发起人:妈的笑死人了  回复数:2   浏览数:2999   最后更新:2006/10/13 17:20:30 by
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2006-10-13 07:54:27

Jen Bekman,在纽约soho拥有同名画廊:“我收藏过程中其中一个大乐趣是,在我的收藏里,我和这些我拥有的作品的艺术家都有着私人密切的关系。我时常买一些东西然后最后都回拿出来展出,我时常都会得到和我工作的艺术家给的礼物。”

NEW YORK, Oct. 25, 2006—Says Jen Bekman, who owns a gallery of the same name in SoHo: “One of the great pleasures I take in collecting, and in my collection, is that I have personal relationships with all the artists whose work I own. I often buy something and then subsequently end up showing their work. I've also received a lot of amazing gifts from artists I've worked with."

Tema Stauffer加油站


第一个作品是Tema Stauffer加油站,共700美元。


My First Acquisition:

The first piece I bought was Tema Stauffer's Gas Station. It was $700.

I first saw Tema's work at a group exhibition. My experience at that show, which was a very informal private event, was one of the key events that led me to actually open my gallery. I'd gone to the opening with a friend of mine, and he'd taken an interest in Tema's work.

It was hard to find out a lot of information about her work from the materials provided, so I tracked her down and brought her over to my friend to discuss the piece and her work overall.

Creating that connection and participating in the conversation that ensued was a “light bulb” moment for me. I didn't know it then, but a few months later, Tema would be exhibiting her work in my gallery's inaugural exhibition alongside Mara Bodis-Wollner and Dana Miller.

Agnes Barley


是Agnes Barley的一个在纸上用丙烯画的画。是一个礼物,类似的作品要5000美元。是一个很非常舒心和迷人简单的作品。一直都在我的起居室里,我从来都不会看腻的。

The Favorite Work in My Collection:

My favorite piece is an acrylic on paper painting by Agnes Barley. It was a gift from the artist; similar paintings are around $5,000. It's incredibly soothing and deceptively simple. It's hung in my living room for years, and I never tire of looking at it.

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Kate Bingaman


我最近的收藏是非常(非常)适度的。我买了Kate Bingaman非常棒的“每日购物”的画,从她的网站上买的,强迫性消费(网站名)。它们很可人很特别,而且有很好的价钱,才25美元一个。

My Most Recent Acquisitions:

My most recent purchase was very (very!) modest. I bought several of Kate Bingaman's absolutely genius "Daily Purchase” drawings, from her Web site, Obsessive Consumption. They are lovely and special and a true bargain at only $25 each.

I gave a couple away as gifts. My friends Caterina [Fake] and Stewart [Butterfield], the founders of Flickr [the popular Web site for sharing digital photos], got a [very appropriately titled] drawing of Kate's. My publicist, Lauren Cerand, received a drawing of a pair of Gold Shoes, which I'd deemed very Lauren.

I kept two to myself: one of a moleskine notebook and another of an ice cream sandwich, two items I love immeasurably.



The Work I Own That Has Appreciated Most in Value:

The answer to this is yet to be seen. My passion is for all that's emerging: art, artists, collectors and, since I suppose I'm an emerging gallerist, galleries! I think we're all in the process of appreciating, and I'm enjoying the ride.

The artist most ascendant from my exhibition inventory is probably Swoon. I curated a group show called "Made in NY" in Summer of 2003; it was Swoon's NYC gallery debut. She showed alongside other street artists such as Darius and Downey and Vinnie Ray, as well as some amazing photographers, including Mitch Epstein.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-11-23 17:26:58