Steve Mcqueen 斯蒂夫.麦奎因.Steve Mcqueen 斯蒂夫.麦奎因
发起人:嘿乐乐  回复数:18   浏览数:9100   最后更新:2007/03/01 08:30:20 by
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:09:28
Steve Mcqueen



在片子里利用偏激和意外的镜头是Steve Mcqueen 的招牌处理方式。将摄像机放在陌生的角度或放置在不同角度拍摄是一种影片的叙述方式。在观察的同时我们也在自问叙述的问题,因为这也是一个很物质的东西,它让你意识到你自身的存在。

1969 年Steve Mcqueen 出生于伦敦,在1989年到1994年间就读于切尔西的美术学院,Goldsmiths学院和Tisch艺术学院。1999年 Mcqueen 在当代艺术机构的展览荣获了特纳奖,这个展览显现了他对于录像装置的坚持和最初想法。
[沙发:1楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:18:24


16mm film
Continuous projection
[板凳:2楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:21:28
Girls, Tricky


Color video projection with sound
14 minutes and 47 seconds
[地板:3楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:24:19
7th November


Slide projection with sound
25 minutes
[4楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:25:53
Once Upon a Time

[attachment=37508] [attachment=37513] [attachment=37514]

Sequence of 116 slide base color images streamed through a PC hard drive and rear projected onto a screen with an integrated soundtrack
70 minutes


在《很久很久以前》,斯蒂夫探究了知识的结构和表现法。由美国航空航天局选择的这些照片,里头包括一个新生儿,高楼大厦,菜市场,一些玫瑰色的展现了地球穷困,战争,宗教纠纷和疾病的照片。Voyager II旅行者二号是地球有史以来放置在外太空中最遥远的物件,距离是地球和太阳距离的22倍。如果有一天地球的生命或地球消失了,旅行者二号将是对整个星球存在过的最后证据和记录。

Photographs intended to show aliens what life on Earth is like, and sent into space by Nasa in the 1970s, are the inspiration for 'Once Upon a Time', a work by Turner Prize winner Steve McQueen, at the South London Gallery from 17 September.

McQueen?s installation at the South London Gallery involves the projection of 116 images, replicating those still traveling through space at a speed of 150 million miles per year on the Voyager space probes that began their exploratory journey across the universe in 1977.

In Once Upon a Time, McQueen explores the construction and representation of knowledge. The images chosen by Nasa, including a newborn baby, state of the art skyscrapers and fresh supermarket produce, portray a rose-tinted version of life on Earth where poverty, war, religious conflict and disease are notable by their absence.

The images are accompanied by unintelligible voices 'speaking in tongues' a phenomenon known as glossolalia. This undecipherable language is mostly associated with evangelist Christians but is in fact present in many cultures.

The images on which Once Upon a Time is based could potentially still be picked up by alien life forms. Voyager II is currently the furthest manmade object from Earth, at around 22 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, and Voyager I is not far behind. If in the future life on Earth ends, the photographic record on the Voyager probes will prove that mankind existed but barely hint at the complexity and history of the human race.

McQueen worked closely with William J Clancey, Nasa researcher and advisor to the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) laboratory, and William J Samarin, linguist and professor emeritus in the anthropology department at the University of Toronto to make Once Upon a Time.

Steve McQueen, is a leading international contemporary video and filmmaker, born in Britain and based in Amsterdam. He won the Turner Prize in 1999 and was awarded an OBE in 2002. McQueen?s presentation at Documenta XI in Kassel, Germany received huge critical acclaim and recent exhibitions include solo shows at the Museum of Modern Art, New York and the Mus?e d?Art Moderne, Paris. Steve McQueen has been commissioned by the Imperial War Museum to make work in response to the current conflict in Iraq.

Steve McQueen's exhibition and related education programme have been made possible with the generous support of The Henry Moore Foundation and Vicky Hughes & John Smith. Steve McQueen is represented by Marian Goodman Gallery, New York & Paris and Thomas Dane, London.
[5楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:27:53
Barrage (BAR 22)


  Fuji long life color photograph, plexi, (BAR 22)
[6楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:29:14
Installation View, South Gallery, Current


[7楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:30:41
Barrage 11 (+ Barrage 25; 2 works)


1998 -
Medium   Cibachrome prints, mntd
Size : 18 x 27 in. / 45.7 x 68.6 cm.
[8楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:31:59
Barrage #50


Medium   Chromogenic Print mntd between plexi
Size : 18 x 27 in. / 45.8 x 68.6 cm.
[9楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 04:56:17
Barrage # 44


1998 -
c-print mounted with Plexiglas
Size   18 x 27 in. / 45.7 x 68.6 cm.
[10楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:00:11
Exodus 1992/97


super 8 color film, 1 min 5"
[11楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:04:09


1997, color video projection, silent, 1'54"
[12楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:08:08


1999, 16mm color film, video transfer, sound, 6 hours 25 min
[13楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:09:18


1999, Installation view
[14楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:10:48
Cold breath


1999, 16mm film and dvd, continous loop
[15楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:15:39
Five Easy Pieces

[16楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 05:17:59


1993, a video installation
[17楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 07:13:34


C4 Chat Ed: Ok, welcome Steve, let's begin
C 4 : ok , 欢迎你! 斯蒂夫,我们开始吧!

Steve McQueen: Hello everyone!
Petal: Congratulations Steve, where do you find your inspiration?

Steve McQueen: Hrm. By just wanting to get on with it, basically! Just by doing inspires me, really.

Arty: What are you going to spend your prize money on?

Steve McQueen: Ah! I'm not too sure yet... I'm thinking of making a new work which is a little bit ambitious, and pricey!

Rokket: I heard you were inspired by a Buster Keaton movie, what was it and what inspired you about it?
我听说你的灵感来自Buster Keaton的电影,是什么?它让你有这样的灵感?

Steve McQueen: It was 1928, Steamboat Bill Jnr... The moment in the movie where the man stands in front of a building, and the front falls onto him and he escapes through the open window, for some reason it had a poignance for me!
那是1928年,Steamboat Bill Jnr... 电影里有个站在房子前的男人,前面的墙压下来了,他从窗口逃出来,这个镜头带给我强烈的感觉。

Catherine H: Why do you live in Amsterdam?

Steve McQueen: Coz I like riding bikes :)
因为我喜欢骑自行车 :)

Arty: Do you make your own Christmas cards?

Steve McQueen: No.

Arty: What do you think of Chris Smith's criticism of the Turner Prize?
你怎么认为Chris Smith对特纳奖的评论?

Steve McQueen: Sorry, I didn't hear that, I don't know what he said.

Malings: Was the Turner Prize a thing that you specifically wanted to win?

Steve McQueen: Um...good question... not really no. It wasn't a thing I'd specifically wanted to win, though it's one of those things that if you do get it, it's great. An added bonus.

Carlospi: Steve: First of all, congratulations!! I am an artist and web designer. Have you thought of using the web as an exhibiting medium?

Steve McQueen: Erm...
Steve McQueen ponders that one

Steve McQueen: I have to investigate it more. I'm very interested in the 'net, and I need to get a little more information and a bigger understanding of it, to see the limits and possibilites really. Right now, it doesn't so much attract me.

Catherine H: Which artists are your main influences?
Steve McQueen: Miles Davis, Toni Morrison, and... Bach.

Catherine H: So no visual artists then!

Steve McQueen: The English countryside... and... um, no not really. I don't really get inspired by that, images and books. I'm most personally inspired by Marcel Duchamp.

Candy: How did you launch yourself into the art world? Did you study at art college? How did you break into the big time?

Steve McQueen: At first I went to Goldsmith's University to study Art then I went to New York University to study Graduate Filmmaking, but I got a bit tired of that, and someone had asked me to participate in a group show at the Royal College. And that's how it started. That was the takeoff point, and it was a show called Acting Out.
首先我在Goldsmith学习艺术然后我去了纽约大学学习电影制作,但是我对那个感觉有点厌倦了,当时刚好有人叫我参加皇家学院的一个展览。就那么开始的。那是个起飞点,展览名叫Acting Out。

Candy: What did you think of the competition you were up against?

Steve McQueen: Well I admired the artists in the group. It goes like that really :)

Dauber: Is there any type of art that just doesn't turn you on at all?

Steve McQueen thinks.

Steve McQueen: No, I don't particularly have any particular types or anything but it is all about quality.

Malings: Are there any artists that you work with or would like to work with in the future?

Steve McQueen: Tricky. The Musician. I'd very much like to work with him.

Miles: What are you ambitions now?

Steve McQueen: Hrm... I've got two big projects coming up and I'm hoping to collaborate with Tricky, and some other people and use the 20K from the Turner Prize to help do it!

Treeboy: what do your family think of your art success, did they want you too follow this line of work?

Steve McQueen: Well my mother was ... very supportive of me. My dad always said that I should get a trade. They think it's fantastic now, and they're extremely happy for me.

Dauber: Do you earn a living as a film-maker?

Steve McQueen: Yes.

Treeboy: what trade would you have been in if art was not an option?

Steve McQueen: Oh dear! Um...
Steve McQueen ponders.

Steve McQueen: A very boring one, probably in a factory somewhere.

Arty: Is it fair to compare such different forms of media such as still life, video etc?

Steve McQueen: Yes. Because it should be always about the content, and not the medium.

Arty: Has your daughter shown any artistic tendencies yet?

Steve McQueen chuckles

Steve McQueen: Yes! She's firstly sort of scribbling with her crayons as we speak. She's doing a vaseline painting!

Miles: Why do you prefer working on black and white film Steve?

Steve McQueen: I don't miles...I've done colour too, I don't prefer black and white at all... it's just like, in the beginning I was known for that because my first three films were in black and white.

Malings: Are there any pieces of work that you have looked and and though 'I wish I'd done that'?

Steve McQueen: Oh yeah, absolutely.

Steve McQueen ponders

Steve McQueen: David Hammons - Snowballs. He was selling snowballs in the street in New York from small to x-large in a row, little teeny ones graduating to big handfuls. Beautiful work.
David Hammons的雪球。他在纽约卖从小到大的雪球,小小的倒慢慢滚到像手那么大的。非常美丽的作品。

Rokket: What are you going to be doing for the millennium?

Steve McQueen: I haven't quite decided yet... that's a tricky one. You know, it's going to be either or - stay at home and do it quietly, or go out with a big bang.

Candy: Which gallery have you been most proud of h
[18楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-03-01 08:30:20

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