【视频】看艺术家James Austin Murray 是怎么干活儿的
发起人:clclcl  回复数:0   浏览数:1703   最后更新:2017/09/29 15:06:24 by clclcl
[楼主] clclcl 2017-09-29 15:06:24

来源:绘画艺术坏蛋店 邸特绿

United States, b. 1969

As the light shifts in the gallery, one begins to notice that James Austin Murray's compositions visually shift from concave to convex. It is odd to speak three dimensionally about a two dimensional surface, but Murray is the only artist we have ever shown where the viewer is transfixed by the surface of the painting, following the brushstroke across the canvas, only to approach the piece and look at the piece from its side as their brain is not convinced as to what their eyes see.

