发起人:shirley_88  回复数:2   浏览数:2319   最后更新:2011/01/13 15:38:22 by ba-ba-ba
[楼主] clclcl 2011-01-13 11:49:18
来源:Carol Yinghua Lu's Blog


2011年1月15日- 2011年2月28日

时间: 2011年1月15日周六下午2 - 6点,欢迎光临!

“你不是个小玩意儿”来自雅龙兰尼尔(Jaron Lanier)的同名著作,雅龙兰尼尔是一位著名的美国电脑科学家和作家,早在80年代初期提出“虚拟现实”一词并一直撰文讨论和批评作为一种信息和知识生产方式的互联网背后所隐藏的政治动因和意识形态设想,其中很多的文字收录在《“你不是个小玩意儿”》(出版于2010年)一书中。这本影响广泛的著作提醒我们审视普遍作为我们接收和输出资讯的渠道和平台的互联网远远不仅是一个技术上的存在,而是在我们不自觉的情况下影响和塑造着我们的价值判断和世界观。参加“你不是个小玩意儿”展览的艺术家们同样对互联网作为他们日常生活和工作的一部分的事实保持着好奇心和审视的态度,这个展览中的创作是他们对于互联网的特性的一些反思和讨论。


策展人:卢迎华(Carol Yinghua Lu)



如需更多信息,请与艺门画廊联系:info@pekinfinearts.com,fubi@pekinfinearts.com (媒体)
画廊开放时间:周二-周日 上午10点至下午6点/周一仅接受预约参观

北京朝阳区崔各庄乡草场地村241号 北京艺门画廊
电话:(8610)5127 3220
传真:(8610)5127 3223

You are not a gadget
Pékin Fine Arts, Beijing, China

15 Jan – 28 Feb, 2011

Opening Reception for This Group Exhibit at Pékin Fine Arts: Sat. Jan 15, 2011, from 2 to 6 pm. ALL WELCOME

The title “You are not a gadget” comes from the namesake book of Jaron Lanier, who is a well-known American computer scientist and writer. He invented the word “virtual reality” in the early 1980s and has been writing to discuss and criticize the political motive and ideological suggestions hidden behind the Internet which is existing as a productive means of information and knowledge, much of it being included in the book You are not a gadget (published in 2010). This influential work reminds us of the fact that the Internet, generally seen as a channel or platform for receiving and sending out information, is far from a mere technological existence. Rather, it influences and forms our judgment and world outlook without our awareness. Artists taking part in this exhibit keep a curious and examining attitude toward the fact that the Internet is already a part of their lives and work, so the works in this exhibit reveal some of their reflection and discussion about the features of the Internet.

Exhibit title from Jaron Lanier's "You Are Not A Gadget" .

Curator: Carol Yinghua Lu

Artist List: Chen Shaoxiong, Huang Ran, Jin Shan, Leng Wen, Lu Zhengyuan, Yan Xing, Zhuang Hui & Dan’er

For further information and images, please see our website or contact us.


Gallery Opening Hours: Tue – Sun, 10 am to 6 pm daily. Mon by appointment only.

Add: No.241 Cao Chang Di Village, Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100015, Pékin Fine Arts

Tel: + 86 10 5127 3220
Fax: + 86 10 5127 3223
Email: victoria@pekinfinearts.com (Media)/info@pekinfinearts.com
[沙发:1楼] guest 2011-01-13 14:53:50

[板凳:2楼] guest 2011-01-16 23:11:29
[地板:3楼] guest 2011-01-18 01:19:36