发起人:莫里斯  回复数:1   浏览数:2551   最后更新:2010/10/28 17:49:50 by guest
[楼主] 莫里斯 2010-10-27 14:20:08


延续首届2008年关渡双年展“梦”的展览结构,今年关渡双年展计划邀请10组国际艺术家与策展人进行“1+1 = ∞”(Plus = 无限大)的展览合作计划,并以“记忆的总和 / Memories and Beyond”为题进行现场创作与展出。


Song Dong at Kuandu Biennale
October 8 – December 26, 2010

This fall, Pace Song Dong participated in the 2010 Kuandu Biennale and exhibited his most recent work, Water Records.

Similar to the structure of the 2008 Kuandu Binnale: "I have a Dream", this year's exhibition invited 10 international artists and 10 curators to complete a "1+1 = ∞" (Plus = infinity) cooperative exhibition project, conducting and displaying on-site creations under the theme of "PLUS / Memories and Beyond".

水记 is a video piece dealing with daily life and memory, which recorded the process of Song Dong painting familiar objects with water on a heated slate. The artwork is divided into four parts: Chinese landscape painting in the style of the literati painting tradition, side profiles of the human face, daily necessities, and bar codes from modern society. As the water mark on the slate disappears during the painting process, the images are always difficult to be presented completely. Regarding this, Song Dong ridicules this work as "incomplete", "indeterminate", "unclear", "unprofessional" and "imperfect". However, this kind of ambiguity is in-tune with his style of incorporating the vulgar and the elegant.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-10-28 17:49:50