发起人:artforum精选  回复数:0   浏览数:1297   最后更新:2019/07/21 21:48:17 by artforum精选
[楼主] 上苑艺术馆 2019-07-21 21:48:17

[上苑展览现场]  39.9042°N 116.4074°E

策划人:Guido Nosari(意), Leire Lacunza Miranda(西), Josh Gibbs(英), Joy Chen(中), 王刘健(中),毋蓬勃(中)

参展人:Guido Nosari, Leire Lacunza Miranda, Josh Gibbs, Joy Chen, 王刘健 ,毋蓬勃

地  点:北京怀柔 上苑艺术馆背后的燕山下 弃屋

时  间:2019 7 20







On a good day when there is minimal pollution, you can see Chaoyang’s edifices from this point...

This point was unknown to us, but then we found it. Another human claim to nature by sticking bricks together, typical.

Plenty have arrived at this point before, some carrying cement and wearing shoes on their five-toed feet, others with stings on their arses. Some stay to build and defend, others leave...the shoes.

Each week, these hills provide us with moments to escape (from the inescapable) and reflect, moments to fuel our ideas generated in the paths we have taken - carved out both by others and ourselves.

Finding and marking this point draws our courses together. This remote location becomes strangely familiar and slots into an empty position in our expanding network of positions across Huairou, Beijing,

China and beyond, all unique. We can visit and revisit them, transporting ideas and materials along the numerous caravan routes that connect them. For now, some will nestle here.


Guido Nosari  作品名称 A DISTANCE

Josh Gibbs 作品名称:Shayukou Huashing Darkhouse

Josh Gibbs 作品名称:Huashiying CBD Mirror World

Josh Gibbs, Joy Chen, 作品名称 Huashiying

Leire Lacunza Miranda 作品名称: Kariatideak

Leire Lacunza Miranda 作品名称: 人

Leire Lacunza Miranda 作品名称:我的头, 我的脚(秦皇岛)

Leire Lacunza Miranda 作品名称:Eguzki etxea

王刘健  作品名称:法案

王刘健  作品名称:幸福

毋蓬勃 作品名称  你还好吗

毋蓬勃 作品名称  七月的巢

北京 上苑艺术馆-  电话: 010-60635299 60635757

交通指南 :


□京承高速12出口 > 右拐过水渠西行2KM > 良善庄路口北行到底>右拐300m路北
