发起人:玛丽安  回复数:2   浏览数:3118   最后更新:2008/12/18 14:35:38 by guest
[楼主] wyp198793 2008-12-13 12:10:01


展览时间:2008年12月23日至2009年2月 15日, 10:00 – 18:00 (星期一休息)

电话:+86 21 62770903 / 传真:+ 86 21 62771797
E-mail: shoppinggallery2008@gmail.com

小制作 – 大时代!
杭州是个迷人的城市,给人一种柔和的气息,使人感到舒适,但同样也给艺术创作带来了隐患。随着艺术市场的不断壮大,艺术团体却很难聚集合作,每个人都忙于各自的作品。此外,缺乏经济上的支持和做艺术项目共同的兴趣使得艺术合作停滞不前。在这些情况下,邵一,张辽源和一些其他的艺术家决定改变这种现状,在杭州艺术圈中开启一个对话的窗口。他们发现:杭州缺少的不是好的展览,而是根本就没有展览, 没有人去积极组织活动, 人们太过注重展览本身,忽视了活动中相互交流的重要性。


The 5th Small Productions Event

Opening: December 23rd, 2008, Tuesday, 18:00
Exhibition dates: December 23rd, 2008 to February 15th, 2009, 10:00 – 18:00 (Monday closed)
Shopping Gallery
1/F, Bldg 8, 50 Moganshan Road 200060 Shanghai
T: +86 21 62770903 / F: +86 21 62771797
E-mail: shoppinggallery2008@gmail.com

“The time for small productions has finally come!!”
“Small Production - Great Era!!”

The enchanting environment of Hangzhou attracts and traps people in a comfort that turn into an obstacle when organizing events. With the growth of the art market, the artistic community hardly gathers and collaborates, everyone being busy working on individual project. In addition, lack of financial support and exclusive interests for ambitious projects paralyze artistic activities. Under these circumstances, Shao Yi, Zhang Liaoyuan and others decided to change this reality and opened a dialogue with artists in Hangzhou. It occurred to them that “it’s not that there are no good exhibitions in Hangzhou, but there are no exhibitions at all, no one is enthusiastic in organizing a common event, there is too much focus on the exhibition itself and not enough on the communication, etc.”.

It is then that the first project was established, it was called Small productions (August 2008) and was held in Shao Yi’s studio.

“Small productions is a big theme, from the exhibition point of view, it is incomparably crappy, but this kind of “crap” make people feel relaxed, free, everyone is very happy. A crappy personal experience, a crappy confrontation with a fizzy taste which make it different from a bad exhibition. Soon afterwards, some participants said too much content would reduce the quality of the event, but Shao Yi and I tacitly understand each other, this is the basis, what we want is that everyone communicate freely, we don’t want to curate an exhibition. Everyone shows its real mood and presents what they don’t want to show in other exhibitions, they submit it to everyone’s eyes. […]

“Don’t stop”, this is our activities’ main request, we force ourselves to produce, think, participate, communicate under pressure, maintining a creating attitude within the limits of the individual resources. There’s no good or bad, participants express their ideas in a fast and direct way, without time for doubts.

The show is going on, just wait and see! .” (Zhang Liaoyuan)

“Small Productions” is an event gathering artists from all over China to produce works with individual resources. It includes videos, drawings, installations, photographs and any other kind of media chosen by the artist. The 5th Small Productions Event will be held at the Shopping Gallery from December 23rd 2008 to February 15th 2009.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2008-12-13 14:45:48

[板凳:2楼] guest 2008-12-14 01:12:09
hao ,
[地板:3楼] guest 2008-12-14 01:39:10
[4楼] guest 2008-12-14 12:06:20

[5楼] guest 2008-12-16 00:17:16
呵呵,“小制作 – 大时代!”这个口号有点预言的意思,我顶,我顶我顶顶顶!
[6楼] guest 2008-12-19 14:09:41
[7楼] guest 2008-12-22 15:34:03

[8楼] guest 2008-12-22 17:26:02
支持杭州“小制作”! 反感"阴逼你呀" 的《物是》!

杭州多么实在,知道这是小习作的小东西, 就叫“小制作”,名正言顺,实事求是,头脑清楚。杭州“小制作”已经搞了好一段时间了,搞得如火如荼,而之后《物是》明显是拾人牙慧,瞎鸡巴起哄,这不就模仿在小平行画廊展出的杭州“小制作”嘛?本网站上 <<物是:当代艺术中的物主题(现场) >> 帖子中,[地板:3楼] 说一个参加的作者刘窗做的烂东西,说他没戏了!, 操,说得好,一针见血,我从来就没有觉得他们有戏, 《物是》更加没有戏, 这么个小儿科的东西,搞得“物是”“物是”“物是”的,那么故意"形而上"似的又它妈形而下,还他ma什么绕口令 “物是“ 物主题,呀呀呀, ,丫的 “物是“ 就是个小鸡巴

[9楼] guest 2008-12-22 18:55:22
[10楼] guest 2008-12-23 00:45:48
[11楼] guest 2008-12-23 12:09:23

[quote]引用第9楼guest于2008-12-22 17:26:03发表的:
支持杭州“小制作”! 反感"阴逼你呀" 的《物是》!

杭州多么实在,知道这是小习作的小东西, 就叫“小制作”,名正言顺,实事求是,头脑清楚。杭州“小制作”已经搞了好一段时间了,搞得如火如荼,而之后《物是》明显是拾人牙慧,瞎鸡巴起哄,这不就模仿在小平行画廊展出的杭州“小制作”嘛?本网站上 <<物是:当代艺术中的物主题(现场) ...[/quote]

[12楼] guest 2008-12-23 12:22:27
[13楼] guest 2008-12-23 19:13:37
[14楼] guest 2008-12-23 21:50:50
[15楼] guest 2008-12-24 09:03:57