“搏艺博“美国:i-20 画廊
发起人:嘿鬼妹  回复数:1   浏览数:3092   最后更新:2007/08/10 19:59:20 by
[楼主] 嘿鬼妹 2007-08-10 06:11:06
美国:i-20 画廊



1997年Paul Judelson 开了i-20画廊。项目主要为当代艺术展览,尤其是新媒体的。 I-20推荐了很多年轻艺术家。

除了展览以外,画廊也出版画册。到现在出版了21本画册跟Dennis Cooper, Ciara Ennis, Louis Grachos, Giovanni Intra, Christine Y. Kim, Lisa Liebman, Rachel Greene, Natasha Roje, Andrew Solomon, Frances Stark, Jan Tumlir 和Hans Ulrich-Obrist的文章。
2006年i-20协助Eduardo Sarabia 在柏林开影像艺术画廊、墨西哥Cantina, 和 El Salon Aleman.

2006年,i-20画廊在Chelsea 区的557 West 23rd Street 开了一个新的空间。自从开了以后i-20办了8个展览。

In 2006, I-20 opened a 3,000 square-foot, ground floor exhibition space at 557 West 23rd Street in Chelsea. Eight exhibitions have been held.
I-20 Gallery was founded by Paul Judelson in Chelsea in 1997. The program features contemporary art in all mediums, with interest in new media. Many of the artists were introduced for the first time at the gallery.
The program includes an ongoing series of exhibition catalogues. There are 21 publications to date with original texts by Dennis Cooper, Ciara Ennis, Louis Grachos, Giovanni Intra, Christine Y. Kim, Lisa Liebman, Rachel Greene, Natasha Roje, Andrew Solomon, Frances Stark, Jan Tumlir and Hans Ulrich-Obrist. In 2006, I-20 assisted Eduardo Sarabia in opening his visual artist space and Mexican cantina in Berlin, El Salon Aleman.

联系方式 Contact

I-20 Gallery is located at 557 West 23rd Street, New York 10011. Telephone: (212) 645-1100. Facsimile: (212) 645-0198.

请点击网址:i-20 画廊

Sergei Bugaev Afrika
Andisheh Avini
Trine Boesen
Stefan Brüggemann
Kristian Burford
Louis Cameron
Kevin Hanley
Karen Heagle
Timothy Hutchings
Marina Kappos
Gonzalo Lebrija
João Onofre
Eduardo Sarabia
Peter Sarkisian
Kiki Seror
Sylvia Sleigh
Spencer Tunick
Martabel Wasserman
Sherry Wong

Current Exhibition 活动

Timothy Hutchings 个展

2007年6月27 日至8月11日


为了i-20 夏天展览,Timothy Hutchings 制作了世界上最大的作战演习桌。这个装置占画廊的整个空间。这个作品评论历史、技术、抽象和地点。

这个作品跟Hutching的过往作品分享同一个主题 :过去、理想地点和战略逻辑。

Hutching 在美国Missouri 的 Saint Louis 1974年出生的。他在Kansas City 美院学习了和在Yale 大学获得了MFA。他居住并工作于纽约。
Hutchings was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1974. He was educated at the Kansas City Art Institute, and received his MFA from the Yale University School of the Arts. He lives and works in New York.




For I-20’s summer show, Timothy Hutchings has created The World's Largest Wargaming Table, an installation stretching throughout the gallery that comments on history and technology, abstraction and site, while pondering the subject of war and hobbies. Hutchings’s installation is a functional super-sized war game table (400 square feet), made of MDF, wood and carved styrofoam, that complies with mapping criteria and can be used by serious game players: a working surface for soldier figurines governed by battle rules.
The World's Largest Wargaming Table is a continuation of Hutchings’s obsessions with the past, ideal places, and the logic of war, but without the technology of his faux 8-millimeter films like The Arsenal at Danzig and Other Views (2001), in which destroyed Eastern European landmarks were brought back to life in fake period films shot by tourists; and in Player vs. Player (2004), with its black humor when a mountain climber turns upon his companion after reaching an alpine summit. In A Lark in the Larkin (2005), a destroyed Buffalo landmark made by Frank Lloyd Wright was brought to life in a faux war recruiting film disguised as a silent musical and dancing extravaganza.
The new installation is about territory, warfare, minimalism and the charm of the miniature. It’s an art object as well as a gaming surface awaiting action, and only activated as such when it is being used.
There will be an accompanying edition of silk-screen prints, Caverns of Ouroboros – E2, that are loosely based on the game maps that were included with Dungeons and Dragons, and which are definitely tied to the idea of gaming and the table.
Timothy Hutchings will have a solo exhibition at the Vienna Kunsthalle in 2008, and his work will be featured in “Twenty Five Years Later” at Art In General later this year. Other exhibitions include “Greater New York,” “Some Young New Yorkers,” and “B-Hotel” at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center; “Videodrome II,” New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York; “Metropolis Now,” Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; and “SUBMERGE, Kunstebunker Forum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Nürnberg, Germany.
Hutchings was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1974. He was educated at the Kansas City Art Institute, and received his MFA from the Yale University School of the Arts. He lives and works in New York.
[沙发:1楼] 二大爷 2007-08-10 19:59:20