特拉维斯·杰普逊 | 论开幕:陈天灼
发起人:artforum精选  回复数:0   浏览数:1362   最后更新:2020/02/02 10:46:42 by artforum精选
[楼主] 广州画廊 2020-02-02 10:46:42


<Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2020>  

日期  Dates


周三-周日  Wed-Sun


地址  Venue

東京都目黒区三田2-7-7 エステート三田105(涉谷附近)

Rocky Shore, 105 Estate Mita, 2-7-7, Mita, Meguro, Tokyo 1530062

免费参观  Free Admission

(TOP Museum and other galleries nearby)  

主办  Organizers

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government / Tokyo Photographic Art Museum and Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture) / Nikkei Inc.

协助主办  Co-organizers

SAPPORO REAL ESTATE CO., LTD / Fondation Maison franco-japonaise  

详情 More information:


河东狮首次展演于2019年上海油罐艺术中心展览活动“原力寺”。本次在Rocky Shore将呈现山河跳!重新创作的相关资料视频。

Mountain River Jump! conducted “Lioness Roars” at the Force Temple, TANK, 2019 for the first time. They are going to present a newly created documentary video related to the performance.

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河东狮Lioness Roars


Inspired by traditional lion dance in Canton and Fujian, Mountain River Jump! (Huang Shan and Huang He) create their own style of lion dance under the impact of feminism and the original spirit of Nuo play. Lion Roars used to be a Buddhism term, while Su Dongpo quoted it to describe a shrew with a sly sense of humor. Similarly, the goddess Sekhmet, who rules wars and disasters in the ancient Egyptian mythology, is believed to embody the power of the great mother archetype in human collective subconsciousness. The artists propose that as the top predator in nature, the lioness should share the same position in our culture. Mountain River Jump! invited the craftsmen in Foshan to make the lioness mask equipped with a pair of luminous LED eyes.

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关于艺术家  About Artist


Mountain River Jump!is an artist duo founded in 2016 by twin sisters Huang Shan and Huang He, who were born in 1985. The duo has ***ariety of creative formats in art, often applying "divination consulting" as a performance to examine the potential of such art medium, and to interact with the audience at the intrinsic level. With their studies into Oriental mysticism and folklore, the artists pry open varies contemporary topics. Huang Shan and Huang He presently works and lives in Foshan, Guangdong.
