发起人:clclcl  回复数:0   浏览数:7992   最后更新:2021/10/15 11:37:38 by clclcl
[楼主] clclcl 2021-10-15 11:37:38


在伦敦弗里兹和弗里兹大师展开展前,摄政公园的英伦花园再一次迎来了弗里兹雕塑展(Frieze Sculpture)。今年的弗里兹雕塑展汇集了包括 Ibrahim El-Salahi、Isamu Noguchi、Solange Pessoa 和 Rose Wylie 在内的众多国际著名艺术家的作品。

约克郡雕塑公园项目总监克莱尔·莉莉(Claire Lilley)也是第九次为一年一度的弗里兹雕塑展做了策划。



今年的作品选择涉及建筑、地缘政治权力结构和环境问题等主题。这次雕塑展展出的艺术家包括:Rasheed Araeen、Daniel Arsham、Anthony Caro、Gisela Colón、José Pedro Croft、Carlos Cruz-Diez、Stoyan Dechev、Ibrahim El-Salahi , Divya Mehra, Annie Morris, Isamu Noguchi, Jorge Otero-Pailos, Solange Pesso****anessa da Silva, Tatiana Wolska, Rose Wylie 和 Yunizar。此外,伦敦蛇形画廊还展出了南非建筑师Sumayy***ally和Counterspace合作的作品,探讨伦敦流散社群的相关人文话题。这也是首次有公共艺术机构首次参与弗里兹雕塑展。


José Pedro Croft, Untitled, 2021, presented by Galeri***era Cortês. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Stoyan Dechev, Event Horizon, 2019, presented by Anca Poterasu Gallery and supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute. Frieze Sculpture 2021

Gisela Colón, Quantum Shift (Parabolic Monolith Sirius Titanium), 2021, presented by G**LAK. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Anthony Caro, Palanquin, 1987-1991, presented by New Art Centre. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Solange Pessoa, Untitled, from Skull series 2016, presented by Mendes Wood DM. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Tatiana Wolska, Untitled (module 1 and 2), 2019, presented by L’Etrangère / Irène Laub Gallery.

Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Ibrahim El-Salahi, Meditation Tree 2018, presented by Vigo Gallery. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Sumayy***ally, Counterspace, Fragment of Serpentine P**ilion 2021 for Frieze Sculpture 2021. Presented by Serpentine, London.

Isamu Noguchi, Play Sculpture, c. 1965/c. 1980 (fabricated 2021), presented by White Cube. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Vanessa da Silva, Muamba Grove #1,#3 & #4, 2019, presented by Galeria Duarte Sequeira. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Annie Morris, Stack 9, Ultramarine Blue, 2021, presented by Timothy Taylor. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Yunizar, Induk Monster (Mother Monster), 2017, presented by Gajah Gallery. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Rose Wylie, Pineapple, 2020, presented by D**id Zwirner. Frieze Sculpture 2021.

Jorge Otero-Pailos, Biosignature Preservation 2019, presented by Holtermann Fine Art. Frieze Sculpture 2021.
