发起人:platformchina  回复数:0   浏览数:1649   最后更新:2015/11/28 13:18:14 by platformchina
[楼主] apcart 2015-11-28 13:18:14

要有光 | 曹艾平个展
Let There Be Light | Cao Aiping Solo Exhibition  
开幕时间 | Opening:2015.12.12 15:00
展览日期 | Duration:2015.12.12 - 12.18
策展人 | Curator:魏娜 Wei Na
展览地点 | Venue:大唐西市艺术馆
GreatTang West Market Art Museum



此时此刻的世界有它历史性的特殊温度,所有人身在其中、无法逃离...…相对于个人成长的烦恼,艺术家更关注普罗大众的命运,关注这个时代人的精神枷锁、集体焦虑 。艺术家试图通过作品来转化这种隐蔽的集体伤痛。凝重苦涩的“枯木禅”、轻柔多彩的“要有光”,所探讨的内容或轻或重同样关乎着时代命脉 ...…

The Solo Exhibition Let There Be Light by artist Cao Aiping will be opening at Great Tang West Market Art Museum at 15:00 on Dec.12th,2015. This exhibition is the first solo exhibition program of the artist himself.Most of his selected paintings which were created in nearly 10 years and several paintings with the same name Let There Be Light which were specially created for this occasion will display to the public during this exhibition.
The world at this moment has a particular temperature of its own from a long development of history.Everyone is in ,and nobody can escape away.Relative to personal annoyance,the artist are more concerned with the fate of humans and the spirit shackle of collective anxiety of the people in this Modern world. The artist is trying to transform this hidden collective pain by art pieces.The dignified and bitter Zen of dead wood,the soft and colorful Let There Be Light , the works of this exhibition are more or less referred to the destiny of the era.                                                              



联系电话:029-81320433 029-88699799
地 址:西安市莲湖区劳动南路118号
