发起人:蜜蜂窝  回复数:0   浏览数:1644   最后更新:2011/10/18 12:58:33 by 蜜蜂窝
[楼主] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 12:58:33

Geoffrey Farmer,1967年出生于不列颠哥伦比亚的鹰岛,现主要以温哥华为据点,是一位加拿大艺术家。Farmer曾就读于温哥华的Emily Carr艺术设计学院以及旧金山艺术学院,他的代理画廊是温哥华Catriona Jeffries画廊。


Geoffrey Farmer的创作使用了多种材料和元素,包括绘画、摄影、录像、雕塑、表演,以及即兴使用现场材料。Farmer的作品提供了一种非常微妙的极少主义与后极简主义艺术经验与遗产,极简主义着重于让观众在观看现场时能逐渐感受到强烈的感觉,Farmer的作品注重在美术馆里的现场经验。后极简主义展现的是一种简约的精致,同时它强调在画廊语境中创造出艺术品的意义。Farmer加强了这两个传统的关注点,集中于自身意义的自然偶发,特别强调那种脆弱和难以捉摸的性质。

偶然性在Farmer的作品中被扩展成一种策略,去发明和培养一种自我发射。然而极简主义艺术家比如唐纳德·贾德、Dan Flavin,用艺术评论家Michael Fried的话来说就是戏剧化的画廊行为经验,Farmer运用剧场和表演风格逐步推进和建构寓意,这让他进入了国际趋势中,进入所谓“不需要一个舞台剧去给出意义的戏剧化装置艺术”。例如,Farmer的《驼背组件》(2000年7月在泰特美术馆)使用了一个定制的坚硬泡沫外壳,插入到巴黎圣母院钟楼道具房子里。Farmer在展厅里提供了一套组件让观众去解释,在这个过程中,他以自己“艺术家”的身份,继续添加和变换人们的看法。在《为每架客机使用一个艺术品》(2006年)中,Farmer提供了一个视频来展示自己的工作,他在夜里当展览关闭时去改变装置,明确表示展览在“过程之中”,他确保“他的作品是在进程之中并且是不稳定的”。
[沙发:1楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 13:25:22

Let's make the water turn black
让我们把水变黑, 2011

God's Dice
上帝的骰子, 2010
[板凳:2楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 13:37:30

The Vampire of Coyoacan
科约阿坎的吸血鬼, 2010
Installation view

I am by nature one and also many, dividing the single me into many, and even opposing them as great and small, light and dark, and in ten thousand other ways (I know what it is like to fall), 2010
Wooden mask, light bulb, life magazine cut-outs, metal stand, fabric
60" x 22" x 22"
[地板:3楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 13:48:22

The Surgeon and the Photographer, 2010
365 puppet figures, fabric, found images, metal stands, 60 wooden plinths
Dimensions variable
Each figure approximately:
17 3/4 x 5 x 5 inches

Ongoing Time Stabbed With a Dagger, 2009
Mac Mini, Servo Motors, DMX lighting control, PreSonus FireStudio(TM) Mobile, LED stage lighting, Incandescent light bulb
89" x 118" x 118"
[4楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 14:18:11

I'm Not Prayin I'm Just Stretching, 2008 - 2009
使用的材料:蜡烛装置、从波士顿大街上拣来的被抛弃的教派风格的椅子、书(Clara D. Pierson从灯塔山朋友之家图书馆借来的书)、人组成的1918年自由钟、有自由声明字体花纹的灯光插座、刻有1991年日期的铸铃、水杯、古董瓶、灯光等等等等,不一而足。
Candle Snuffer; abandoned Quaker style chair, taken from the streets of Boston; book: Among The Night People by Clara D. Pierson borrowed from the Library of The Beacon Hill Friends House; photograph, The Human Liberty Bell, 1918; branch from the Boston Commons from a tree used for public hangings; light socket with the embossed words Proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land; found bell inscribed with the date 1991; a bell clapper/moth feeder made from a cotton ball soaked in a solution of sugar derived from a candy taken from a Felix Gonzales-Torres work; drinking glass; vase; antique bottle; with lights; various notes.
Dimensions variable

使用材料:木平台、Mac mini、电脑显示器、键盘、鼠标、迷你8 通道混合甲板、电缆、 7 个扬声器、低音炮、雕塑的各种组件,五件纸上作品
And Finally the Street Becomes the Main Character (Clock), 2005
Wooden platform, Mac mini, computer monitor, keyboard, mouse, Mini 8 channel mixing deck, cables, 7 speakers, subwoofer, various sculptural components, five works on paper
Dimensions variable
[5楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 14:31:55

Theatre of Cruelty, 2008
Props, found objects, fabric, computer controlled LED lighting system, speakers, and framed photographs
Dimensions variable

Wash House: Even the foul dirt and putrid stains of your life know their fate!, 2004
Tar paper, wood, working washing machine and dryer, drawing, poster
100" x 194" x 54"
[6楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 14:47:30

66 x 24 x 24 英寸
It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late., 2008
Rifle cleaner, notes, fabric strips, hook, stool, letter, pictures, lightbulbs
66 x 24 x 24 inches

The Last Two Million Years, 2007
Foamcore plinths, perspex frames and cutouts from selected pages of the history-book The Last Two Million Years
Dimensions variable
[7楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 15:01:57

在伦敦铸造的系绳铸铜钟和钟塔、假砖墙、木材、钢铁、绳、混凝土基座、远程触发器、 远程电子传输系统、视频等
Nothing Can Separate Us (When the Wheel Turns Why Does a Pot Emerge?), 2007
Cast bronze bell and bell tower with rope made at Whitchapel Foundry, London England, false brick wall, 2 concrete bases with wood posts, wood, steel, rope, improvised remote bell trigger, remote electronic transmission system, video, etc

Airliner Open Studio, 2006
Variable components and dimensions
[8楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 15:35:28

A Pale Fire Freedom Machine, 2005

Every surface in someway decorated, altered, or changed
forever (except the float), 2004
Variable media and dimensions
148" x 100" x 18"
[9楼] 叮当猫 2011-10-18 16:45:52
2011-3-2 来源:artspy艺术眼

杰弗里(Geoffrey Farmer)作品展开幕

Exhibition View

杰弗里(Geoffrey Farmer)作品展“熏肉不是唯一一件吊在绳子上加以处理的事物(Bacon’s Not The Only Thing That Is Cured By Hanging From A String)”日前在Casey Kaplan画廊开幕。这是杰弗里在美国的首次个展。


Exhibition View

在这次展览中,杰弗里主要创作了一件新的系列作品:13盏散发着光亮的灯柱点缀在整个画廊空间中。这些灯柱的形态介于建筑物和具有人的形象的事物之间:每一个灯柱都由自然艺术品、集成照片、支柱以及光源组成。与这一系列一同展出的一件大型的蒙太奇式壁画“Pulling Your Brains Out Through Your Nose”,这件作品则借鉴了埃及人在制作木乃伊时,取出脑部物质以保存尸体的过程。大量剪切自各种印刷品上的图片从切断的挂衣钩上悬吊下来,直接插入了画廊的整面墙壁之中。在作品“Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples”中,杰弗里在一张低矮的桌子上展示了一个较小的人形作品。这件作品主要是由粘土、金属丝、灯以及一些现成物品制作而成的,这些类似于初步设计模型的作品看起来就好像是一些不寻常的木偶或是Kachina娃娃一样。

Exhibition View

Pulling Your Brains Out Through Your Nose, 2011

Pulling Your Brains Out Through Your Nose, 2011(Detail)

The Greeter, 2011

Between the Egg and the Coin, 2011

Unclean Thoughts. Mothers of Mud. Harpies. Sleepless Enemies, 2011

She Says She’s a Man, Not a Woman, 2011

The Light is Buried Under Chains and Noises, 2011

Shadow and Grow, 2011

The Life Cycle of Picture-Making, 2011

Tongue Standing Upright, 2011

Using Your Hands, 2011

Worm Finds Rock, 2011

My Reputation as a Kabuki, 2011

Naked to the Bone, 2011

Peacock Hunters, 2011

Light Separated Into 7 Columns, No. 1, 2011

Rauschenberg’s Toe, 2011

Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples, 2011

Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples, 2011(Detail)

Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples, 2011(Detail)

Lost Dogs and Half-Eaten Apples, 2011(Detail)