jeppe hein,jeppe hein,jeppe hein,jeppe hein,jeppe hein,jeppe hein,
jeppe hein

Born 1974, Copenhagen, Denmark. the artist lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Born 1974, Copenhagen, Denmark. the artist lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
Mirror Neon Cube
Mirror and neontubes
100 x 100 x 100 cm
Edition of 5
Mirror and neontubes
100 x 100 x 100 cm
Edition of 5

No Presence
[attachment=30137] [attachment=30138]
Neon tubes, sensor
70 x 70 x 70 cm
[attachment=30137] [attachment=30138]
Neon tubes, sensor
70 x 70 x 70 cm

44 sketches
[attachment=30139] [attachment=30140]
Marker on paper
Installation dimensions variable
[attachment=30139] [attachment=30140]
Marker on paper
Installation dimensions variable

In between
Wooden frame, paper, motor
47,5 x 69,5 cm
Wooden frame, paper, motor
47,5 x 69,5 cm

Reflecting Object
Chromed metal ball and motor
Ø 50 cm
Edition of 5
Chromed metal ball and motor
Ø 50 cm
Edition of 5

Around the Corner
[attachment=30127] [attachment=30128]
Four mirror balls and motor
50 x 50 cm
Each ball Ø 2,8 cm
Edition of 5
[attachment=30127] [attachment=30128]
Four mirror balls and motor
50 x 50 cm
Each ball Ø 2,8 cm
Edition of 5

Changing Neon Sculpture
[attachment=30129] [attachment=30130] [attachment=30131] [attachment=30132] [attachment=30133] [attachment=30134]
White neontubes
150 x 150 x 150 cm
Edition of 5

[attachment=30129] [attachment=30130] [attachment=30131] [attachment=30132] [attachment=30133] [attachment=30134]
White neontubes
150 x 150 x 150 cm
Edition of 5

Spiral Labyrinth
[attachment=30121] [attachment=30122] [attachment=30123] [attachment=30124]
80 high polished mirror plates and metal frame
Ø 525 x 600 cm
Each lamella 230 x 20 x 3,5 cm
3 versions, each unique

[attachment=30121] [attachment=30122] [attachment=30123] [attachment=30124]
80 high polished mirror plates and metal frame
Ø 525 x 600 cm
Each lamella 230 x 20 x 3,5 cm
3 versions, each unique



Jeppe Hein, Untitled, 2001, Sammlung Deutsche Bank
Courtesy Micael Neff Gallery, Frankfurt, (c) Jeppe Hein
Courtesy Micael Neff Gallery, Frankfurt, (c) Jeppe Hein

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Broken Mirror Cubes, 2005 -
4 cubes, wood, mirror glass
50 x 50 x 50 cm each
Edition of 1/5
4 cubes, wood, mirror glass
50 x 50 x 50 cm each
Edition of 1/5

Burning Cube, 2005 -

Moving Walls 180° - 2001
活动的墙 180°
Timber, iron, dispersion, sensors, motor
Frankfurt a.M., Galerie Michael Neff, 2001
Two free standing walls, each about half the length of the room, slowly move through the gallery. They proceed in such a way as to trace the shape of a cross. The walls are set in motion when someone enters the room and at periodic intervals.
活动的墙 180°
Timber, iron, dispersion, sensors, motor
Frankfurt a.M., Galerie Michael Neff, 2001
Two free standing walls, each about half the length of the room, slowly move through the gallery. They proceed in such a way as to trace the shape of a cross. The walls are set in motion when someone enters the room and at periodic intervals.

Let me show you the world

Waterflame - 2006
pump technique, gas technique, water basin.
200 x 200 cm
pump technique, gas technique, water basin.
200 x 200 cm

3-Dimensional Mirror Labyrinth -
[attachment=30048] [attachment=30049] [attachment=30050] [attachment=30051] [attachment=30047] [attachment=30046]
APAP (Anyang Public Art Project) 2005
Anyang, Korea

[attachment=30048] [attachment=30049] [attachment=30050] [attachment=30051] [attachment=30047] [attachment=30046]
APAP (Anyang Public Art Project) 2005
Anyang, Korea

Moving Bench #2 - 2000
Timber, iron, dispersion, cushion, contact, motor (Variable dimensions)
Frankfurt a.M., Kunstverein, 2000
Cologne, Museum Ludwig, 2002
Two mobile benches are located in the room. Every time visitors sit down on either of them, the benches carry them through the exhibition space.
Timber, iron, dispersion, cushion, contact, motor (Variable dimensions)
Frankfurt a.M., Kunstverein, 2000
Cologne, Museum Ludwig, 2002
Two mobile benches are located in the room. Every time visitors sit down on either of them, the benches carry them through the exhibition space.

Moving Neon Cube - 2004
[attachment=30043] [attachment=30044]
neon tubes, cable.
250 x 250 x 70 cm.
Moving Neon Cube consists of twelve neon cubes chained together in the shape of a large square on the ground. The cubes are angled at their junctions so as to give the impression that one cube is turning from one side to the next until it ends up on the same side as it started out from. The individual cubes flash momentarily with light so that it looks as if one lighted cube was actually turning in a flowing movement and a continuous loop.
[attachment=30043] [attachment=30044]
neon tubes, cable.
250 x 250 x 70 cm.
Moving Neon Cube consists of twelve neon cubes chained together in the shape of a large square on the ground. The cubes are angled at their junctions so as to give the impression that one cube is turning from one side to the next until it ends up on the same side as it started out from. The individual cubes flash momentarily with light so that it looks as if one lighted cube was actually turning in a flowing movement and a continuous loop.

Changing Neon Sculpture - 2006
[attachment=30038] [attachment=30040]
neon technique, transformer, switch/control technique
150 x 150 x 150 cm
This work consists of a combination of 3 x 3 x 3 neon cubes of 50 cm3 each, which form a big cube with a kind of grid structure. The cubes’ illumination changes every 2 seconds, displaying a sequence of different consistent forms, such as pyramids, stairs, etc., and thus creating a new light sculpture each time. Equipped with a sensor detecting the presence of a visitor, the cube will stop its light movement as soon as a visitor approaches. The sculpture will remain in this state as long as the visitor stays. It will change its display again after the visitor has left the space.
这是一个由3 x 3 x 3,50公分大小的霓虹立方体组成的大型格子状的立方体。立方体的照明每2 秒变化一次,变化形成一些类似金字塔或梯形等的结构,每次的形状都不一样。而且还配上了探测观众存在的感应器,当观众接近时灯会停下。停下的状况会一直保持到观众离开,观众离开后它又会继续变化。
[attachment=30038] [attachment=30040]
neon technique, transformer, switch/control technique
150 x 150 x 150 cm
This work consists of a combination of 3 x 3 x 3 neon cubes of 50 cm3 each, which form a big cube with a kind of grid structure. The cubes’ illumination changes every 2 seconds, displaying a sequence of different consistent forms, such as pyramids, stairs, etc., and thus creating a new light sculpture each time. Equipped with a sensor detecting the presence of a visitor, the cube will stop its light movement as soon as a visitor approaches. The sculpture will remain in this state as long as the visitor stays. It will change its display again after the visitor has left the space.
这是一个由3 x 3 x 3,50公分大小的霓虹立方体组成的大型格子状的立方体。立方体的照明每2 秒变化一次,变化形成一些类似金字塔或梯形等的结构,每次的形状都不一样。而且还配上了探测观众存在的感应器,当观众接近时灯会停下。停下的状况会一直保持到观众离开,观众离开后它又会继续变化。

Extended Neon Cube
20/40/60/80/100 - 2005
[attachment=30036] [attachment=30037]
neon tubes.
100 x 100 x 100 cm.
A large cube structure of neon tubes enclose four smaller cubes within, diminishing in size the further they are placed within the outer structure. Each neon cube lights up for a short moment, followed by the lighting of the next one, and thus forming a moving light sequence from the smaller to the largest cube. The work is clearly perceptible in its construction but creates the impression as if the whole structure changed size and extended beyond its limitations.
20/40/60/80/100 - 2005
[attachment=30036] [attachment=30037]
neon tubes.
100 x 100 x 100 cm.
A large cube structure of neon tubes enclose four smaller cubes within, diminishing in size the further they are placed within the outer structure. Each neon cube lights up for a short moment, followed by the lighting of the next one, and thus forming a moving light sequence from the smaller to the largest cube. The work is clearly perceptible in its construction but creates the impression as if the whole structure changed size and extended beyond its limitations.

Modified Social Bench D - 2006
变形的长凳 D
steel, powder coated
Modified Social Bench I - 2006
变形的长凳 I
steel, powder coated
Modified Social Bench J - 2006
变形的长凳 J
steel, powder coated

变形的长凳 D
steel, powder coated
Modified Social Bench I - 2006
变形的长凳 I
steel, powder coated
Modified Social Bench J - 2006
变形的长凳 J
steel, powder coated

Firedrawing - 2006
150 x 100 cm

150 x 100 cm

Invisible Moving Walls - 2002
Timber, iron, dispersion, motor (variable dimensions)
Cologne, Museum Ludwig, 2002
Three differently-sized walls very slowly cross the exhibition space – so slowly their movement is sometimes imperceptible to visitors - thereby creating a constantly changing spatial environment.
Timber, iron, dispersion, motor (variable dimensions)
Cologne, Museum Ludwig, 2002
Three differently-sized walls very slowly cross the exhibition space – so slowly their movement is sometimes imperceptible to visitors - thereby creating a constantly changing spatial environment.

Self-Destructing Wall - 2003
[attachment=30028] [attachment=30029] [attachment=30030]
plywood, motor, metal, paint.
A large wooden wall is built up in a space almost blocking the entry. Slowly, the metal structure within the wooden wall starts to move, pushing it against the wall of the space, breaking the wood and pushing the wall together like an accordion, thus entirely destroying the wall. In the beginning more than four metres long, the wall ends up with approximately 50 cm length after one day, leaving splintered wood on the ground of the space, giving the room a somewhat rough appearance that is kept until the end of the exhibition.

[attachment=30028] [attachment=30029] [attachment=30030]
plywood, motor, metal, paint.
A large wooden wall is built up in a space almost blocking the entry. Slowly, the metal structure within the wooden wall starts to move, pushing it against the wall of the space, breaking the wood and pushing the wall together like an accordion, thus entirely destroying the wall. In the beginning more than four metres long, the wall ends up with approximately 50 cm length after one day, leaving splintered wood on the ground of the space, giving the room a somewhat rough appearance that is kept until the end of the exhibition.

Fusion of Movement #10
运动的溶解 #10
52 x 127 x 142 cm
Fusion of Movement #13
运动的溶解 #13
50 x 208 x 127 cm
运动的溶解 #10
52 x 127 x 142 cm
Fusion of Movement #13
运动的溶解 #13
50 x 208 x 127 cm

Discovering Your Own Wall
Water, iron, grating, gravels, jets, pumps, sensors
Variable dimensions
Water, iron, grating, gravels, jets, pumps, sensors
Variable dimensions

Did I Miss Something
Timber, iron, water, jets, pumps, sensors
Hight: app. 20 meters
In the grounds of a park on the banks of a small lake is a bench. As soon as someone sits down on the bench, an oversized fountain suddenly shoots up to disappear again as soon as the bench is vacated.
Timber, iron, water, jets, pumps, sensors
Hight: app. 20 meters
In the grounds of a park on the banks of a small lake is a bench. As soon as someone sits down on the bench, an oversized fountain suddenly shoots up to disappear again as soon as the bench is vacated.

Changing Invisibility
Water, timber, iron grating, jets, pumps, sensors

Water, timber, iron grating, jets, pumps, sensors

Iron, texstile, cushions
Iron, texstile, cushions

Mirror #1
镜子 #1
Neon tube
45 cm dia.
Mirror #2
镜子 #2
Neon tube
45 cm. dia
镜子 #1
Neon tube
45 cm dia.
Mirror #2
镜子 #2
Neon tube
45 cm. dia

The Smoking Bench
Smoke machine, iron, cushion, mirrorfoil
When visitors sit down on a small bench facing a large mirror, a cloud of smoke is released from the bench. While contemplating their reflection in the mirror visitors see themselves disappear in a cloud of smoke. After a short while the smoke then subsides.
Smoke machine, iron, cushion, mirrorfoil
When visitors sit down on a small bench facing a large mirror, a cloud of smoke is released from the bench. While contemplating their reflection in the mirror visitors see themselves disappear in a cloud of smoke. After a short while the smoke then subsides.

The Big Mirror Ball
Polished steel, motor, sensors
70 cm dia.
Polished steel, motor, sensors
70 cm dia.

360 Presence
Steel, sensors
70 cm dia.
Steel, sensors
70 cm dia.

Bear the Consequenses
Fire, timber, iron, sensors
As the visitor walks toward the flame, it expands towards the visitor.
Fire, timber, iron, sensors
As the visitor walks toward the flame, it expands towards the visitor.

Moving Walls 180

Timber, iron, dispersion, sensors, motor

Timber, iron, dispersion, sensors, motor
Continuity Inbetween
Water, iron, timber, pump, jets
Water, iron, timber, pump, jets


Hein's installation is a wall of neon lights that switch off as the viewer approaches. One side of the wall is interactive. If you walk along the wall, the neon modules turn off - one after the other. As they turn on and off the light modules change from a live, healthy, humming luminescence to a dull, cloudy object but the moment the visitor leaves, all of the neon lights are restored again.

Hein's installation is a wall of neon lights that switch off as the viewer approaches. One side of the wall is interactive. If you walk along the wall, the neon modules turn off - one after the other. As they turn on and off the light modules change from a live, healthy, humming luminescence to a dull, cloudy object but the moment the visitor leaves, all of the neon lights are restored again.

Space in Action / Action in Space (Venice 2003)
Water, timber, iron, grating, jets, pmps, sensors
Dimensions variable
Water fountains fence in a circular space. As soon as visitors approach the wall of water the jets cut out thereby opening up a part of the water pavilion. Once visitors enter the waterpavilion the water jets shoot up again. Visitors then find themselves inside the water pavilion.On approaching one of the six walls once again, a space opens up to let them out.

3-Dimensional Mirror Labyrinth -
APAP (Anyang Public Art Project) 2005
Anyang, Korea
APAP (Anyang Public Art Project) 2005
Anyang, Korea

360° Presence
Tue 24. Sep 2002 - Thu 14. Nov 2002
[attachment=30181] [attachment=30182] [attachment=30183] [attachment=30184] [attachment=30185] [attachment=30187] [attachment=30188] [attachment=30189] [attachment=30190] [attachment=30191]

Tue 24. Sep 2002 - Thu 14. Nov 2002
[attachment=30181] [attachment=30182] [attachment=30183] [attachment=30184] [attachment=30185] [attachment=30187] [attachment=30188] [attachment=30189] [attachment=30190] [attachment=30191]

基本都是关于空间之间的 还算比较会玩 还可以吧