做策展人的艺术家:Group Material, AIDS Timeline, 1989
发起人:蔷小薇  回复数:0   浏览数:1335   最后更新:2015/09/18 20:20:25 by 蔷小薇
[楼主] 上苑艺术馆 2015-09-18 20:20:25


【上苑跨界艺术批评专员】丰雷简介: 原名苏琦,诗人。1984年生于安徽青阳。曾参与创办《诗托邦》网刊并担任首期责编。2014年与友人共同发起“北京青年诗会”。现为上苑艺术馆驻馆诗人、跨界艺术批评专员。










Information about the works - the original intent of DNA-Mirroring Series

DNA Series is the extension of the previous works, that is the Mahjong Series. And in the works of this series, I take a step further by creating the image in semi-abstract region from concrete region by weakening the three-dimensional effect of characters, with the result of more advanced planarity and design sense.

While DNA Series have two things in common with the Mahjong Series: they both retain the pleasure of hand painting and the specific texture effect of oil paint and they both use the single color of ultramarine blue, the stimulating and ultra transparent pigment, in order to cool down the cultural passion of the spectators as well as to pursue some unpredictable presentation with some speculative philosophy.

   In DNA Series, I try to create a visual confusion of the concrete characters which contains Chinese totems in them, thus I can effectively evade the narrating and lyrical part in painting and can express my work in a more simple and direct way.This chaotic, even dizzy kaleidoscope way of painting is an indication of the dual contradiction of the mental and psychological world of todays Chinese people. The inner world of the Chinese people is in the state of confusion and trepidation under the impact of various ideas from the past and the present, from the east and west, from tradition and modernization and from conservatism and radicalism, as well as the contribution of problems and pressure from all forms of social and cultural life. Thus, the disordered, reversed and spliced aspect of the painting is the real reflection of this kind of mental and psychological world.



There is reason and order, your expected concept and equality in the paintings of Bo Ii, which is the personal interpretation of the artist, a person who claims the world of liberals is in the form of a bsurd scene. ---Yufang Xiao


Bo Li, an artist with an ultimate and sharp mind, is in possession of a distinctive sensibility, a concise language and a well-targeted and honest character. ---Yanan Duan





1981  Born in Siping, Jilin

2009  Graduated from 1st Studio Oil Painting Department Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Research direction of neoclassicism, Obtained Master Degree.
