (Once) VII 2005

Nicola as an Orchid 2005

Pink Nicola 2005

Pink and Green Smoke (working title) 2005

Polar Bear 2005

Regent Park 2005


[板凳:2楼] 红色饺子 2007-05-18 17:59:32
Grey Leaves 2004

Snowmen 2002

New Paintings 2001

Belarus (2000), with Back of a Snowman (Green) (2000)..

Green and Blue Orchid (2000) (left) and Green and Black Orchid (2000)..


Spring Angels 2000

The First World War (2000) Sorrow (2000).

Twenty Four Paintings 2000
[地板:3楼] 红色饺子 2007-05-18 18:05:19
3 Young Woman 1998

Adult 1998

Francis 1998

Like Father Like Son 1998

Untitled  1998

Untitled  1998

Untitled  1998

Water Painting1999 
[4楼] 红色饺子 2007-05-18 18:10:04
Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Here's Flowers

Installation view of Gary Hume exhibition at Matthew Marks Gallery

Magnolia Door Rug       