灰度 @ 其他画廊
发起人:the7thcola  回复数:11   浏览数:3009   最后更新:2010/04/09 14:49:44 by guest
[楼主] the7thcola 2010-03-31 12:25:52
展览名称: 灰度
策展人: 顾婧
展览时间: 2010年4月3日—— 4月20日
开幕时间: 2010年4月3日  15:00 – 17:00
参展艺术家: 金福泰、叶凌瀚、朱慧


Title:  Grayscale
Curator:   Gu Jing
Date:     April 3 to April 20, 2010
Opening: April 3, 2010, 3 – 5 pm
Artists:   Jin Futai, Ye Linghan, Zhu Hui

As the gradation between white and black, gray takes an ambiguous position with its truth hidden. The logic of avant-garde, one that dictates art history, gives preference to extreme black and white over obscure gray. Black and white woodcut painting gained its intensity through sharp contrast, and therefore was used for propaganda and showed irreplaceable revolutionary quality. But this quality disappears today as thingness in the market prevails. Born in a transitional period, the post-eighties generation in China is caught in the tension between tradition and modernity, industry and nature, and without persistent and clear-cut personality of their parents, they tend to get lost in others or with themselves. As a result, a preference of gray grows out in their bodies. Faced with uncertainties of being in contemporary society, they seem to be caught in an unprecedented bewildering situation.
This exhibition features works by Jin Futai, Ye Linghan and Zhu Hui. The three post-eighties generation artists happened to choose gray as source of inspiration to deliver their condition of living in trance and the uncertainty of being at present.

[沙发:1楼] the7thcola 2010-03-31 14:46:46
[板凳:2楼] the7thcola 2010-03-31 16:41:03

叶凌瀚 最终实验飞行体 水彩、手绘加照片制作的动画
Ye Linghan, Last experimental flying object, water colour, Animation by hand drawing and photo made
[地板:3楼] the7thcola 2010-03-31 16:52:43

金福泰 西游——火眼金睛 布面油画 120x140 cm 2008
Jin Futai, Pilgrimage to the West - Piercing eyes, Oil on Canvas 120x140 cm 2008
[4楼] the7thcola 2010-03-31 16:53:52

朱慧 24又3分之1 布面丙烯 100x200cm 2008
Zhu Hui, 24 and one-third, Acrylic on canvas, 100x200cm 2008
[5楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:23:55

[6楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:27:26

灰度 展览现场
[7楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:28:07

灰度 展览现场
[8楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:30:50

灰度 展览现场
[9楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:32:29
灰度 展览现场

[10楼] the7thcola 2010-04-07 14:33:49
灰度 展览现场

[11楼] guest 2010-04-09 14:49:44
