发起人:小嘿妹  回复数:0   浏览数:2222   最后更新:2010/10/28 17:33:36 by 小嘿妹
[楼主] 大校 2010-10-28 17:33:36

020 版权页 Colophon

022 目录 Contents

026 榜单 List

027 档期 Auction Calendar

028 数字 Number

030 刊首语 Editorial

040 城市速递 City Express

122 导览 Guide

专栏 Column
菲利普·惠特克 Phil Whittaker    艺术博览会Art Fair  032^ 
西尔万·列维 Sylvain Levy    艺术的未来将会如何?由此,我们今天应该收藏什么?What Will Happen In The Futur In Art ?Consequently, What To Collect Today?  034^ 
 马可滢 Ma Keying    斜倚熏笼坐到明,以古鉴今品奇楠 Appreciation Of Eaglewood Art   036^ 
 外媒之音 Media Abroad
Jason Chow The Wall Street Journal
中国艺术市场:中国艺术品销售紧俏,西方艺术无人问津Chinese Art Market: Chinese Art In Hot And Western Art In Freeze  038^
Nicholas Forrest Artmarketblog.Com
国际艺术市场的对冲化趋势 Hedging Trend Of International Art Market   039^ 
  拍场 AuctiOn
凌维冰 Ling Weibing
30.8 亿港元:香港苏富比秋拍开创新3.08 Billion Hkd: Hk Sotheby’s Autumn Sale  044^ 
本刊编辑部 Editorial Room
2010 瀚海秋拍:经典写实作品实力强劲 2010 Hanhai Autumn Auction: Classic Realism Paintings! 050^ 
Helen Ho    深度分析:刘小东Iin-Depth Analysis: Liu Xiaodong  052^ 
专题 Features
杜卡 Duka
西方现代大师画作 挺进中国! Western Modern Art: Approaching
China!  060^ 
马学东 Ma Xuedong
众专家谈齐白石作品的收藏与市场 Experts Discussing Qi Baishi’s Art Market  072^ 
封面故事 Cover Story
本刊编辑部 Editorial Room
匡时五周年秋拍:油雕专场精品阵容蓄势待发Council Autumn Auction Of 5th Anniversary: Selected Marvelous Paintings And Sculptures  078^ 
讲堂 Lecture
本刊编辑部 Editorial Room
艺术北京 + 艺术与投资》 讲堂 Art Beijing + Art&Investment Lectures  080^ 
赵力 Zhao Li
经典艺术:结构性调整避风港 Classic Art: Safe Harbor For Structural AndAdjusting Art Market 081^ 
周莉Zhou Li
Classic·简:经典西画 挂在墙上的软黄金 Classic Jen: Western Classic Art,“Gold” Hanging On Wall  082^ 
本刊编辑部 Editorial Room

熙·珠宝:古法演绎·与时俱进  C-Jewelry: Tradition Method With Modern Look  084^ 
收藏家 Collectors
王维薇 Wei-Wei Wang
从古到今的线索—王定乾收藏 Wang Dingqian's Collection:The Clues From Ancient Times To The Present  090^ 
艺事聚焦 Focus
王昱臣 Wang Yuchen
多大声才能听得见?“大声展”需要机构化   How Loud Should I? “Getitloud” Needs Institutionalization  092^ 
王昱臣 常旭阳 Wang Yuchen Carol Chang
香港国际古玩及艺术品博览会:Antique Art Is Fine!Hk Fine Art Asia: Antique Art Is Fine!  094^ 
常旭阳 Carol Chang
新加坡的思维中,重要的是钱In The Thinking Of Singapore: Money Matters Most!  096^ 
马芝安 Meg Maggio
艺术重镇,活力再现:记2010frieze   The Frieze Week 2010: Recovered Art Town  098^
经典艺术馆 Classic Art Gallery
马可滢 Ma Keying
宗教文化与艺术的世界:北京桑杰艺术馆World Of Religious Art And Culture:Beijing Sanjie Cultural Relics Co. Ltd  102^ 
文化产业 Cultural Industry
本刊编辑部 Editorial Room
揭开喜马拉雅面纱:专访沈其斌Revealed Himalaya Center: Interview With Shen Qibin   106^ 
基金会 Foundation
王昱辰 Wang Yuchen
洛克菲勒基金会:一开始对艺术并不感冒 Rockefeller Art Foundation:Not Interested In Art At The First Beginning  108^


赵无极 《 5.12.61》 60×92 cm

布面油画 1961 年







Edouard Malingue Gallery



99 度艺术中心





2010 艺术基金会论坛







Art & Investment, founded in 2006, is a professional monthly art magazine focusing on both domestic and international high-end art markets. Art & Investment insists on viewing the art market in critical manners as well as objective attitudes and on analyzing the financial trend of art market comprehensively in order to promote the healthy development of current art market, to establish reliable criterion for investment value of various artworks , to provide informative instructions and specific suggestions for our readers. In a word, the main target of the magazine is to help building a healthy and sustainable art-market system by combining efforts of all sides of artists, critics, galleries, auctions, museums and collectors.


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