发起人:活泼  回复数:4   浏览数:3312   最后更新:2010/02/06 19:54:10 by guest
[楼主] 活泼 2010-01-29 13:37:25
佩斯画廊的艺术家张洹将于2010 年2 月5 日至26 日在上海美术馆举行个展《创世纪》。这是张洹自2006 年重归故土后在国内的首次个展,无疑也是其与国内同胞零距离交流的一次契机。展览将包括其装置作品、香灰画和用牛皮制成的大型雕塑《英雄1 号》(该系列的另一件作品《英雄3 号》此前曾在纽约佩斯画廊展出)。张洹的作品曾在威尼斯双年展、纽约惠特尼美术馆双年展、美国亚洲协会、温哥华美术馆等许多重要国际双年展和美术馆展出,并被世界各大现代美术馆广泛收藏。自2006 年从纽约回国后,张洹选择在上海创作和生活。其艺术创作也开始更多地关注作品的材料性,上海的寺庙香灰和青砖石瓦都给艺术家提供了创作的灵感。上个月,张洹在纽约佩斯画廊的第二次个展《非来非去》上展示了一尊以香灰制成的如来佛祖雕塑。今年,佩斯北京也将为其举办大型个展。

February 5 - February 26, 2010
Opening: Thursday, February 4, 6-8 pm
Zhang Huan’s exhibition Dawn of Time will be onview
at the Shanghai Art Museum from February
5 – February 26, 2010. This is the artist’s first
exhibition in China since returning from New
York in 2006; it is an opportunity he has long
looked forward to. The exhibition will include
his ash paintings, sculpture, and installations.
In particular, Zhang Huan will show his largescale
sculpture “Giant No.1”, a version of which
he recently exhibited at PaceWildenstein in New
Since relocating to Shanghai in 2006, Zhang Huan
has increased his focus on materials. They often
relate to specific places and have reinforced his
re-connection with his homeland. Zhang Huan
has exhibited widely, including the 1999 Venice
Biennale, 2002 Whitney Biennale, and more
recently his exhibition Altered States was shown
at the Asia Society and the Vancouver Art Gallery.
This past December, Zhang Huan presented a new
large-scale incense sculpture along with a series
of prints at PaceWildenstein and will have an
exhibition at Pace Beijing later this year.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-01-29 14:12:00
[板凳:2楼] guest 2010-01-29 16:58:50