发起人:展地记者  回复数:1   浏览数:2448   最后更新:2006/09/22 05:48:18 by
[楼主] 展地记者 2006-09-22 05:00:24

Kok Kit Lo

展览从9 月30 日星期六到11 月3 日星期五。

9月 30日周六下午 3: 00开幕式,诚挚邀您参加。

The exhibition is from Saturday 30th September to Friday 3rd November.

Opening party Saturday 30th September from 3 pm.

Kok Kit Lo 's universe is populated with weird and funny figures just escaped from a manga. Highly influenced by the Japanese culture, this French painter has created a very personal oniric world above the clouds. His pink living creatures often evolve in egregious skies just before a great storm. The contrast between the innocence of the figures and the magnificence of the ominous clouds is staggering and appeal your poetic consideration as a door reopened on childhood visions and dreams.

鲁国杰的世界 由于那些从日本漫画跑出来的奇怪风趣的形象而受欢迎。这个深受日本文化影响的法国画家在云层 上创造过自己非常有个性的梦想世界。他的粉色 鲜活的生物经常在一场大的暴风雨前进化成恶掠的天气。天真无邪的形象和乌云笼罩下的不祥之间的对比摇摆不定,流露出诗意的 想法,好像大门再一次对童年的视角 和梦想打开。

Attached you will find an invitation.

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4, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District,   P.O. box 8503, No 25 Beijing 100015, China
[沙发:1楼] guest 2006-09-22 05:48:18