发起人:黄强maque  回复数:0   浏览数:1143   最后更新:2014/04/19 09:39:30 by 黄强maque
[楼主] ankoku 2014-04-19 09:39:30


舞踏或暗黑舞踏(暗黒舞踏,あんこくぶとう, ankoku butō, Butoh),诞生于二戰後的日本,由日本舞蹈家土方巽大野一雄二次大战后所创,企图破坏西方对于表演、动作、和肢体的传统美学观点,追求肉体之上的心灵解放和自由。如今被歸為现代舞的範疇。舞踏表演艺术颠覆了西方http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_494b9a090101fl51.html技巧及传统舞蹈关于身体与动作的美学,与其用身体去解释情感和故事,不如用身体去解释身体本身。日本舞踏逐渐受到欧美舞蹈界的欢迎和重视,国际上各个艺术节、舞蹈节中也更常看见舞踏的表演。如今,日本舞踏已和碧娜·鲍许舞蹈剧场美国后现代舞蹈Postmodern dance)并列为当代三大新舞蹈流派.



“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节

“身体的神谕与谜团”舞踏六日工作坊 Workshop   

· 舞踏基础工作坊





1) 静默的自然行走

2) 携带空间与气场

3) 动作质量在舞踏中的研究

4) 分组编创:探索奇怪物性的身体

· 舞踏进阶编创工作坊





1) Apocrypha新约外传

2) Labyrinth迷宫

3) TAO道

· 舞踏即兴工作坊






汇款账号:中国工商银行 622202 0200064 663293 杜昱枋 请短信确认 13810401685

· 限名20人,报满即止 报名邮件 dudu@toptotoebutoh.com


中日舞踏汇演 Performance <游园.惊梦> 

4月27日晚 20:00-22:00



演出者:桂勘 杜昱枋


演出者:清子 大村憲子




演出者:原田伸雄 青龍会成员





订票电话:13681014992 安妮 13522805892 霓霓


桂勘(Katsura Kan)

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节

1948年生于日本京都,元老级舞踏家之一。1979-1981加入日本最主要舞踏团之一的“白虎社”(Byakkosha。土方巽系下最具影响力的舞踏团体之一),之后20年一直在印度尼西亚及泰国从事研究工作。2001年,Kan开始在巴尔干地区展开新的交流与创作。Kan作为技艺精湛的独舞者和极具合作精神的表演者、编舞家为世人熟知。Kan在其云游创作过程中不断融合世界文化,在过去的三十年里,遍历非洲、欧洲、东南亚地区的偏远地区和被Kan称为“少数舞者”的舞蹈家们共同工作。近年来他活跃于中国和拉丁美洲,在从事“贝克特舞踏谱(Beckett BUTOH Notation)”的研究,并在雅典进行“舞蹈清唱剧(Dance Oratorio)“项目《神谕&迷(Oracle & Enigma)》的研究与创作。

原田伸雄(Nobuo Harada)

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节


杜昱枋(Top to Toe Butoh)

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节

生于北京,毕业于北京舞蹈学院艺术传播系。2010年底与舞踏结缘。2012年她创建元初舞踏社(Top to Toe Butoh)。作为组织者,她邀请多国艺术家在各城市举办工作坊及文化交流项目。作为独立舞者,她在中国和欧洲多次进行即兴独舞专场演出。她的采风、工作坊、讲座、文化研究合作项目,在中国、台湾、泰国、马来西亚、埃及、柬埔寨、意大利、德国、瑞士、希腊、日本等地开展,涉及戏剧、影像的合作项目。



高砂组合( Takasago Butoh Co-op ),来自日本高砂。

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节


大村憲子(Noriko Omura)

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节

1952年生于日本高知,独立舞者与编导。 1972-1979年期间,她曾师从 Genjirou Arato、荒戸源次郎(划时代电影与戏剧制作人,导演,1972年组织剧団「天象仪馆」)。并加入在日本地下运动,研究身体表达。 1991年编导电影「梦二」(导演铃木清顺)1992-2003年,主持舞团「舞霜」。代表作有「埃斯梅拉达」「昆虫記」「砂嵐」等。


场地支持:北京雷动天下剧场 (北京朝阳区下甸厂坡村16号)


Sino-Japanese Butoh Festival

Butoh, considered to be "The Body’s Surrealism", was born in Japan after World War II, and is now classified as a category of modern dance. Instead of explaining feelings and stories withthe body, Butoh uses the body to interpret the body itself. The intention of this discipline is to go back to the body and discover something amazing.

On April 27th, the project Peony Pavilion - the Sino-Japanese ButohPerformance will be presented. This is co-sponsored by Top to Toe Butoh and The LDTX Theater. The scheduled artists include Katsura Kan, Nobuo Harada,  Chinese Butoh dancer Du Yu Fang and other renowned Japanese Butoh artists, and. They will jointly present a six-day workshop and command performances.

The theme for these workshops andperformances is “Via physical reality, face the real you”.

Time:April 27 2014 20:00-22:00

Place:Beijing Dance LDTX Theater

16Xiadianchangpo Village,

Xidawang Lu, Chaoyang district

Goto 7 Days Inn parking lot and turn right

Advance tickets 100RMB

On-sitetickets 150RMB


The followingworks will be shown:

The Peony Pavilion

A.CHRYSYAL(Featuring by)

Katsura Kan and Du Yufang

B.ON THE BEACH(Featuring by)

Kiyoko and Noriko Omura

C.FROG POND(Featuring by)

Du Yufang and guests

D.MANDARA (Featuring by)

Nobuo Harada and Seiryu-kai

E.KAMAITACHI (Featuring by)

Katsura Kan

The Artists’ Bios:


Katsura Kan, a native of Kyoto, is a Butoh dance artist from among the ranks of Japan’s ANKOKU Butoh (dance of darkness) generation. Kan is a celebrated solo and collaborative performer as well as choreographer, and the founder of "KATSURA Kan & Saltimbanques" in 1986.

For the past 30 years, Kan has worked with what he calls "minority dancers" from all overthe world, in remote locations in Africa, The Mediterranean, Asia, The US, and Australia. In addition to his creative works in cosmopolitan culture, Kan strongly takes an initiative in the international Butoh scene.

Nobuo Harada

Nobuo Harada was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1949.

He started his stage career as a directorof the theatre troop (JIYUU BUTAI) when he was in WASEDA University of Tokyo. In 1970, he encountered the Butoh performance called「丘的麓」 (OKANOFU MOTO) directed by legendary Butoh Dancer 笠井叡 (Akira KASAI). At the time Kasai was running the Butohcompany 「天使館」(TENSHI KAN) , and had as a guest performerthe legendary co-Butoh Founder 大野一雄(Kazuo OHNO). This experience openedHarada’s eyes because of its 劇薬 (deadly poison) in the 混沌 (Chaotic dream), subsequently changing his life.

He joined  天使館 (TENSHIKAN) and danced remarkable Butoh works such as「七的封印 / The Seven Seals」until 天使館 's dissolution in 1979.

From 1980-1984 Harada led his own group named 「青龍會 (SEIRY UKAI)」in (Tokyo) .

Du Yufang

Born in Beijing, Du Yufang received her BA in Art Communications at Beijing Dance Academy. In 2012 she started Top to Toe Butoh, the first contemporary butoh group in mainland china, working as producer, artistic and director.

As an organizer, Du curatesartists’ workshops and multi-cultural projects in various cities. As an independent dancer, she has given many solo and group performances in Asia and Europe. She has performed, researched, given workshops, lectured, and collaborated in many countries including China, Thailand, Malaysia, Egypt, Italy, Cambodia, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan. She insists on exploring thepure physical possibilities, internal and external, discovering the body in thehappening, and finding the "meaning" in the "meaningless".


KIYOKO is a Takasago BUTOH cooperation representative, and producer with MASATO. She encountered Katsura Kan in 1990 when she was an actress. In 2001 She established "Takasago BUTOH cooperation". Also In 2001 KIYOKO Participated in the piece "CURIOUSFISH" in The Edinburgh Fringe Festival (it received a 5 star rating) directedby Katsura Kan, who also produced and danced in the work.

Since then, KIYOKO has performed many events as a Butoh dancer in Japan and, from time to time, overseas with Katsura Kan.

She is currently, in conjunction with studying with noted psychotherapist Arnold Mindell, seeking to transform the ideas of process-oriented psychology to the stage through Butoh. KIYOKO also participated in the first dance festival at the Himalayan Resonance School.Since the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima referred to as the “East Japan Earthquake”, she continues in the resistance of the "KANSHO ODORI".

Noriko Ohmura

The dancer and choreograp Ohmura began working in earnest in 1972 with the epoch-making film and theater producer Genjirou ARATO /荒戸源次郎 as a performer and choreographer. In 1991, Ohmura created choreography for the film 「夢二」. In 2003 Ohmura appeared on stage in the film「赤目四十八滝心中未遂」

For many years Ohmura has been workingas a dance artist in Japan widely.

“身体的神谕与谜团” <wbr>2014春季舞踏节

BeijingDance/LDTX Address: 16XiadianchangpoVillage, Xidawang Road, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing, China
