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[楼主] halcyon 2008-06-11 08:41:26

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Flotsom Jetsom, Patty Chang

《西部概念里呈现的中国风味》:张怡(Patty Chang)
2008年6月12日 下午5点



在这次讲座中,张怡将和观众分享她对艺术创作的概述,和特别介绍她的作品《西部概念里呈现的中国风味》,作品主题来源于1928年瓦尔特·本雅明为美国亚裔女影星黄柳霜写的一片文章。艺术家希望通过一系列短片来反映再现,翻译,误译和跨文化传译的演变。张怡在北京拍摄作品的第一部分, 近期将在北京的箭厂空间里播放。

张怡于2008年候选于Hugo Boss Prize, 她的作品《漂流物》(2007)被入选为MOMA举办的新导演系列作品之一。张怡的个展和群展在国际上备受注目。这次讲座是尤伦斯当代艺术中心和北京箭厂空间的首次合作。
A Chinoiserie out of the Old West:
An Artist Talk by Patty Chang
Thursday, June 12
Time 5:00pm
UCCA auditorium

Organized in collaboration with UCCA and the Arrow Factory, Beijing

New York artist Patty Chang comes to Ullens Center to talk about her artistic practice and the project she is currently working on in Beijing.

Patty Chang is perhaps best known for her work as a performance artist and the videos and photographs that derive from these often provoking performances. As the principle subject, Chang's performance work often tested her own physical limits and the limits of the audience. Her more recent film based projects have taken a slightly different course, focusing on processes of mythmaking, constructed identities and the production of real and fictive cultural imaginaries. Shangri-La (2005) documented a real visit to the imaginary place of Shangri-La located in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province and included the repeated sculptural construction and reconstruction of the town's principle icon, Snow Mountain. Her most recent work (in collaboration with David Kelley), Flotsam Jetsam (2007) is a layered narrative addressing themes of landscape and identity against the backdrop of Yichang, a small town along the Yangtze River affected by the Three Gorges Dam project.

In this talk, Chang will give an overview of her artistic practice but will primarily introduce A Chinoiserie out of the Old West, the project she is currently working on here in China. Based on a 1928 text written by Walter Benjamin about the Asian American film starlet Anna May Wong, this work will take the form of several short film pieces that deal with representation, translation, mistranslation, and crossed meanings. Chang is in Beijing to film the first segment, which will be shown in late July at the Arrow Factory, Beijing.

Patty Chang is a 2008 finalist for the Hugo Boss Prize, and was recently featured in the MOMA New Directors series for her work Flotsam Jetsam (2007). Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions internationally.


"箭厂空间"是一个由独立策展人和艺术家组织策划的艺术橱窗项目。空间位于北京市中心的胡同里,原本是个小商铺,经过改造后拥有10 平方米的展出面积。" 箭厂空间"首先希望通过橱窗这种特殊的展示方式,为艺术家的创作方法提供一种新的可能,空间内定期更新的艺术作品将会在这里每天面对不同的社会群体和文化情境。其次项目自身也试图探讨艺术与日常生活之间的美学关系,尝试艺术创作与公共空间的有机对话,促进当代艺术的试验,交流与研究。 "箭厂空间"将会积极地邀请国内和国外的艺术家提供现场装置和项目。


Arrow Factory is an independently run alternative storefront space that seeks to advance artistic collaboration, exploration and experimentation across different cultural contexts and viewing publics. Located in a small hutong in Beijing's city center, Arrow Factory reclaims existing commercial space to present artworks that stimulate dialogue between art and contemporary urban space. The modestly sized space (approx 10 square meters or 100 square feet) is intended to create new avenues for artistic production in China and further aesthetic relationships between contemporary art and everyday life. Arrow Factory exhibitions are available for view in its storefront location 7 days a week.

[url]www.arrowfactory.org      [url]www.jianchang.org 

Arrow Factory 箭厂空间
