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[楼主] 嘿鬼妹 2006-08-07 07:48:39
Nikki S. Lee's AKA Nikki S. Lee

Aka Nikki S. Lee, 在美国纽约,韩国首尔,法国巴黎,威尼斯,墨西哥,德国法兰克福和墨西哥圣达菲用数码摄像机来观察及展开虚构和现实之间的现象。录像(关于承认身份)记录Lee这两年私人生活的一些内容,而使人想这个自传录像由另外一个人拍出来的。



The Museum of Modern Art
11 W. 53 St. (212) 708-9480


AKA Nikki S. Lee, shot on digital video mainly in New York, Seoul, Paris, Venice, Mexico City, Frankfurt, and Santa Fe, explores and expands the play between truth and fiction. The film-about assuming identities, any one of which may indeed be Lee's true identity-tracks the events of the two most recent years of Lee's own life and suggests that someone else is making the autobiographical documentary in which at least two distinct personalities emerge as she shops, visits art collectors at home, and attends gallery openings abroad.

Organized by Laurence Kardish, Senior Curator, Department of Film and Media.
[沙发:1楼] louis493 2006-10-02 01:24:10