发起人:陈云昭  回复数:5   浏览数:2452   最后更新:2005/07/18 03:18:47 by
[楼主] 头牌艺妓 2005-05-16 01:03:32
唐启凤荣幸的为您呈现张培力在北京的首次个展。Currents - Art and Music
开展时间: 2006年11月11日,下午 3:00 工作时间: 周二 - 周日,11:00 -
18:00 地址:北京市朝阳区东八间房双宝小区#2
邮件: [email]fionahe@currents.cc 网站: [url]www.currents.cc
Sarina Tang presents Zhang Peili's first solo exhibition – Phrase, in
Beijing. This is also the first exhibition at Currents - Art and Music,
a new non-commercial installation space in Beijing to promote
interaction among international and Chinese artists and musicians. Zhang Peili,
director of New Media Department at the China Academy of Fine Art
Hangzhou, has created an interactive video Phrase. The exhibition also
features Happiness, an installation appropriating excerpts from a 1970' film
In the Shipyard. Curator: Zhang Li. Opening Date: November 11th, 2006.
3:00 p.m. 11:00 - 18:00, Tues. - Sun. Add: Chaoyang District
Dongbajianfang Shuangbao, #2 Tel: +86-10-5205-3805/07 email:
[email]fionahe@currents.cc web: [url]www.currents.cc
[沙发:1楼] jenis 2006-11-07 00:59:01