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[楼主] cucme 2011-08-03 00:00:00


展览时间: 2011年8月6日—2011年9月4日
开幕酒会: 2011年8月6日20:00-22:00
地点: 西五艺术中心
地址: 北京市朝阳区三里屯西五街5号F座


栾雪雁的作品通过她和朋友、她和往事、她和记忆等等不同的人、事、物的关系,来表达一种“纯粹女性所自持独有的情感,温婉而尖锐”,这种情感不是刻薄,也不是伤感或顾影自怜,更不是“矫情到要公开表演才成立的女性艺术”。要达到这样的境界并不容易,这些貌似纠结的情感,也许一不小心就会跑到另一个极端。然而她把每一个存在过的瞬间 - 那些曾经难以捕捉的,重叠恍惚的体验,幻化成织物的作品,却能让人感叹似水年华中风华绝代的优美,这真是难得的感受。尤其令人赞赏的是,在栾雪雁那里,织物并不是雕塑的材料,这使得她的作品和我们熟悉的织物作品不同,她说:“光是拿来显得太简单了,我的东西不是那么具象的。”

[With Who]
Luan Xueyan Solo Exhibition

Exhibition Period: August 6th, 2011 – September 4th, 2011
Opening Reception: August 6th, 2011 Saturday 20:00-22:00
Venue: C5Art
Building F, No.5 Xiwu Street, Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100027

C5Art is presenting [With Who], an installation exhibition of Luan Xueyan from Aug 6 to Sep 4, 2011. Exhibition features a series of work created by the artist using silk fabrics since 2009 when she returned to China. Ms. Luan studied gongbi figure painting in the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1992 to 1998, completing both a bachelor’s and master’s degree; in 2009, she graduated magna cum laude from the National Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, Italy, majoring in visual arts.

By exploring her relationship with friends, past events and with memory itself, Luan Xueyan expresses a “gentle yet poignant sentiment that reflects a uniquely female point of view”. This sentiment is not bitterness, sorrow or self pity; neither is it “so conceited that only public performance may confirm it as female art”. This is not easy to do, as these seemingly conflicted feelings may easily be taken to the extreme if not careful. The artist manages to transform particular moments that existed – and those interwoven and dreamy experiences that were once so ungraspable – into textile art, making the audience sigh at the beauty of things past, making for a rare viewing experience. What is especially admirable is that the artist does not simply use fabric as a material for sculpture. This differentiates her work from the textile art we are already familiar with. To quote her in own words: ”it would be too easy if I just take it and use it, my work is not that representational.”

If you would like additional info regarding the exhibition, please contact us.

信息联络人Contact: 周亚男Orchid Zhou
电话Phone: +86 10 64603950
网址Web: www.C5Art.com
Email: info@c5art.com

[沙发:1楼] zhangNaomi 2011-08-04 10:15:20
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