yutaka sone.曾根裕.yutaka sone.曾根裕.yutaka sone.曾根裕
发起人:嘿乐乐  回复数:55   浏览数:12105   最后更新:2006/07/26 04:10:02 by 嘿乐乐
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:07:02
Yutaka Sone




Born 1965, Japan

Sone 的专业是艺术和建筑。他是一个旅者,在他的第一个旅途里,1987年到1988年的一年半里他探索了欧亚大陆。他的作品和这有很大的关系:他在试图放弃旅者漂流的经历,试图转换成一个切实的东西;很正确的,感知的精神状态一直都在不停的流动着。

怪不得这位艺术家徘徊在各类媒介中:他使用雕塑,油画,素描,录像和建筑,他不断的改变他捕获世界的方式,他而且也对新型冒出的风景地形很感兴趣,包括在实验阶段的工业风景。这些艺术活动在10年前开始实践,包括大量的主题,对观念的探讨和旅程。Sone 到过森林,他在洛杉矶和学生们经常在同一天去滑雪和冲浪(美丽的一天,2001),他在日本的时候做了一个关于到一个虚幻的小岛去旅游的计划。

很多新的计划正在制作。国际对他作品的兴趣在他包含了旅途展的“在移动的城市”(1997-99)开始。自那次起,就不断地成长。除了旅行这个主题,他的作品也可以被理解为一种对生命的旅程,艺术家自己也暗示了自己。Sone 自己也说过:这些积极的渴望让他的作品更加特别,他所有的计划都应该被视为赞美和拥抱生命的事件。
[沙发:1楼] 顶帖超人 2006-07-27 13:58:21
[板凳:2楼] 11yio 2006-07-27 03:18:20

Yutaka Sone; Night Bus, 1997
Sammlung Deutsche Bank
[地板:3楼] 11yio 2006-07-27 03:05:28

Untitled (Romana Maquette)

Plywood, screws, cardboard, Plastilina, toothpicks
Image Size: Closed: 9 1/2 x 20 x 22 1/4 inches 24.1 x 50.8 x 56.5 cm Maquette: 6 x 18 3/4 x 20 inches 15.2 x 47.6 x 50.8 cm
[4楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:59:29
Snow Amusement



Snow Amusement

Snow sculpture Nagano, Japan
[5楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:00:57

Installation view of Double Six
[6楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:02:07
Double Six


Wurfelwürf (Throwing the Dice)
[7楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:03:11
Double River Island



Double River Island

Acrylic on canvas
Image Size: 24 x 48 inches 61 x 121.9 cm
[8楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:05:01
The Sky Next Door



The Sky Next Door

Oil on canvas
Image Size: 24 x 36 inches 61 x 91.4 cm
[9楼] guest 2006-07-26 16:08:37
[10楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:20:18

Flower and Bears

ink and white-out on lined paper
Image Size: 9 7/8 x 13 3/4 inches (25.1 x 34.9 cm) Framed 17 1/4 x 21 1/4 x 1/4 inches (43.8 x 54 x .6 cm) Signed and dated
[11楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:20:56


Gelatin silver print
Image Size: Framed: 17 5/8 x 21 11/16 x 1 1/4 inches 44.8 x 55.1 x 3.2 cm Paper: 11 x 14 inches 27.9 x 35.6 cm Image: 6 1/2 x 10 inches 16.5 x 25.4 cm
[12楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:21:51

Untitled (chinese quarry)

color photograph
Image Size: 40.6 x 55.9 cm 16 x 22 inches not signed
[13楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:22:33

Hello Bat

VHS video tape; 1 Beta submaster; 1 certificate
Image Size: 4 minutes

running time: 4 minutes
Edition of 3/5
[14楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:19:03

no date

graphite, charcoal on paper
Image Size: 36 x 39 1/4 inches 91.4 x 99.7 cm no signature
[15楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:18:26

no date

Acrylic on canvas
Image Size: 20 x 24 x 7/8 inches 50.8 x 61 x 2.2 cm
[16楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:17:08

Acrylic on canvas
Image Size: 7 x 5 x 1 3/8 inches 17.8 x 12.7 x 3.5 cm
[17楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:17:50

no date

Acrylic on canvas
Image Size: 12 x 16 x 7/8 inches 30.5 x 40.6 x 2.2 cm
[18楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:15:31


VHS video tape; 1 Beta submaster; 1 certificate
Image Size: 14:50 minutes
[19楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:16:24

Himalayan Mountains

acrylic on canvas
Image Size: 18 x 22 inches 45.7 x 55.9 cm
[20楼] 11yio 2006-07-26 09:44:47

A Beautiful Day (with UCLA sculpture class)

VHS video tape; 1 Beta submaster; 1 certificate
Image Size: 6 minutes; 45 seconds
[21楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 09:50:59


Yutaka Sone / Double River Island
(Work in Progress) 2002-2003
Photo:Keizo Kioku
[22楼] 11yio 2006-07-26 10:10:25
[23楼] gugugu 2006-07-26 10:12:11
[24楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:13:54
< Snow Leopard >, 1997, marble, 100】60】60Н, Collection of Shiseido Co., Ltd
[25楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 10:14:35


Triptych: 3 color photos
Image Size: 5 x 10 3/8 inches 12.7 x 26.4 cm
[26楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 09:19:16
His first work, "Her 19th Foot," in which 19 people rode connected monocycles while communicating, was shown in Japan as well as other parts of Asia and Europe. His video installations involving performance, such as "Night Bus (1995)," "Magic Stick (1998-1999)" and "Birthday Party (1997)," shown at Münster Sculpture Project, also received highest reviews at many international exhibitions.
His detailed marble sculpture of Hong Kong Island in 1997, marble sculpture of a roller coaster, exhibited in the United States, and oil paintings and drawings are also highly evaluated. He is a most interesting artist with a wide range of activity and conceptual development .

他的第一个作品,“她的19英尺”,是一个19个人连接起来一面交流一面骑的装置,曾经在日本及其他亚洲和欧洲地方展过。他的录像装置包括了表演,如“夜班车”(1995),“魔术棒”(1998-1999)和“生日派对”(1997)。曾在munster 雕塑计划上展出,也在很多国际大展上获得过很多好评。他的1997年的香港岛大理石的雕塑,大理石云霄飞车在美国展出过,他的油画和素描也获得过很高的评估。他是一个有具很多活动和观念发展的有意思的艺术家
[27楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 09:13:12
Untitled (dice painting), 2002
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 x 7/8 inches
Courtesy of the artist and David Zwirner, New York
[28楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 09:09:06
[29楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 08:24:54
Like looking for snow leopard

Sone 对超日常的偏好以及在作品中对变化多端的荒谬的迷恋都根源于戏剧性但更强调雕塑感。风景和娱乐作为自我体验的手段一直是他拿来表达对于人类与自然关系的不断思考的途径。“像在找寻雪豹”sone 继续了身体和隐喻对“达不到的地方”的旅程,制作的作品基于个人对风景的评估。他呈现了新的一系列巨大的多媒体地形作品:“像是雪豹岛”。这个装置伴随了这几年做的系列作品:雪花雕塑,对洛杉矶高速立交桥的地形描述的大理石,油画,素描和录像。
[30楼] guest 2006-07-26 07:15:46
[31楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:40:10
From Japan to Greensboro

From Japan to Greensboro is in keeping with the MAVerick Ensemble's knack for putting together an exciting and eclectic bill of new music by composers from around the world. This concert will include works by Japanese composers Ryo Noda and Toro Takemitsu, Israeli composer Arie Shapira, and Mark Engebreton from Greensboro, North Carolina.

William Jason Raynovich
MAVerick Ensemble
From Japan to Greensboro, 2006

Shannon Budd
MAVerick Ensemble
From Japan to Greensboro, 2006
[32楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:19:50
[33楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:13:44
"Surprise Box" and "Snowman

Going to NY"

"惊喜盒" 及 "雪人去纽约"


Sone, "Surprise Box" and "Snowman Going to NY" , both 2003
[34楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:18:49
The Snowflak Project

This multimedia installation will present the definitive collection of a group of works Yutaka Sone has been developing in recent years in which he envisions snowflake patterns as blueprints for architectural spaces and psychological states, and transforms their crystallized forms into fields and structures. His work on this project began with a small number of drawings, sculptural studies, photographs, and paintings. The photographs--currently in development--include detailed images of individual snowflakes in mountain landscapes. The drawings and paintings feature monochromatic or two-toned images of individual snowflakes, sometimes transformed into architectural shapes, sometimes simplified to emphasize their elegant design. Glass, wood, and marble sculptures that expand the architectural elements of the drawings, a video, and a performance by Sone's band Snowflake are also planned. Once the artworks are installed, Sone plans to place up to 200 pine trees in the gallery, creating a real forest in the gallery.

这是一组sone近年来将雪花的想象变化为建筑空间和心理状态,将雪花的晶莹透明转化成实在和结构的多媒体装置。他的这个计划从小部分的素描,雕塑研究,摄影和油画开始。摄影目前在发展中,包括各个雪花在山景的细节图像。他的油画的特点是将个别的雪花都上了单色或双色,有时将它们转换成建筑外形,有时却只是简化单强调了它们高雅的设计。在计划了里sone将对雪花的油画,一个录像,表演的建筑元素扩展成玻璃,木头和大理石雕塑。作品安装后,sone 将计划将200棵松树安置在画廊,营造一个真的森林效果。
[35楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 06:33:10
[attachment=28903] ]


Yutaka Sone continues a physical and metaphorical journey towards an "unreachable place", creating works of video/film, sculpture and drawing based on landscapes he encounters during this process. As in the tale of "the man who digs a bottomless swamp", Sone's work is an extension of scenes seen in everyday life. However, through Sone's almost absurd attempt at something that "can never be realized", viewers find themselves drawn into an unknown landscape - a place of deviance.

"Her 19th Foot" a work in which 19 monocycles are joined and ridden simultaneously by 19 people speaking different languages, "Snow Leopard" a marble sculpture in which Sone attempted to sculpt Hong Kong by night, and "Night Bus" in which Sone gets a friend to travel on his behalf to record, on video, night scenes, as seen from the moving bus, that no one sees. These are "inversions" that results from the juxtaposition of everyday spaces in real life with a space where the impossible is being attempted.

What Sone refers to as "the creation of unknown landscapes to create unknown emotions" and as can be observed in his use of amusement parks and jungles as subjects, it is about the creation of heterotopia. In another words the construction of "counter-sites" that inverts the real space and the everyday while keeping close relation with them.
[36楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:57:02
Snow Jungle (with Love)

雪森林 (爱的)


Snow Jungle (with Love)

Oil on canvas
Image Size: 51 1/2 x 63 1/2 inches 130.8 x 161.3 cm
[37楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:54:26



Wurfelwürf (Throwing the Dice)
[38楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:55:38



Model Nr.5 For Himalayan Mountain

foam core, plastic on plywood base
Image Size: 19.7 x 80.0 x 60.0 cm 7 3/4 x 31 1/2 x 23 5/8 inches
[39楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:51:44



Installation of "Birthday Party"
[40楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:44:46





marble 大理石
Image Size: 47.9 x 60.0 x 190.0 cm 18 7/8 x 23 5/8 x 74 13/16 inches
[41楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:46:31
Green Jungle




Green Jungle

Dried seaweed, sponge, dried flowers, fabric, glue, tree branch, bark, acrylic paint, metal wire, clay
Image Size: 36 x 52 x 79 inches
[42楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:48:49
Alpine Attack



[43楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:41:19
At the End of All the Journeys



[44楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:43:36
Two-Floor Jungle



Two-Floor Jungle

Carved Marble
Image Size: 12 x 14 x 16 inches
[45楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:30:58
Artificial lawn performance



Artificial lawn performance

4 Ectachrome prints
Image Size: each 43 x 59 inches 110 x 150 cm.
[46楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:31:40
Her 19th Foot


Yutaka Sone: Her 19th Foot, 1997,
Sammlung Deutsche Bank
[47楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:33:21
Night Bus



Night Bus 夜班车

录像 15分钟
Video 15 minutes
[48楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:33:58
Birthday Party




I try to have my "Birthday Parties" as often and in as many places as possible.

In M黱ster, I celebrate my birthday with my lover. Just the two of us. Or another party with children singing for me. Or with my mother, father and other family members. Big parties with friends. Celebrations with people involved in my projects, anybody who happens to be there and strangers.

All kinds of music with violin, piano and other instruments. Songs. Flowers and wine. Lights. Decorations, candles and heartfelt presents (of course I can do it without them). Various celebrational words.

I throw my "Birthday Parties" in my room, hotel rooms, friends’ flats, local cuisine restaurants, trendy pubs and many other places. For a birthday cake, I ask someone else to buy one for me, because I wouln't feel that it's my birthday, if I myself went to buy it.

Birthday tells each history of our lives, and it's the first proof that we have got a life in this world. Every "Birthday Party" is a chance for us to remember that all of us live with and among others. Any cities, any places, are built on the personal histories of the people living there. But we scarcely see any personal histories in public spaces.

Therefore, I record my very own personal history, my "Birthday Parties", on video and edit it and make an installation in the museum and the underground pass of Central Station, which is a most public space with countless people walking by.

I record smooth and sleek memoirs of visual images; intimate "Birthday Parties" with a tiny cake in a small room, a magnificent one in a grand decorated hall and many many other "Birthday Parties" with people singing songs for celebrating my birth and my blowing out candles on cakes.

"Happy Birthday dear Yutaka, Happy Birthday to you!"

Someday, after a long long time, so many things in the world will have totally changed and nobody will be able to imagine what it is like today.

Then art might be a Birthday cake.

I’m making this work, "Birthday Party", based on my imagination of the visual images created in such times in the future.

Birthday Party
[49楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 05:30:13
Hong Kong Island



Hong Kong Island

香港岛, 1998, 大理石

Carved marble
Image Size: 26 x 47 x 32 inches

Hong Kong Island (detail)
[50楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:34:00
Jungle Island



Installation view of "Jungle Island" at LAMOCA
[51楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:34:58
Amusement Romana


Amusement Romana

Wood, paint, fiberglass
Image Size: 165.35 x 649.61 x 403.54 inches 420 x 1650 x 1025 cm


[52楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:39:55
Every Snowflake has a Different

Shape (No. 6)

每个雪花都有不同的形状(No. 6)


Every Snowflake has a Different Shape (No. 6)

每个雪花都有不同的形状(No. 6)

Carved marble 大理石雕刻
Image Size: 2 3/8 x 5 5/8 x 5 1/4 inches 6 x 14.3 x 13.3 cm

No. 4


No. 4

No. 4 ,2005,水晶

Image Size: 1 5/8 x 2 5/8 x 2 5/8 inches 4.1 x 6.7 x 6.7 cm



Yutaka Sone
(large) marble snowflake, 2005
21 1/2" x 31 1/2" x 31 1/2"

[53楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:10:51
Amusement Romana



Installation of "Amusement Romana"
[54楼] 嘿乐乐 2006-07-26 04:10:02
Highway Junction 110-10

高速公路立交桥 110-10


Installation of "Highway Junction 110-10 "

Highway Junction 405-10

Detail of "Highway Junction 405-10"




Sone 将洛杉矶高速公路系统的城市精神分裂症浓缩及转换成半透明的精细美丽的大理石雕塑。一个现在住在洛杉矶的日本艺术家,Sone 创造的雕塑,绘画,音像和表演都显示了他对“不确定的领域”的欲望和定义。Sone 的作品非常受偶然性的影响,但是这个最近的洛杉矶高速公路立交桥的雕塑看上去就算是不真实但却仍然非常坚决。高速公路立交桥 110-105, 2002, 描述的是道路的混乱和迷糊,住所和商业形成的一块。Sone 把它比作:城市之花。创造这个不可能的作品,拥有建筑硕士文凭sone,研究了高空摄影,素描和的录像。每一个实物和实质元素被录制然后转录成模型,sone 将这个模型带到中国一家工厂。在那里他和一组熟练的工匠们制作出了最后的,卓越的雕塑,它提醒我们到处都是美,美就在目睹者的眼里。

The detailed sculptures represent not only the roads themselves, but also the surrounding buildings, streets, and features of the landscape. Measuring four feet by four feet and weighing one and a half tons each, the marble sculptures present four Los Angeles freeway interchanges: the 10 and the 110, the 10 and 405, the 110 and 105, and the 14 and 5 junctions. The sculptures are situated at the intersections of winding trails in a 30-by-50-foot jungle of tropical plants.
"Yutaka Sone's portrait of Los Angeles emphasizes the freeway as the most significant feature of a community defined geographically and psychologically by the car," said Schimmel, who three years ago asked Sone to create a site-specific piece for The Geffen Contemporary that spoke to his experience as a Japanese artist living in Los Angeles.
To create Jungle Island, Sone began with aerial photographs of the interchanges, then sketched and videotaped the surrounding neighborhoods. Every detail was recorded and transcribed into a model of foam and cardboard. The model was then brought by Sone to marble artisans in China who carved the stone under the artist's supervision. Sone has been working with these artisans, according to traditional marble carving techniques, for the past seven years.
Freestanding in the center of the gallery, Sone's dense and verdant jungle is made up of over 300 tropical plants. The artist hand-selected unique specimens of Canary Island date palms and giant birds of paradise that will anchor the installation. An additional mass planting of philodendrons and tree ferns will envelop visitors as they wander the mulch-lined paths.
"Jungle Island continues MOCA's tradition of mounting ambitious installations," said MOCA Director Jeremy Strick. "Turning The Geffen Contemporary into a kind of greenhouse, Sone offers visitors a novel encounter with, and commentary upon, the environment of Los Angeles."
Jungle Island is Sone's first major work since he moved to Los Angeles from Japan in 2000. MOCA's presentation is also the first time the work will be shown in its entirety. The contrast of the built environment of the freeways with the abundant growth of the jungle references Sone's observations of his new home. Sone often travels these specific junctions and sees them as connections in his new life in Los Angeles.

About the Artist
Born in Shizuoka, Japan in 1965, Sone is among a generation of Tokyo artists who emerged in the early 1990s to significant international attention. Currently a resident of South Pasadena, he received his B.F.A. in 1988 and his M.A. in architecture in 1992, both from Tokyo Geijutsu University.
Sone works in a variety of media including performance, video, and sculpture. His intricately designed pieces are informed by his experience with the built environment and historical sculpture. They are also influenced by his investigations into the social realm. His work first appeared at MOCA in Public Offerings, to which he contributed Her 19th Foot, a 1993 performative piece composed of 19 modified bicycles hitched together. In 2000, Sone was the recipient of the prestigious Philip Morris Art Award and was an artist in residence at ArtPace, San Antonio. He has exhibited extensively internationally including at the International Triennale of Contemporary Art in Yokohama, Japan, in 2001, the 25th Biennal de Sao Paulo in 2002, and the Sydney Biennale in 2002. He will represent Japan in the 2003 Venice Biennale.