访谈---Damien Hirst 达明.赫斯特
发起人:嘿乐乐  回复数:4   浏览数:5479   最后更新:2008/08/03 12:25:24 by 王冠
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2008-07-21 13:02:27

Damien Hirst


点击:YBA --- 英国青年艺术家超级资料!!

1997年9月 大卫.佛尼施



大卫。佛尼施(DAVID FURNISH):我们正走向2000年。这不只是一个千年的终结,也是一个世纪的终结。很多人似乎在此刻意识到一种象征意义;太多东西正在改变。随这些改变,艺术将会做什么?我们从这个世纪的伟大的艺术家身上知道,在艺术与世界之间没有界限。你认为艺术家适合被摆在什么位置?当然,肯定不是在旁观者的角度。
达明。赫斯特(DAMIEN HIRST):我在进画廊和美术馆前,一度听的是流行音乐,看的是电视节目,当我进艺术院校的时候,我们面对的事则是完全地打破这个界限。














DF:1988年在戈德史密斯,在伦敦港区的一个仓库中,你策划了一个引起众多话题的展览,名叫“冻结(Freeze )“?



[沙发:1楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-07-21 13:22:11

Damien Hirst - interview with the British artist
Interview,  Sept, 1997  by David Furnish

Damien Hirst is the roasting-hot English artist whose new book, I Want to Spend the Rest of My Life Everywhere, With Everyone, One to One, Always, Forever, Now, gives us much more of his truth and depth than the dumb cliches the media like to recycle about him.

DAVID FURNISH: We're heading toward the year 2000. Not only is it the end of a millennium, it's the end of a century. So many people seem to be aware of the symbolism of this moment; so much is changing. What's art got to do with all this? We've learned from the great artists of this century that there shouldn't be a boundary between art and the world. I'm wondering where you think the artist fits in. Clearly, not on the sidelines.
DAMIEN HIRST: I was listening to pop music and watching TV before I ever went to an art gallery, and when we were at art school we were encouraged to completely break down the boundaries.

DF: You've done that a lot.
DH: I thought I was changing the world when I made a Blur video. [laughs] I'm getting more from designing a new restaurant now than from the art world. I think art's about life.

DF: The restaurant's called Pharmacy, right?
DH: Yes. I did an installation called Pharmacy, and now I'm doing it as a restaurant - I just want to make it a great place to be. Whether that's art or not, I don't know. What I do know is it's fulfilling all my needs as an artist. I think it's art. It will be a little exhibition that people go to and have a great time in - a much better time than when they go to most galleries. It feels fight to me, so I'm doing it.

DF: Obviously, this is a development that some of those who want you to keep your art for the galleries won't like.
DH: I got successful in the art world for being a maniac. If you become successful in the art world, people try and keep you there. But you've gotta have as much fun as you had on your there. But you've gotta have as much fun as you had on your first day at art school or you shouldn't be doing it.

DF: There are a lot of people, especially art critics, who don't agree.
DH: Art's about life, and the art world is about money. Without the artist, the art world wouldn't exist. But without the art world, the artist would still be there. Art just keeps going on and on. I've always asked myself, Is art worth doing? And I've always been prepared to find out that it's not worth doing and then not do it. But I find that it is worth doing, so far-which is great.

DF: So you do a restaurant, and then you go back to doing paintings and sculptures, and then you do something else, and you're combining things from all those areas. Where do you think your interest in this kind of process comes from?
DH: It's always been like that. When I was young, if you gave me two things, I would mess about and make them into something else. I made things for my brother and sister. Art's like a gift - you know, I remember making my brother a little farm when I was a kid. My mind just worked like that.

DF: Before I spent time with your new book, so much of what I'd heard from people was about your controversial side, that "He cuts up cows and suspends sheep in formaldehyde" stuff. The media play a paradoxical role in your work. On the one hand, they're an intrinsic element; on the other, though, the coverage reduces your Intentions and reasons for doing what you do so brutally that it's of no help to anyone who really wants to learn about you. Seeing your book was a real revelation for me because of its spirit, its sense of life, and the cross section of work it presents.
Dh: That's why I did it. I get sick of people going, "You do dead animals." You know, people say to me that my work's sensational. And I go, "What's wrong with sensation? It's like touching skin." Sensation is an element of what I do, and why not? It's not sensational for the sake of being sensational, but it's sensational art. If somebody said to me, "You look sensational," I'd go, "Great!" And if somebody says, "Your work's sensational," you go, "Great!" I can't see why you'd go, "Oh, yes. Sorry."

DF: But doesn't it bother you that they're creating a picture of you as this demonic -
DH: If the only thing that's happened because of it is that I've gotten a lot more people interested in art and going to galleries, then that's OK. If that's all it's achieved, it's still great. I think you just have to take it on. It makes me laugh. The media are screwy. People are always getting the wrong picture. I get cab drivers who go, "That's not art." And I go, "What's not art?" And they go, "You putting animals in formaldehyde." And I go, "Did you ever see it?" And they go, "No." So I say, "Well, what the hell are you talking about? I think if you do see it, you'll say, 'That's not what I expected at all.'" You know, I was in debt when I first started making all these things.

DF: So what you're saying is you did them because you had to, whether or not you could afford it.
DH: It cost me a fortune. The glass is three inches thick, and it's bulletproof - it has to be, for security reasons. And for the shark piece, it cost 28,000 pounds just for the glass. And people just go, "Gets a shark, puts it in a tank. That's not art."

DF: Well, as you say, the media will typically focus on only one thing. But when I look at your new book, I see the breadth of what you've done. I see that you're trying to show how death is a part of life, and also how your sense of the world works.
DH: I had a discussion with some animal rights people, and I was saying, "Look, I don't kill these things for art." I said I made a big deal about not doing that. I'm on their side, I feel the same way. And then one of these people said to me, "But we're not going to miss an opportunity to get a lot of publicity. We need it."

DF: Now that London has become a hot spot In many respects, are you kind of wishing the trendy followers would back out?
DH: I think you have to ignore all that. There are too many good things to keep me interested.

DF: As an artist, you are very much in the middle of the noise, and you make noise with your work. But you live outside the noise, in Devon.
DH: I've chosen to do that, but it's still noisy. You know, it's not an either-or situation. I've got an office in London, a studio halfway between London and where home is. Because I live in Devon, some people go, "Oh my God, you've run away. You were in London, and now you're going to Devon." But I don't look at it like that.

DF: Let's talk about the time before you went to art school. There has been very little written about your beginnings and the journey you went on to become an artist.
DH: I grew up in Leeds. I was always interested in art. As long as I can remember, I wanted to make it. But I took architectural drawing at school because I thought there was no way that being an artist could be a job. So I started with the closest thing. And then I thought, I can go to art school. I had never ever thought I could do that before. So I went to art school in Leeds, which was great fun. After that, I moved to London and looked for a job and tried to get into St. Martins to study art. But I had been a bit naughty at Leeds and I got bumped out. After that, I worked on a building site for two years before I finally went back to school
[板凳:2楼] guest 2008-08-03 12:08:37
[地板:3楼] 兰皮 2008-08-03 12:15:50


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[4楼] 王冠 2008-08-03 12:25:24