这是我的风景-艾伦· 兹威格个展
发起人:佛偷  回复数:0   浏览数:1757   最后更新:2008/05/05 02:11:10 by
[楼主] 佛偷 2008-05-05 02:11:10
This Is My Landscape
Project Finish Party


艺术家:艾伦· 兹威格
翻译:钱志坚  宫林林
项目主办:博尔赫斯书店当代艺术机构  非艺术中心

艾伦· 兹威格的录像计划
在《这是我的风景 》计划中,艺术家、作家、哲学家和其它被邀请的客人,思考他们对"风景" 这个词的定义, 尽其所能地发挥这个词的隐喻含义。与此同时, 每个人在用英语或汉语进行陈述之后, 都要学习以另一种语言背诵他们自己的陈述。

我在纽约邀请了六位艺术家做一个简短的陈述,开头都是: "我的风景是……"我们在一个下午与一位翻译相聚在一起,这位翻译既可以将英文翻译成中文,又可以将中文翻译成英文。 在摄像机面前, 五个人用英文背诵他们的陈述,另一个人用中文背诵她的陈述。然后,翻译逐字逐句地教每个人用另一种语言重复他们的陈述。 这六位参加者中, 有三位从来没有说过一句中文, 另外二位略知一些中文, 而当中的说中文者会说一些英文。

在北京、上海和广州, 我会重复这个制作过程。在每个城市, 我将邀请6 个人做这样的陈述:"我的风景是……"。他们将主要是讲中文的人(如果他们愿意,他们也可以选择用他们自己的方言做陈述)。

我到北京的时候, 我将布置和展示从纽约带来的录像 然后在北京进行拍摄,并将所拍摄的进行编辑。我会将录相留一份拷贝给我的朋友们。在上海,我将在非艺术中心展示在纽约和北京拍摄的录像。在上海的时候, 我也将拍摄一个大约6 个人的录像。我会将在上海拍摄的 DVD进行剪辑之后加到非艺术中心的展览中。在广州, 我将在博尔赫斯艺术中心展出纽约、北京和上海的DVD作品。在广州时,我也将拍摄和编辑,然后将DVD加到在广州 博尔赫斯 艺术中心的展览中。

最后, 我将汇集所有关于风景的定义,以及讲述另一种语言的困难和幽默的片刻。我觉得这个计划将通过语言以及语言之间在艺术家和作家, 哲学家和其他人之间创造一种对话。这样, 我将建立一个词汇的风景,一个误解的风景,和一个跨文化的卓见。这就是我的风景。

This Is My Landscape

Project Finish Party: May 06, 2008 (Tuesday) at 19:00-21:00 pm
Venue: Building 3, No.120. Lao Hu Min Rd. Near Ben Yang Rd, Shanghai,China

Artists: Ellen Zweig
Art Director: Li Xiaofei
Curator: Wang Jing
Translator: Qian Zhijian, Lilas
Designer: Guo Qingling
Organizer: Libreria Borges Institute for Contemporary Art
Fei Contemporary Art Center(FCAC)

A video project by Ellen Zweig
This Is My Landscape is a project in which artists, writers, philosophers, and other invited guests think about their definition of the word “landscape,” stretching the metaphorical meanings of the word as far as they can go. At the same time, each person, making a statement in English or Chinese, learns to recite his statement in the other language.

In New York, I invited 6 artists to make a short statement that began: “My landscape is…” We gathered one afternoon with a translator, who could translate both from English to Chinese and from Chinese to English. In front of the camera, 5 people recited their statements in English one recited hers in Chinese. The translator then taught each person, phrase by phrase, to say his statement in the other language. Of the 6 participants, 3 had never said a word of Chinese before, two know some Chinese, and the Chinese speaker knows some English.

In Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, I will repeat this process. In each city, I will invite 6 people to make a statement that begins: “Wo de fengjing shi…” They will be primarily Chinese speakers (and will be able to speak in their own local dialect if they choose to do so).

When I arrive in Beijing, I will set up and show the DVD from New York then, shoot in Beijing, and edit a DVD of that shoot. I will leave a copy with my friends. In Shanghai, I will show the DVDs from New York and Beijing at the Fei Art Center. While in Shanghai, I will shoot a group of about 6 people. Again, I will edit and add the Shanghai DVD to the show at the Fei Art Center. In Guangzhou, I will show the New York, Beijing, and Shanghai DVDs at the Borges Art Center while in Guangzhou, I will shoot there, edit and add this DVD to the show at the Borges Art Center in Guangzhou.

In the end, I will have an accumulation of definitions of landscape and of the difficulties and humorous moments of speaking a new language. I feel that this project will create a conversation among artists and writers, philosophers and others, across language, between languages. In this way, I will build a landscape of words, a landscape of misunderstandings and of insights across cultures. This is my landscape.

Fei Contemporary Art Center(FCAC)
上海市老沪闵路120号3号楼(近宾阳路)  邮编:200235
Add: Building 3, No.120. Lao Hu Min Rd. Near Ben Yang Rd. Shanghai. China. 200235
Tel: +86 21 5497 1967
Fax: +86 21 5497 1978
E-mail: [email]info@feiartcenter.com
: May 06, 2008 (Tuesday) at 19:00-21:00 pm