发起人:lalalalalala  回复数:10   浏览数:3128   最后更新:2011/10/05 22:25:44 by guest
[楼主] amspacesh 2011-09-24 00:00:00

Two artists: Yu Ji, Christina Shmigel. Two generations: One with the lingering local memory of a Shanghai childhood, the other with a foreigner’s grasping for a sense of place in a time of change. One gallery: am space, containing discreet mementos of its historical past. Shared concerns: How can memory be manifested in the creation of something new, something that carries its history but is not mired in it; how does the slow creation of work by craft and accretion allow memory to inhabit it; how can the installation of the work in space contain the viewer. Two studios: The fluid nature of what is to be seen on consecutive visits, changing relationships between objects, collections, materials, discards, tracks of work efforts, of re-purposing. The exhibition idea, inspired by German philosopher Walter Benjamin’s notion of activating the “ atavistic memory ” : to incorporate the work of the two individual artists into the gallery in the way of the ever-evolving studios, thoughts in progress, responding to the particularities of the space, placing events and objects in a wider context of time and space. Over the course of the exhibition: The gallery acts as studio, the artists’ engagement with the space and with each other’ s work continually re-imagining the initial installation. In the end: A viewing that carries the memory of the show’ s original form but is inextricably altered by time’ s passage. In Benjamin''''s own words, " it is in the profound activity of recollection that one advances step by step."

两位艺术家:于吉,克丽蒂娜 施米吉尔。两个时代:一位艺术家怀着缠绵细腻的上海本土童年记忆,另一位则是从一个外国来访者的角度把握上海的时代变革。一个空间:上午艺术空间所处的建筑载有其浓厚的历史回忆。共同关注的问题:记忆是如何在创造中被表现,有些事物承载着历史却并没有深陷其中;怎样通过缓慢的劳动与工作解读时间与过去;被陈列在空间内的艺术作品作品如何与观众沟通。两个工作室:通过流动的观者,在收集,材料,丢弃,工作等形式中彼此转换关系。在展览的过程中:展厅扮演了工作室的角色,艺术家作品相互的参与、与空间的参与,在反复臆想中作品随之发生改变。此次展览的构想受到德国哲学家瓦尔特•本雅明的影响和启发,雅明在《柏林童年》中按照“古代记忆激活法”构建一种特异的回忆,这种自然记忆与“有意识回忆”的方法把事与物放在一个更宽泛的时间与空间里,变得有意思,用本雅明的话说,“是向回忆活动的深层内里进行逐一挺进”。



She is a Chinese artist from 80s’, lives and works in Shanghai now. She mainly makes sculpture and installation.

Christina Shmigel
美国装置艺术家兼艺术教授, 现工作生活于上海,这位来自美国圣路易斯的艺术家在上海发现了迥异于其故乡的城市空间 ,在上海工作的7年时间中她以独特的方式记录着她在上海生活的点点滴滴。

Christina Shmigel
American visal artist, lives and works in Shanghai more than 7 years.

想了解艺术家更多信息,您可以登录艺术家个人网站进行查询 / For more inforemation:
Yu Ji:http://www.yuujii.org/
Christina Shmigel:http://shmigel.com/pages/index2.html
am art space 上午艺术空间

BF, 50B Fengxian Rd, Shanghai200041, China
T: 8621 63842432

Weibo: weibo.com/u/1915450870
Blog: blog.sina.com.cn/amspacesh
email: amspacesh@yahoo.com.cn
