发起人:shirley_88  回复数:0   浏览数:1548   最后更新:2010/12/17 13:03:37 by shirley_88
[楼主] 理论车间 2010-12-17 13:03:37

法国新浪潮电影我觉得是遵照这样一个配方:剧本从蒙田的一句警句开始,转到波德莱尔和巴斯卡再到午饭时间里的萨特讨论,然后就到了烟雾缭绕中的爱伦。坡,然后到美国小说家麦尔维尔。麦尔维尔是专管提供人类困境的。在《Billy Budd》里,他写到,人类的完美和美丽制度,就是使人人都被周围很友善和内疚的人判决,被送上十字架,没有一个邻人愿意有这样惨境,但结果却被保证这样奥斯卡斯维辛式地到来。十九世纪时,麦尔维尔写的是那个基督教世界:它一定会成奥斯维辛,今天果然是不步不差。但二十世纪里,说上帝死了,希特勒也没有了,我们人类现在处于什么状态下了呢?

人人,不是主人公,都陷进这一困境中了。哲学家南西说,女导演Denise 的电影《美丽工作》说的就是这个。

在这个没有了救赎的世界里,失去了救世主的人们属于一个无可挑剔的秩序了:我们像被派到非洲沙漠边缘去执行一次只有站岗和练肌肉的任务的海外兵团了。他们在一个大超市里每天像修道士那样去遵守一个永远不变的时间表:式、K歌、村上春树式慢跑、成龙式的遵照机场时刻表飞奔到各地剪彩,这就是人的道成肉身了。 这正成为一种非宗教的宗教,areligion,一种人的宗教,另一种宗教,我们陷入一种陌生的宗教里了。在这种宗教里,上帝就是人自己;人的身体闲置着,就是人自己膜拜的场所。人不是无救赎,而是人人都成了救赎者,找不到被救赎的人了。





There is a lot of a return of religiousness which seems to be very empty, but at the same time, as I said before, it seems to me to help to make Christianity more empty. As philosophers, however, we stopped in a certain way to put the question between us. As if religion would be simply out of the game for the philosopher, and as if there wasn't anything to take from something that was such an important part in the construction of the Occident.

I would like to say, not to be too ambiguous, that what is perhaps to come I would not name Christianity, but the West coming out from the self–deconstruction of Christianity. Something which will make Christianity possible – in that way I am totally faithful to Heidegger and his sense of deconstruction to dissemble and to let come in the future something which was behind us and in a way hasn't even come yet. I would also say that if something comes, there will be nothing given to show that it comes. Certainly it will be, I would say, something as different to our world as Christianity at the beginning of the tenth century was in the eyes of the old Romans.
