发起人:spacestation  回复数:11   浏览数:3072   最后更新:2010/08/07 08:02:28 by guest
[楼主] spacestation 2010-07-29 18:38:41
Space Station cordially invite you to our new exhibition.


开幕时间:2010.7.31, 下午4:00

方璐主要使用录像进行创作,她感兴趣于媒体与日常生活的关系,利用录像作为一种平易近人的记录 手段重新排演日常的情境,这些重诉以微妙的幽默和带观念性的转化见长。她给自己或她邀请的表演者设定一个角色、一种情感、一个动 作、或者一种状态,在一个独立的空间里和一段充分的时间段中,这个“表演”或“人为的”状态通过发酵成为一种真实的存在。她的摄 影机为这种转变创造了可能性,并为观众拍摄了这个过程。但方璐的摄像机远远不止是记录下所发生的一切,而是完全成为方璐的同谋 者,在这个预谋中,表演的和真实的行为或状态之间的边界变得模糊起来。方璐往往通过后期制作的干扰和重设事件发生的时间次序,进 一步放弃了录像作为一种忠实的、在场的记录性工具的主导作用。她选择以录像的手段执导或出演一场场戏剧。在镜头前的表演空间中, 表演者逐渐进入并参与创造了一个自主的、自我的和充满真实感染力的空间。质疑这些行为或情绪的逻辑性显得毫不重要,因为它们所流 露的坚定性和强度已经说服了我们。

展览《非记录》从方璐的创作中选择了一些作品,从最早的录像之一 “无名状态” (2001) 到她近期的作品 “肌肤”(2009),来提供对艺术家创作和思考体系的一个初步印象。更重要的是,艺术家希望传达她对于录像的一个重要观念,那就是录像远 远不仅是一种记录的工具,即使当录像机在拍摄所发生的一切时,它所记录的也未必是真实的,更不一定是纪实的。

Fang Lu’s solo exhibition

Curator: Carol Yinghua Lu
July 31 – August 18, 2010
Opening: 4:00 PM, July 31, 2010

Working mainly in video, Fang at times infuses her art with her enthusiasm for the relationship between media and the everyday by reconstructing stories and quotidian scenarios with subtle humor, as well as conceptual twists, playing on the status of video as a documentary tool accessible to all. Fang Lu has herself or invites other people to play out a certain designated role, emotion or state of being in an isolated space and for a sufficient period of time until this “acted” or “artificial” state of being becomes a genuine condition. Her camera generates this transition and captures it for the rest of us. Yet the role of Fang’s camera is more than a recorder of what has happened, but a part of Fang’s conspiracy in which the border between performance and real actions is blurred. To further uproot the idea of video as a faithful recording tool, Fang would usually rework the sequence of events in her videos through editing. She directs and occasionally performs one drama after another with her video camera, in front of which, the performers would progressively move into and carve out an autonomous, self-absorbed and convincingly realistic space. It’s no longer important to question the legitimacy of these actions or emotions, as the solidity and density of their beings have completely won over us.

Unrecording tries to give a modest review of the artist’s portfolio from one of her earliest films Untitled Beings (2001) to one of her latest Skin (2009). But more importantly, it’s the artist’s attempt to communicate her idea of video-making: that it is not just about recording. Even though the camera is recording what is happening, it is not always realistic, even less documentary.

Tel: +86 10 59789671 Web: www.space-station-art.com
Email: spacestationart@163.com info@space-station-art.com
Add: Space Station, No.4 Jiuxiaoqiao Rd, 798 Art District, Beijing 100015
地址:空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥4号798艺术区中一街

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-07-30 12:01:05

[板凳:2楼] guest 2010-07-30 23:38:14

[地板:3楼] guest 2010-08-01 23:55:57
[4楼] guest 2010-08-03 12:25:09
[5楼] guest 2010-08-05 09:50:45
[6楼] spacestation 2010-08-06 03:54:52

[7楼] spacestation 2010-08-06 03:56:21

[8楼] spacestation 2010-08-06 04:01:34

[9楼] spacestation 2010-08-06 04:03:52

[10楼] guest 2010-08-06 13:34:19
[11楼] guest 2010-08-07 08:02:28