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[楼主] 叮当猫 2017-01-30 08:45:51


部分素材授权转自微信公号: SMartsiN

第十届国际媒体艺术节The 10th CYFEST(圣彼得堡)宣传片


One of the largest international media art festivals, CYFEST was founded in St. Petersburg in 2007 by independent artists and curators.

艺术节致力于推动新形式艺术的涌现和高科技的互动, 在世界各地的艺术家,策展人,工程师和程序员之间扩展专业的联系,向大众展示机器人,视频,声音和网络艺术。

The festival promotes the emergence of new forms of art and high technology interactions. CYFEST’s goal is to develop professional connections between artists, curators, engineers and programmers around the world to expose wide audiences to robotics, video, sound and net art.

“Rehearsal” by Irina Nakhova. 2003

Kombucha’s Oratorio “Fairy Rings” by Sergey Katran, Dmitry Morozov aka ::vtol::. 2016

“Omer” by Els van Riel. 2014

“The Feast of Trimalchio” by AES+F, 2009-10

“Terminalizm Interaction” by Terminal Design Group, 2017

Francesc Martí (Spain-UK) The Sounds of the WorldAudio-visual installation, 2016

为庆祝10周年,CYFEST将聚集来自20个国家的100多位艺术家,其中不乏国际知名的当代艺术家如Irina Nakhova(2015年威尼斯双年展中代表俄罗斯)、Fabrizio Plessi(参加德国卡塞尔举行的Documenta 8意大利艺术家)、Phill Niblock(美国简约作曲家,多媒体音乐家,实验互联网基金会负责人)和William Latham(研究过程艺术,遗传学和计算机图形学相互关系的英国媒体艺术家)。

For its 10th anniversary, CYFEST will gather more than 100 artists from 20 countries. Honorable participants of the festival include Moscow-based Irina Nakhova (who represented Russia at the Venice Biennale 2015); Italian artist Fabrizio Plessi (participant of Documenta 8 held every five years in the German city of Kassel), Phill Niblock (New Yorker minimalist composer, multimedia musician, and director of the Experimental Intermedia Foundation), and William Latham (Britain’s media artist working at the intersection of processual art, genetics and computer graphics.)

艺术节的主要项目是“参考框架”,指的是历史上最伟大的发明之一:笛卡尔坐标。 这种坐标系统作为隐喻运用到艺术世界作为象征性的指导线,其形成对时间和历史的理解,并构成美术技法,作为和谐语言的音乐符号以及化学元素周期表的基础。

The main project of the festival is “Frame of reference”, referring to one of the greatest inventions in history — the Cartesian coordinates. This coordinate system is a metaphor applicable to the art world as symbolic guiding lines which shape understanding of time, history and form the basis of fine arts techniques, musical notation as the language of harmony, and of the periodic table of chemical elements.

CYFEST 10由Anna Frants和Elena Gubanova担任总策划,Sofia Kudryavtseva(教育),Victoria Ilyushkina(视频艺术),Leah Stuhltrager(数字媒体筛选),Sergey Komarov(声音艺术),Varvara Yegorova和Lizaveta Matveeva(展览)协同策划。

CYFEST 10 is curated by Anna Frants and Elena Gubanova. Selected parts of CYFEST programming is co-curated by Sofia Kudryavtseva (Education), Victoria Ilyushkina (Video Art), Leah Stuhltrager (Digital Media Screening), Sergey Komarov (Sound Art), Varvara Yegorova and Lizaveta Matveeva (Exhibition).


