发起人:Morfina  回复数:0   浏览数:2448   最后更新:2016/07/13 14:41:05 by Morfina
[楼主] 上苑艺术馆 2016-07-13 14:41:05


Memory: Drama in the Rear-View Mirror –Shangyuan Art Museum Themed Exhibition



Name of the Exhibition:

Memory: Drama inthe Rear-View Mirror – Shangyuan Art Museum Themed Exhibition





Xiao Yufang(host), Zhang Zhigang (planer), Zhang Tao (organizer), Su Fenglei (copy writer)

Producer: Cheng Xiaobei



陈牧甜、曹戈、林路涵、马俊 、曲盈、滕龙、王右(声音艺术)、王戎、王恺、赵文娟、郑剑


painting:Chen Jianfeng, Fu Junsheng, Han qing, Jiang Suiwu, Li Huameng, Pang Yun, Xian Chaogan, Tong Wenyu, Wu Pengbo, Kuang Jamin, Xiao Yufang, Yang Weineng,  Yan Kehang, Wang Fu, Wang Xiaodong, Wang Longhao, Wang Yi, Zhang Tao, Zhang Li, Zhang Yi, Zhang Lijun, Zhang Zhigang, Zhu Kun

Comprehensive art:
Chen Mutian, Cao Ge, Lin Luhan, Ma Jun, Qu Ying, Teng Long, Wang You, Wang Rong, Wang Kai, Zhao Wenjuan, Zheng Jian



展出 场馆:北京上苑艺术馆

Exhibition Date: July 23rd to 30th 2016

Opening Date: July 23rd 3:30 pm 2016

Venue: Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum








5.      About the Theme:

Memory is on the opposite side of oblivion, as well as the present. It is like standing at the tip of a ship and looking backwards to the rear. What we see is a grand sight, material and uncertainty. When looking forward, we find ourselves within the unstoppable force of historical inertia.

Memory deepens our physical body, but we have no idea how many of them are there, what’s the size of  memory, how large is the map of memory and where lays the boundary.

Differing from the abstract time of physical world, the time of life is lingering forever while varying in forms, collecting and recording encounters everywhere in our life. By using various residues from personal experience, we build our castle of memory.

We have memories from our childhood, adolescent, adulthood and etc. Those memories are either bright,dark, vague or clear. Memories have weight as well, some of them can be as heavy as ballast, but some are so light that we barely mention them. Memories have temperature as well, either warm, cold or freezing. Memories have color, like dark amber of the sunset, or as Grey as the mist in the morning or like bright orange of the sun……

Unintentionally,memories were shattered into pieces. We all live through these fragments of memories. But how can memories reenact if they have been weathered down? Can the shape of memories remain intact and clear in our imagination, illusion or dream?

How do you want to express your memories? We are looking for you, a solid example of personal memory. A collective exhibition as such will enable us to see the exuberance and grandness, the sincerity and penetrating charm that can be only achieved by one person.

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上苑 & 鸟巢-文学艺术国际联盟(简称:国际文盟)

International Network of Literature and Art(INLA)

电话: 010-60635299 60635757

Website: http://www.inlac.cc/

上苑艺术馆官网 http://www.syartmuseum.com/


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