瑞典街头环保广告 与中国当代艺术撞车
发起人:小青年  回复数:1   浏览数:1899   最后更新:2008/05/09 04:42:18 by 温兮
[楼主] 弥撒 2008-05-09 04:42:18
由艺术家Billy Chasen 制作的心脏喷泉。

[沙发:1楼] 弥撒 2008-05-09 04:56:48
An exploded view of a real ipod, encased in resin. And it still works (via plugs at the bottom). View more photos here.
No strings or extra supports other than the feather. Dimensions approx. 22"x24"x12"
Move back from your computer and you will see my self portrait. Now get in close and you will see thousands of individual acrylic drips of paint. Dimensions 24"x24".

A fish tank, built on top of a computer monitor, that acts like an odd lava lamp with living creatures inside. The fish do not mind the monitor and are sometimes entranced by it. To view a video of the monitor when turned on, click above (needs a fast connection). Dimensions 60"x15"x15".

A working hard-drive and two fans are embedded into this canvas of neurons. Oil on canvas with dimensions 18"x24".