发起人:经纪人  回复数:0   浏览数:2228   最后更新:2008/11/28 10:34:46 by 经纪人
[楼主] 经纪人 2008-11-28 10:34:45

有人认为,数额大约有一半的总部设在伦敦的艺术家谁的工作赫斯特。 他们支付了大约1.9万英镑一年,消息人士说。 2007年6月,摇篮曲春天,内阁充满手绘药丸,英镑售出9.65磅/米。

所以一线希望目前ecconomic阴霾。 经济衰退是一个有点像冬天结束时,所有的无用腐病得到了春季清理决策空间,更新,更光明的,新鲜的东西出现。 如果Hirsts艺术博览会是一个狗本来仁慈放下几年前。 让希望“更多的钱比常识”旅谁买了大规模生产数以百万计tutt加入目前的财政扑杀。 俗话说它是傻子和金钱都理应尽快和他分手赫斯特和Sotherby的事实证明这是真的这么好多年!

几年前一位朋友,我开始购买油画和版画由英国艺术家尼古拉斯莱特里。 我不知道有多少,他们增加或减少的价值,但我知道我喜欢看他们一次又一次。 可以说同样的鲨鱼和牛位,药丸盒和各类青春痘?

你可以使这个博客有点更为丰富和实际坚持你经常说的目的是由赫斯特的事情。 只是因为赫斯特有一个大的声音并不meen你有向他提供你的扩音器,以及。

我个人认为你是一个有点上瘾了赫斯特的事情。 也许您需要某种形式的康复? 我的意见是首先寻找早期的主人,并逐步随着时间的推移(约10分钟左右)开始看现代艺术,也许毕加索的东西或罗尔夫哈里斯将帮助吗? 如果您发现该工程为您和您管理赫斯特免费两个月,那么请通过对治疗许多人在非常大的需要。

更多的艺术作品,请少赫斯特... 可能是你可以开始,增加了知名度,其他英国艺术家我提到... 它们都在她的网站.. 或者罗尔夫东西! 。
#张贴者 伯爵 :上午05点23分
我大概有一个赫斯特成瘾伯爵,但他这么多的艺术家任教。 我更感兴趣的是男子比商业艺术家作为艺术生产者很多他的艺术产品让我感兴趣的约5分钟。


我不打算提一个艺术家每星期也有一些图片和链接,我只是不断把它赶走。 任一个巨大的拖延。
#张贴者 艺术新闻作者:上午05时38
我很感谢这不是老汤姆金卡德,激发你! 他的另一种聪明的商人和艺术家的SH ... 余meen轻。 我很怀疑他的照片将保持您的兴趣充分5秒更不用说5分钟,但我相信他是目前世界上最富有的艺术家。 没关系的质量检查只是价格标签。 过去,我们听到很多关于郁金香泡沫C17th与目前迅速通货紧缩的世界各地的资产泡沫。 我想,如果十年或二十年从现在人们会教青少年的垃圾艺术泡沫的存在。 至少在郁金香看起来和闻好!
#张贴者 伯爵 :上午07点18
这布雷将非常清楚地说明,有声调的垃圾,以填补更多无用的博物馆。 少即是多,质量没有数量。 目前,在十字军东征,以确保没有任何公共去拯救闸道在洛杉矶,完全是浪费空间,有良好的伯爵Panaza收集,它们基本上是从高科技窃取了missrepresenting和精细印刷,美国的方式。 礼广泛,主要的数字behnd我们的住房困难,南加州,是寻找靠山,并再增加博物馆月废话。 当代艺术是过时分钟第一次显示了,因为它没有实质内容。

发言的内容和屠宰动物,土耳其节快乐! 你那里有一个Thanksgving翁,炖塔纳罗奥? 对不起。 Wombat的? 再次抱歉。 我们公司有羽毛的恐龙做味道鲜美,可seerved在许多方面。 计划在今晚臃肿去我们的博物馆拉丁美洲艺术明天,我们都得到休息一天虽然大多数是购物的黑色星期五。

#张贴者 唐纳德Frazell :上午07时31分
请... 请...请...
#张贴者 无名氏 :下午3点03分

可怜的老赫斯特。 他有使自己现在药片。 不过,他总是可以转移到印度和雇用童工labout在微薄的,因为其他大品牌的做法。 可能没有他的形象更良好的小报时,发现....
#张贴者 Coxsoft艺术:下午3时27分
托马斯Kinkade可能有几件事来教我们太多,但是的,我havent甚至听到好的东西他的业务往来,所以我什至不能佩服他作为一个商业艺术家。 我宁愿点和药品柜比体弱多病的爱国主义和宗教。

没有感恩这里唐纳德。 我试图袋鼠。 Havent听说有人吃尽管袋熊。 就如同吃了考拉我猜。 但是,是的,我看到小袋鼠选择在超市现在。 大多数人无法越过小鸡的可爱的因素,即使鲁斯是如此少得多损害环境比牛(和在某些领域有他们中的很多人,他们必须被扑杀) 。

您可能有中国猫也有伊恩。 我听说过的中国餐馆被指控为猫科动物中的冰箱在这里。 它doesn't阻止我吃中国食物虽然;-)

Damien Hirst Corporation Layoffs
I told myself that I wouldn't mention Damien Hirst for a while as he's a bit of a news hog, but I just can't help myself. There's no other artist out there like him. None of my artists friends have told me that they're laying off up to 20 employees as none of my artist friends have 20 employees to lay off.

The quote below is from the Guardian newspaper here.
"On Thursday, up to 17 of the 22 people who make the pills for Hirst's drug cabinet series were told their contracts were not being renewed, according to two sources close to Science Ltd, Hirst's main art-producing company. Another three who make his butterfly paintings were also told they were surplus to requirements.
It is thought that amounts to approximately half of the London-based artists who work for Hirst. They are paid about £19,000 a year, sources said. In June 2007, Lullaby Spring, a cabinet filled with hand-painted pills, sold for £9.65m."

Artinfo also mention the story here.

>> Damien Hirst News, Being an Artist
¶ 11:34 PM

So there is a silver lining to the current ecconomic gloom. A recession is a bit like the end of winter when all the useless rot gets spring cleaned away making space for newer, brighter, fresh stuff to emerge. If Hirsts art mart were a dog it would have been mercifully put down years ago. Lets hope the "more money than sense" brigade who bought this mass produced tutt for millions join the present financial cull. The old saying has it that fools and money are supposedly soon parted and Mr Hirst and Sotherby's have proved this true so well over the years!

A few years back a friend and I started buying paintings and prints by UK artist Nicola Slattery. I don't know how much they have risen or fallen in value but I do know I enjoy looking at them again and again. Can the same be said for the shark and cow bits, pill boxes and assorted spots?

You could make this blog a bit more varied and actually stick to your oft stated aim to de hirst the thing. Just because Hirst has a big voice doesn't meen you have to offer him your megaphone as well.

Personally I think you are a bit addicted to the Hirst thing. Maybe you need some sort of rehab? My advise is to start by looking at early masters and gradually over time (about ten minutes or so) start to look at modern art, maybe stuff by Picasso or Rolf Harris would help? If you find this works for you and you manage a hirst free month or two then please pass on the therapy as many are in very great need.

More art less Hirst please... may be you could start by adding a profile of that other UK artist I mentioned... it's all on her web site.. or perhaps something on Rolf!.
# posted by earl : 5:23 AM
I probably do have a Hirst addiction Earl, but he has so much to teach artists. I'm more interested in the man as business artist than art producer as a lot of his art products keep my interest for about 5 minutes.

I'm not saying we have to all become shock/business artists and hire an army of workers, but we do deserve to live comfortably and not have to worry about the rent or mortgage payment.

I do plan to mention an artist each week too, with a few pics and a link, I just keep putting it off. Im a giant procrastinator.
# posted by Art News Blog : 5:38 AM
I'm just thankful it's not old Tom Kincade that inspires you! He's another clever businessman and artist of sh ... I meen light. I doubt his pics would keep your interest for a full 5 seconds let alone 5 minutes but I believe he is currently the worlds richest artist. Never mind the quality just check the price tag. We used to hear a lot about the Tulip bubble of the C17th in relation to the current rapid deflation of the world wide asset bubble. I wonder if a decade or two from now people will teach youngsters about the crap art bubble of the present. At least the tulips looked<