发起人:oui  回复数:24   浏览数:6013   最后更新:2010/08/01 20:36:18 by guest
[楼主] oui 2010-06-01 16:19:42



‘Butterfrog’ in a Godless Heaven
Gao Shiming

The ‘butterfrog’ first appeared in the work of Wu Shanzhuan and Inga in 1995 as the emblem of ‘mono-sexism.’ Within the broad and complex systems of their work, ‘monosex’ corresponds to the method of production/reproduction of ‘things rights’; and the butterfrog is the vector of this production and reproduction. The emergence of the butterfrog perhaps was the result of an infatuation with the mysterious nature of these two organisms. Within their brief life cycle, both the frog and the butterfly undergo a kind of ‘evolution’.
Within the monosex narrative, the butterfly and the frog are merged into one, self-structuring, self-generating, and highly integrated. The ‘butterfrog’s beauty lies in its being a kind of self-breeding entity within the succesionary process of the evolutionary chain. The butterfrog is a non-essential thing; it is not an end result, but an intermediate condition. It is not a thing in itself, but [a step in] the process of becoming a thing。Naturally, what Wu and Inga wish to express here is not the mystical philosophy of Zhuangzi’s transformation into a butterfly, nor a kind of [Daoist] physics encompassing cosmic ideas of spontaneous generation and the ultimate unity of all things.

The butterfrog was not created in the garden of Eden, nor was it among the species saved from the flood by Noah’s Ark; it is not even a manufactured being, but rather it is a thing self-developed from life itself, a kind of evolutionary intermediate form whose existence has nothing to do with God. It is a vector of monosex reproduction, and at the same time is a kind of symbol of this naked and mysterious process--an indicator of some kind of theology of the future。I have always thought that within Wu and Inga’s body of work is implicit a kind of futuristic theological heresy, where the ‘perfect bracket’ becomes the substitution for the cross, and the butterfrog represents ‘the Way become flesh’ hidden within the perfect brackets. And unlike Jesus nailed to the cross, the butterfrog is not a sacrificial being. The butterfrog has nothing to do with sacrifice or offerings, it is only a sign emanating from the open process of evolution, a mysterious omen.
This mysterious omen is placed in the heavens, where it becomes a ‘constellation’ within the vastness of the cosmos. The presence or absence of a constellation depends entirely on how a cluster of stars is linked together; it is a conceptual image that is consciously projected and constructed. Just like the image of the butterfrog, the constellation’s existence is non-essentialist. We see it, but it doesn’t actually exist. In terms of a constellation, appearance equals existence. In Wu Shanzhuan’s work, the cluster of stars forming the constellations is just like the instantaneous wordflow generated by the countless, anonymous ‘others’ roaming the Internet’s search engines. In Wu’s ‘Today No Water’ there is a recurring sentence—(year, month, day, what happened in other places?) This is what the artist pauses to worry about at a particular moment in time. And this implies not only a concern about the interconnectedness of existence and time,but also the existentialist’s sensitivity, through which is revealed a sense of concern for the other. Different to the narcissistic focus of many artists, what has always concerned Wu Shanzhuan is the question: What concerns other people in this moment? In 1980s China, Sartre’s statement ‘Hell is other people’ was quoted everywhere, but Wu Shanzhuan turned this concept on its head when he wrote: ’God is other people.’ Today, with the Internet as a site of simultaneous and ever-flowing encounter, the constant flow of language emanating from the fleeting congregations of the interests and concerns of innumerable others and their myriad, momentary desires form the mysterious trajectory of the constellations。As Adorno said, constellations give rise to a unique state of interpenetration in which there is no dominance, but only difference.Within this interpenetration of differences, the evolutionary process is completely self-contained and self-generated, without any interference from ‘above’. And isn’t this the essence of the butterfrog?
In the night sky, the flashing and changing desires emanating from the infinite differences of others form the image of the butterfrog: a constellation for the others, shining in the heaven of the others. A heaven where there is no god.
(Translated by Valerie C. Doran)







[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-06-01 17:49:27
[板凳:2楼] guest 2010-06-02 01:24:30
[地板:3楼] guest 2010-06-02 03:53:05
[4楼] guest 2010-06-02 10:03:17
[5楼] guest 2010-06-03 10:57:42
[6楼] guest 2010-06-03 11:01:33

[quote]引用第7楼guest于2010-6-3 10:57:43发表的:

[7楼] guest 2010-06-03 12:26:18
[8楼] guest 2010-06-03 12:41:32
[9楼] guest 2010-06-03 22:01:05
[10楼] guest 2010-06-03 22:15:27
[11楼] guest 2010-06-04 12:49:42
[12楼] guest 2010-06-05 20:10:23
抄法国华人的互动 B
[13楼] guest 2010-06-07 17:17:30
[14楼] guest 2010-06-07 23:23:36

[15楼] guest 2010-06-08 16:43:11
[16楼] guest 2010-06-13 02:23:52
[17楼] guest 2010-06-14 14:05:31
[18楼] guest 2010-06-20 18:44:51
5 Queen's Road Central,, Hong Kong



蝶蛙此“单性繁殖”的意象,承继吴对“物权”的推崇,借吴作品里的一句话,物权就是“物所当然”,可理解为把物从人的符号和经济框架里释放。吴山专曾在国外向杜尚的作品《泉》- 被艺术家剥夺功能性而成为艺术的便器 - 小便 ,算是把功能性还给物。但该行为刚把物从艺术世界的霸权救出,又掉进了另一樊笼 - 日常性。日常性不是什么自然而然,而是建基于(资本催生的)功能主义的文化产物,使用价值是日常性的基础。这次蝶蛙也遭遇相似命运,一方面象运用生物学意象企图成就物的自主生产,另一方面物却身陷意指系统的限制。

比起同代中国艺术家,吴的作品胜在激进,作品有明显批判性和批判对象。例如《一元新闻》批判媒体,《买就是创造》批评资本主义以交换价值消磨物性,艺术家也曾以伪字批判语言系统这个大他者,其持续批判表现了一种“警惕的态度”,就像Paul Virilio 提到的"预计不可预计"。这次展览却着重测绘在网络上以个体欲望主导的新文本,多于批判固定对象。


— 文/ Venus Lau / 刘秀仪
[19楼] guest 2010-07-02 02:35:19
[20楼] guest 2010-07-02 11:16:26
[21楼] guest 2010-07-19 04:45:16
mr wu is fucking lost.
[22楼] guest 2010-08-01 20:36:17