发起人:牧羊人  回复数:0   浏览数:2451   最后更新:2007/12/21 02:46:17 by
[楼主] 牧羊人 2007-12-21 02:46:17






地址:北京市朝阳区大山子酒仙桥路4号,798艺术区中一街D区(北京8503信箱)邮编: 100015
E-mail: [email]94space@163.com
开放时间:星期二至星期五12:00 - 17:30,星期六至星期日10:00 - 18:00

时间与制造的故事——关于黄翊的摄影作品 陈荣义




由此,798在辉煌、衰败和繁荣的的历史和现实的发展时间中完成了自身意义的转变,既由外国援建的制造电子产品的工厂变成制造艺术的工厂,这其中是被动接受和主动创造的关系。实际上改革开放的绝大部分时间里中国都是充当世界加工工厂的角色,这点从充斥世界各地标有“中国制造” 标识的商品中就可知道。但是当今天中国的经济总量成为世界第三的时候,在西方的眼里俨然就是中国人制造了一个神奇的中国。798可算是一个“制造中国”的例子。798从过去的制造(制造电子产品)到现在的制造(制造艺术),在时间中发生了胎变,这一切从它现存的建筑墙壁留下的许多往昔的痕迹(各种语录、口号,裸露的老旧红砖墙,原始的机器设备,错落有致的工业管网络,原始、实真地呈现着)和现在的艺术景象(机器被艺术品代替)无声的并存中一目了然。


TIMES AND MANUFACTURE------“Made 798” Photography Of Huangyi Rongyi Chen

I believe, lots of people who are fascinated with contemporary art all around the world are talking about the 798 art district in Beijing when I am writing the story of factory 798. But the reason why I’m now narrating so formally by words is that Huangyi's photography works about it make me recall the history and think of the reality of factory 798.

In the past, the area called Factory 798 is only one of the several structures within a complex formerly known as Joint Factory 718 in 1950s, which began as an extension of the "Socialist Unification Plan" of military-industrial cooperation between the Soviet Union,East Germany and the newly-formed People's Republic of China with 1,161,900 square metres area. The factory 718 had its splendid history for its modern electronic components production at that time. However, the factory came under pressure during Deng Xiaoping's reforms of the 1980s. Deprived of governmental support like many state-owned enterprises, it underwent a gradual decline and was eventually rendered obsolete. By the late 1980s and early 1990s, most sub-factories had ceased production, 60% of the workers had been laid off, and the remains of the management were reconstituted as a real-estate operation called "Seven-Star Huadian Science and Technology Group"

At present , realistically, factory 798 is a famous art district in the world. As hundreds of galleries and cultural organization gathered here ,it has become a symbolic site of the exhibition and distribution of Chinese contemporary art works. The development during the last few years since 2003 made factory 798 a well-known holy land of art for the western world. Former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder visited factory 798 last year and French President Sarkozy addressed the France that France needs awakening when he visited 798 On November 25 this year.

Today, factory 798 has finished his changing from glory ,ruin to flourish, Which was converted from old electronic components factory to modern art district .it is the relation between passiveness and initiative. In fact. in most of the time during the Opening-up Reform, China played a role as the world semi-manufactured factory ,which can be known from the brand “Made in China” all over the world . However, when Chinese GDP rank the third of the world today, in westerners’ opinion, it is Chinese who made a great China. “Made 798” can be regarded as a typical illustration of “Made in China”. Factory 798 has changed from “producing electronic components” to “producing contemporary art”, which can also be proved obviously by the old machines, arch-ceiling architectures, slogans for Mao Zedong Thought,industry pipes and the flourishing art phenomena all around the art district.

And the artist Huangyi, who chose this special time to bring in his photography works, is telling the world about factory 798’s story on its history and present situation silently. Undoubtedly, artist Huangyi used the means of by contrast to create his works. The photos can easily make the visitors back to its past with these old machines, the texture of the machines , the word of “joint venture of state-owned and private” and so on. As for the title of the works, the artist hopes to bring the visitors back to reality with the word of “made 798”,and meanwhile, the visitors are making 798 as well.
2007 .12.13