!!新圣旨:做爱宣言 !!
发起人:圣君  回复数:2   浏览数:2536   最后更新:2008/12/13 01:38:20 by 圣君
[楼主] piupiupiu 2008-12-12 00:00:00

22号星期六,"印度美术的新时代" Chalo!India ( 走吧!印度 ) 刚刚在森美术馆开幕。

这种借以大型当代艺术展的形式,力图全方位地呈现一个国度深刻的社会现实及其历史背景和地理特征的展览,我是第一次见到。 这样的规模和气势,出现在东京也是第一次。

而请来参加研讨会的专家,多半远离东京,出身九州或北海道。他们提着装着电脑和换洗衣服的大包小包,远道赴京,在夜色中匆匆赶上新干线,返归地方而去。 如同研讨会上稍显尴尬的情景,观众们竟然提不出问题--- 没有几个人真正地踏上过印度的土地。


原以为可以和中国的当代艺术作一个对比,如同许多中国人的心态,可当我真正地走入展厅,却发现自己惊讶得说不出话来。我看到的 一切,如此新鲜,张扬,聪慧而活力四射。

印度艺术的生命力是长在那儿的,大气,幽默,并且强壮。 而我们自己的,太自作聪明,太讨巧。




而四天后26号晚,孟买突然被袭。 目前死者已超过100人。 印度,离我们太远,还是太近?

我记起来,在展览馆的最后,放着一个巨大的彩板,它用鲜红的快乐的颜色写着一个开头 --- 亲爱的印度 dear India,然后填空---


If you were to be asked to complete the following sentence, as if it were a stage direction for a character called "India" in a play:

"Enter India, upstage, facing the audience, into the age of __________"

1.into the age of just short of perfect dream.

2.into the age of uncertainty as never seen before.

3.into the age of an ’encounter between modernity and tradition, between caste and capitalism’

4.into the age of despair.

5.into the age of unutterable anxiety.

6.into the age of strange hyphenated adjectives, blinking into the light, saying, ’look at me, look at me’

7.into the age when the public sphere is marked by deep social tension coupled with indelible hope for the future.

8.into the age of options

9.into the age of endless uncertainty, a fading Western millennium and a false Asian century.