发起人:天花板  回复数:0   浏览数:1596   最后更新:2017/02/26 19:31:43 by 天花板
[楼主] 陆小果 2017-02-26 19:31:43



From my Family Album I / 来自我的家庭相册一

Dad / 爸爸

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印,116×100 cm,2011

Mom / 妈妈

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2011

Stepfather / 继父

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2011

Diana Tamane / 戴安娜·塔玛尼

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2011

Halfsister / 同父异母的妹妹

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2011

Great Grand-mother / 曾祖母

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2011

Cousin / 堂妹

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印116×100 cm2012

In the project "From my Family Album I" I recreated memories of my childhood, the feeling of distance and detachment. I returned to Riga to the places, where I grew up and I took a portrait of my family members as a fairy tale or cartoon characters. It is an attempt to create an image of subtle and uncanny things that stay beyond the language, that are left unsaid.


From my Family Album II / 来自我的家庭相册二

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印20×20cm each / 个2013

Leafing through my family albums I collected and highlighted moments of touch between me and someone else from the family.


Flower smuggler / 鲜花走私者

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印70×100 cm×3150×100cm×1,2017

This is a story about my grandmother, who became “the flower smuggler” the last year. The project contains photographs of flowers taken by her, which is also the main subject of my grandmother’s photo albums, And documents, which were sent to her from the custom house of Russian Federation, as she was accused of smuggling by crossing Latvian/Russian border with two pots of flowers. She intended to bring flowers to the grave of her father, who is buried in Abrene. Since 1945 the town of Abrene was annexed to the USSR.


Blood pressure / 血压

Inkjet print / 喷墨打印21×29.7cm each / 个2016

“Blood pressure” is the collection of images I found in my great-grandmother’s family album. Every day until her death she measured her heart beat and blood pressure and wrote it down in a notebook. When she couldn’t find the notebook, she wrote it down on what was near at hand, sometimes on the back of photograph, sometimes on the front of it.


Family Portrait / 全家福

HD video / 高清视频,still / 静态,21’00’’ in loop / 21分钟循环播放,2013 - 2016

Family Portrait is an on-going project I started in 2012. By now it is the ritual - every time I come back to Riga, we sit down on the sofa with my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother and look at the camera for several minutes. In April, 2016 my great grand-mother passed away.


Message:147 of 494 Series / 消息:494之147系列

Letters from Mom / 来自母亲的信

HD video / 高清视频,still / 静态,3’24’ ,2016

Mom / 母亲

Inkjet print /喷墨打印,445x150 cm,2016

On the Road / 在路上

SD video / 标准视频,still / 静态,37’00’’,2015

"Message:147of 494" is a documentation, arising from my mother’s experiences, who became a long-distance truck driver, a few years ago, when her business went bankrupt. "Letters from mom" is an e-mail sent to me by my mother while driving across the North of France. The project also includes a video entitled "On the Road" - a static video shot taken from a lorry's front window with a phone conversation in the background; it's placed in a dialogue with a large-scale photo print "Mom" and is exhibited beside text that contains information about my mother's movements across Europe in the last year: where she drove A-Z, what goods she transported A-Z.

《消息: 494之147 》是关于我母亲经历的一部文档。几年前,我母亲生意失败后成了一名长途货车司机。《妈妈的来信》是她行驶在法国北部时给我发送的一封电邮。这一项目还包括一份题为《在路上》的视频,是从货车前窗拍摄的静态录像,背景音是一段电话交谈。这幅作品与名为“妈妈”的大幅影印放在一起,交相呼应。旁边展出的是我母亲去年在欧洲的足迹和相关信息:列出了她开车到过的地方A-Z和运输的货物A-Z。

Typology of Touch / 触觉类型学

Installation view / 装置视图,354×437cm,2015

Typology of Touch is series of 4 black and white photographs, where I captured the skin of my family (myself, mother, grand-mother and great grand-mother). In this exhibition I presented the skin of my mother.



Artist: Diana Tamane

Opening: 2017.2.18 15:00

Duration: 2017.2.18 - 2017.4.17

Address: No.33 Baotong Temple Road, Wuhan, China



开幕时间:2017.2.18  15:00

展期:2017.2.18- 2017.4.17

