发起人:理论车间  回复数:2   浏览数:1529   最后更新:2011/02/10 21:30:12 by guest
[楼主] 东四恒谦 2011-02-10 13:34:12
奚建军&蔡元, 同一个世界 同一个梦想 (二)

奚建军 & 蔡元

同一个世界同一个梦想 2008-2010

装置, 综合材料

410cm x 710cm





Jian Jun Xi & Cai Yuan

One World One Dream 2008-2010

Installation, Mixed Media


The artist project their knowledge and understanding of an aircraft carrier, an object of unique historical meaning that represents military power, through this installation, which reflect the political, economic and cultural phenomenon of globalization in the 21st century. This installation does not only ponder upon and criticize the concept of “power” and “the world” from an aesthetic and visual angle, but is also a metaphorical and satirical representation of real world culture and politics.

This “made in China” aircraft carrier has been cut half by the artist and there are two eagles open their mouth standing on top of two parts of mother ship. It can be understood as a metaphor. An aircraft carrier is a military weapon that can be extremely “terrorizing,” and its production and maintenance symbolizes a nation’s financial prowess. Therefore, the aircraft carrier takes on the role of symbolizing power and financial abilities.

In today’s struggle for power, a nation’s strong military power and economic strength play a pivotal role in gaining political domination. Similarly strong economic and political infrastructure can influence the world of culture and art and transform them into forms of “power.” The artists’ motivation to build this “aircraft carrier” can be understood as a symbolic approach in demonstrating the “strong” and “terrorizing” objects’ influence on other objects.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2011-02-11 10:15:17
