发起人:zendaimoma1  回复数:0   浏览数:2339   最后更新:2008/03/31 03:44:01 by
[楼主] 小mo 2008-03-31 03:44:01
1954年出生在印度孟买的英籍印度裔雕塑家Anish Kapoor安尼施•卡普尔,是当代英国雕塑界一位极其重要的人物。


1954年 生于印度孟买
1973-1977年 霍恩西学院,英国伦敦
1977-1978年 切尔西艺术与设计学院,英国伦敦。目前在伦敦居住并工作
1980年 法国巴黎
1983年 英国伦敦
1987年 新作展,美国马萨诸塞州阿默斯特
1996年 “地面计划——1993-1995年”,美国旧金山
1998年 “她的血”,法国巴黎
1999年 装置展,英国
1974年 “进入风景的艺术Ⅰ”,英国伦敦
1982年 “82青年第四十届威尼斯双年展”,意大利威尼斯
1986年 “86展望”,德国法兰克福
1990年 第四十四届威尼斯双年展,意大利威尼斯
1992年 第九届文献展,德国卡塞尔
1996年 第二十三届圣保罗双年展,巴西圣保罗
1998年 “伤痕——在民主与拯救之间”,瑞典斯德哥尔摩
1999年 “对话中的艺术世界”,德国科隆

[沙发:1楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:25:28
[板凳:2楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:26:16
[地板:3楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:26:43
[4楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:27:15
[5楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:27:39
[6楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:28:02
[7楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:28:28
[8楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:36:45
[9楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:37:02
[10楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:37:21
[11楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:37:35
[12楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:38:34
[13楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:40:52
[14楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:41:14
[15楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:41:56
[16楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:42:14
[17楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:42:33
[18楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:44:29
[19楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:44:47
[20楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:45:03
[21楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:45:17
[22楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:45:33
[23楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:45:53
[24楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:46:50
[25楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:47:54
[26楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:48:15
[27楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:48:51
[28楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:50:24

[29楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:53:57
07年作品<I have places like these,you have places like these>
[30楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:54:16
[31楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:55:04
[32楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:55:40
[33楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:56:54
[34楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 06:57:24
[35楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 07:01:05
[36楼] 小mo 2008-03-31 07:01:34
[37楼] guest 2008-04-01 05:34:26
这个超级资料还没有做完吧,卡普尔应该还有更多的作品把? [s:328]
[38楼] guest 2010-02-06 22:09:22

『艺术』Anish Kapoor:玩笑是一种态度

Anish Kapoor代表着一种快乐,是欢快的微笑,是开怀的大笑,是调皮的玩笑。英国伦敦的皇家美术学院伯林顿馆最近举办了他的个人回顾展。“这个展览其实充满了玩乐性质,里面有很多我全新的尝试。”Kapoor与我们侃侃而谈,“这些充满趣味的作品是我在30多年来的创造累积,所以对于我来说,这次的展览是对我创作的一个肯定。”

1954年出生于印度孟买的Kapoor在20世纪70年代来到伦敦学习艺术,并从此扎根于伦敦。他的作品深受20世纪现代派艺术家的影响,例如Donald Judd、Carl Andre、Richard Serra等等。他在1991年曾经获得过具有很高声誉的特纳奖(Turner Prize),而且被认为当时最具开拓性的雕塑家之一。


自然、超感觉的作品把观赏者深深吸引住了。在颜色方面,Kapoor喜爱用单一的和纯色彩来展现作品,“我把色彩看作一种洗礼,一种信仰。”Kapoor说道,“当我创作了一个红色的作品,那它就是纯粹的红色。像Barnett Newman 和Mark Rothko这样的艺术家就经常使用这种方式来创作,当你站在这样的艺术品前,你会被深深地吸引,完全被作品所占有。就如黄的就是黄的,水就是湿的如此简单纯粹。”



《Shooting into the Corner》是一种通过空间冲击以及对雕塑艺术操纵的行为来表现的艺术。在展览厅的一个房间,Kapoor安装了一个小型炮筒,每过20分钟,一个身穿黑色衣服的助理会在这个炮筒里装上深红色的蜡质物品,这些重达10到11公斤的蜡块就会被炮筒轰向房间内的一个角落,每个蜡块被发射出去后,就能听到蜡块飞溅在墙上的声音。经过了两个月的展览,墙上和地上(有时候也会有发射失败的蜡块)越变越红,就像是鲜血一样。这是对这栋建筑的冲击与反对,这是一个绝对的富有男性阳刚气的作品。Kapoor表示这个作品的意义有些类似于“对文明的亵渎”或者也可以解释为“可怕的暴力行为”。


这并不是全部,现年55岁的Kapoor仍在不懈地探索着以新的方式和形式来展现雕塑。哪怕冒着极大的风险也要探索出新的媒介。“从事这个行业,或者作为一名艺术家而言,乐趣就在于‘未知’,”他吐露道,“ 另一方面,如果我总是清楚我在做些什么,那就会很无趣了。”的确如此,也就是这种想法使得Kapoor给我们带来了越来越多激动人心的作品。

『周末画报』 撰文 Anna Sansom 翻译 Fiona

[39楼] guest 2010-02-11 10:30:41

[40楼] ARTzhenzhen 2010-11-23 17:27:59

Anish Kapoor New Works
14 October – 14 November 2009 52-54 Bell Street

• A number of significant new Kapoor works to coincide with Royal Academy exhibition

Lisson Gallery is delighted to announce the forthcoming exhibition of new work by Anish Kapoor this autumn, coinciding with the artist’s major exhibitions at the Royal Academy in London and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

The exhibition will include a number of significant new works that develop the form and image of the mirror. All large-scale pieces, these works show the variety of form, colour, and material as well as emotion and reference with which the artist engages in relation to this simple essential theme. A small series of works take the simplest shape – that of the concave dish - to new levels of material beauty and pictorial sophistication. A large deep hemisphere plays, like many of Kapoor’s works, with colour as the basis of an immersive environment. Another series explores variants of twisted and torqued forms, reflecting in their irregular surfaces images of a world of mobility and instability.

Anish Kapoor first became known for his brightly-coloured pigment sculptures which seemed to fuse forms and associations of his Indian heritage and his adopted European culture. In the late 1980s and 90s he was acclaimed for his remarkable explorations of matter and non-matter, specifically evoking the void in both free-standing sculptural works and ambitious installations. For over a decade now he has addressed similar concerns through the mirror theme, including some of the most remarkable public works including Sky Mirror in New York City and the much-loved Cloud Gate permanently installed in Chicago.


Anish Kapoor
National Gallery of Modern Art
Opening 27 November
28 November - 27 February 2011
Mehboob Studios
Opening 29 November
30 November - 16 January 2011
Mehboob Studios

[41楼] ARTzhenzhen 2010-12-02 16:56:15
Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor at the Frieze Art Fair in Regent's Park!!!

A woman looks into an untitled piece by Anish Kapoor at the Frieze Art Fair in Regent's Park, north London on October 13, 2010. The Frieze Art Fair is an annual event that showcases new and established artists to an international audience, and is due to run until October 17.

Anish Kapoor in Paris FIAC!!!

A visitor, right, looks at "Slug" by British artist of India origin Ansih Kapoor displayed at the Grand Palais in Paris, Friday Oct. 22, 2010 during the Paris FIAC, International Contemporary Art Fair, which runs from Oct. 21 to 24, 2010.

Anish Kapoor in Hyde Park London!!!

A cyclist looks at his reflection in a work entitled "C-Curve", in Hyde Park London, Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010

Anish Kapoor in New Delhi India!!!

India's ruling Congress party President Sonia Gandhi (R) with Longdon based artist Anish Kapoor (L) at the inauguration of the latter's exhibition in New Delhi on November 27, 2010. Kapoor is showing his work in Delhi for first time.

NEW DELHI: He's a superstar in the artworld. And now, art lovers in Indiawill get their first chance to see the work of famous sculptor Anish Kapoor upclose. It's a homecoming of sorts for the Mumbai-born artist who has nevershown in the country before.

The three-month exhibition,which kicks off in November, will be organized at two sites — the National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi and Mehboob Studio in Mumbai. Visitorsto the first venue — the new wing of the NGMA — will be greeted by one of Kapoor'ssignature sky mirrors that capture startling reflections of the world and thosewho look at it.
此次展览已于11月揭开序幕,将为期三个月,展览地点有两处——新德里的国家当代美术馆和孟买的 Mehboob 工作室。来到新德里国家美术馆的参观者将会发现有卡普尔签名的“巨型镜子”,镜子映射出所有在看它的观众以及外部世界的惊人反应。

Andrea Rose of the British Council,which is organizing the exhibition along with the ministry of culture andLisson Gallery, says the idea for the show goes back many years. ''Eight yearsago, Anish and I came to India looking for venues but didn't find anythingsuitable. The NGMA hadn't been renovated then and the doorways of Jaipur House,which housed the museum's original wing, were too small and Mumbaididn't have a big enough space to offer,'' says Rose, who is director of visualarts at British Council.
与里森画廊一同组织这次展览的安德烈罗斯(英国文化协会视觉艺术总监)说,展览的想法追溯到很多年前了。“8年前,阿尼什与我一起到印度看场地却没有找到合适的地点。 当时新德里国家美术馆还没有翻新,而它旁边的翟普尔楼的门口又太小,孟买再没有更大的场地可以提供了。 ”

They finally decided on a Bollywoodstudio, perhaps an apt choice considering the theatricality of Kapoor's laterwork. ''He also likes people to experience his art in new ways,'' says Rose.

For Kapoor, a Doon product,it's been an extraordinary trajectory. At 26, he was signed up by thefashionable Lisson Gallery, which has represented him ever since. Hissupersized sculptures such as Sky Mirror in Nottingham and Chicago's Cloud Gatehave made him popular. Marsyas, a 10-storey-high epic sculpture showcased atTate Modern in 2002, was seen by some 1.8m people, making it one of the mostfamous sculptures in the world.
对卡普尔来说,他的创作轨迹非同寻常。26岁时,他与著名的里森画廊签定合约,该画廊至此之后就一直为他代理。 他令人惊叹的雕塑作品如:英国诺丁汉的巨型镜子和在美国芝加哥的云之门使他名声在外。 2002年在泰特美术馆展出的一个10楼高的巨型史诗型雕塑曾被180万观众参观,这件作品成为全世界最著名的雕塑作品之一。

Soon the Turner prize-winning artist'smonument to the Olympics, an immensely tall tower named the Arcelor MittalOrbit, will make its mark on London.

But this son of a Hindu father andJewish mother, who spent the first 18 years of his life in India before goingto Britain, is little known in his homeland. ''What Naipaul is to literatureand Zubin to music, Kapoor is to art,'' says Tasneem Mehta, art historian andmanaging trustee of Mumbai's Bhau Daji Lad Museum. Mehta, who did her thesis onKapoor as part of her modern art degree, is happy that an exhibition of hiswork has finally materialized. This solo showing will be quite a comprehensiveone with early pigmented works as well as wax, steel and resin pieces. ''It'salmost a catalogue of the materials he uses,'' says Rose.
他的父亲是印度人,母亲是犹太人。18岁以前在印度生活之后一直在英国。塔斯尼姆梅塔(艺术史研究者和孟买Bhau Daji Lad Museum的委托管理人)说:“如同文学上的奈保尔,祖宾的音乐,卡普尔的艺术”。 梅塔曾在她的当代艺术学位的论文中专门谈到他。她非常高兴卡普尔的展览终于实现了。此次个展脉络清晰,同时也会展出一些他个人早期的作品,包括用到蜡,钢和树脂。罗斯还说,这几乎是所有他使用过的材料目录。
It will also include works from therecent show at the Royal Academy, which, in a rare departure,devoted all its five galleries to the sculptor's work. Some of the works ondisplay included a visceral wax-firing cannon anda 40-ton block of blood-red wax, paint and vaseline that during the course ofits travels in the gallery splattered walls with blood-like coagulations. The show attracted a record-breaking 275,000 visitors to become the mostsuccessful exhibition of a living artist ever held in London.

Now, it is India's turn toqueue up.

Anish Kapoor in Mumbai India!!!

London based Indian artist Anish Kapoor poses for photographers with his stainless steel installation during the preview of his exhibition at the Mehboob Film Studios in Mumbai on November 29, 2010. Kapoor is showing his work in Mumbai from November 30 to January 16, 2011.

People look at installation

Anish Kapoor in London Design Guide!!!

C-CURVE, 2007

LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 27: Visitors to Kensington Gardens are reflected in Anish Kapoor's sculpture "C-Curve 2007" on September 27, 2010 in London, England. Four works are being displayed in the park in an exhibition entitled "Turning the World Upside Down" and will be open to the public from September 28, 2010 to March 13, 2011.

Sky Mirror, red 2007

Turning the World Upside Down
