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[楼主] 娱记 2007-05-06 11:59:30


作品 电影院
作品 材料 杉木 樟木 电视 丝绸
作品 规格63x81x92cm


The Cinema
Materials: Chinese fir wood, camphor wood, TV set, silk
Specifications 280x380cm

My memory of the cinema is both dim and vivid. It was where I used to go, happy or sad, in my childhood years. Our experiences with the movies are different, yet nobody’s life is free from the influence of movies. They always give us unforgettable memories with their different pictures and matching music. And watching movies in the cinema is just like attending silent ceremonies with a large audience.
Revisiting the cinema where I used to go gives me mixed feelings. Indeed, as time goes by, you will find your life inextricably linked with movies.

电影院 松木 电视 铜导线 沙岩 丝绸 63x81x92cm 2006

内心之帐1 电影院 松木 电视 铜导线 沙岩 丝绸 63x81x92cm 2006
作品 材料 松木 沙子 道具
作品 规格280x380cm

试图以自述的方式回到自己宁静的时空里,那里只有自己的感悟,完全是你自己的思想轨迹的显现。 .沙盘可能是你认识世界的开始,是你心灵栖息之所。

Talk to Yourself
Materials: Pine wood, Sand & Granule, Properties
Specification: 380R X 280H

Being alone means walking away, for a moment, from the contemporary society into an exclusive personal space/time. There are times when you are all by yourself, lost in introspection, or paying special attention to yourself. This happens to everyone. The moment of tranquility helps you identify your problems and bring to surface things that tend to be ignored.

Try talking to yourself to get back to your own peaceful world, where nothing but your emotions and perceptions reside, and where all your sparkling thoughts get together to form a mental pathway. The sandbox is perhaps the very beginning of your knowledge of the world and of course, a harbor to your soul.

2 内心之帐 280x380cm 2007

3 救生圈 丝绸 30x30x12cm 2006 002

4 草药音箱 105x105x138cm 2006