"搏艺博” :艺博画廊
发起人:内鬼  回复数:1   浏览数:3216   最后更新:2007/08/07 07:00:08 by
[楼主] 嘿鬼妹 2007-08-07 06:45:28
美国: James Cohan 画廊


1999年9月份,James Cohan 画廊创立在 West 57th Street 。2002年,画廊搬到现在的位置:533 West 26th Street 在 Chelsea 区。James Cohan 画廊每年主办几个个展以及一到两个观念展。

In September 1999, James Cohan Gallery opened on West 57th Street. In 2002, the gallery moved to its present location at 533 West 26th Street in Chelsea and maintains a diverse exhibition program with one or two thematic group exhibitions per year in addition to the solo exhibitions of gallery artists. The gallery represents Manfredi Beninati, Ingrid Calame, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Yun-Fei Ji, Folkert de Jong, Richard Long, Beatriz Milhazes, Ron Mueck, Bill Owens, Roxy Paine, Richard Patterson, Alan Saret, Hiraki Sawa, Yinka Shonibare, the Estate of Robert Smithson, Erick Swenson, Tabaimo, Alison Elizabeth Taylor, Fred Tomaselli, Bill Viola and Wim Wenders.

James Cohan Gallery
533 West 26th Street New York NY 10001
Tel: 212 714 9500
Fax: 212 714 9510
E-mail: [email]Info@jamescohan.com

请点击网址James Cohan 画廊

Manfredi Beninati
Ingrid Calame
Trenton Doyle Hancock
Yun-Fei Ji
Folkert de Jong
Richard Long
Beatriz Milhazes
Ron Mueck
Bill Owens
Roxy Paine
Richard Patterson
Alan Saret
Hiraki Sawa
Yinka Shonibare MBE
The Estate of Robert Smithson
Erick Swenson
Alison Elizabeth Taylor
Fred Tomaselli
Bill Viola
Wim Wenders

Artworks 作品
Carl Andre
Joseph Beuys
John Cage
Gilbert & George
Anselm Kiefer
Sol Lewitt
Bruce Nauman
Nam June Paik
Sigmar Polke
Gerhard Richter
Harry Smith
Cy Twombly
Andy Warhol


关于James Cohan 画廊在ShContemporary07

JAMES COHAN 画廊会在上海介绍一些艺术家的作品:JI YUN-FEI, NAM JUNE PAIK (白南准), ROXY PAINE, YINKA SHONIBARE, MBE, BILL VIOLA, 等艺术家。华裔艺术家 JI YUN-FEI 的作品会第一次在中国展出,包括他的作品Water Rising, 2006。白南准 (NAM JUNE PAIK) 会展出他的机器人雕塑,From Neander Valley to Silicon Valley (1994). 展出作品还包含BILL VIOLA 的两个录像: Becoming Light (2005) 和 Poem A (2005). 英国-尼日利亚艺术家,Yinka Shonibare, MBE 作品研究殖民地的历史。Shonibare的作品,Eleanor Hewitt (2005) 描述纽约Cooper-Hewitt 国家设计美术馆的成立者。另,James Cohan 画廊也会展出Roxy Paine 的雕塑,包括 2003年的 Defunct.

James Cohan 画廊会在W2-16, 从2007年6日至9日,10:00 – 18:00

更多消息在James Cohan - ShContemporary 07






The James Cohan Gallery is pleased to announce our participation in ShContemporary 07, the Asia Pacific contemporary art fair taking place in Shanghai, China from September 6 – 9, 2007.The inauguration of this new international art fair aims to cultivate exchange between the Eastern and Western art worlds and will be a venue where galleries, collectors and art professionals from all over the world will meet. Organized by former Art Basel director, Lorenzo Rudolf and Swiss art dealer Pierre Huber, ShContemporary 07 is dedicated to creating an important platform for contemporary art that is faithful to Shanghai's international character. The fair will be held in the historic Shanghai Exhibition Center - a gift in the 1940s to Mao from Stalin - which is located in the center of the city near the Shanghai Art Museum.

James Cohan Gallery will be featuring works by a wide range of international artists represented including Yun-Fei Ji, Nam June Paik, Roxy Paine, Yinka Shonibare, MBE, and Bill Viola, among others. Most notably, the gallery will be showing works by expatriate Chinese painter Yun-Fei Ji, marking the first time his work will be shown in his homeland. Included will be Ji's epic scroll painting, Water Rising (2006). Video pioneer Nam June Paik will be represented by one of his robot sculptures, From Neander Valley to Silicon Valley (1994). Also included are two of Bill Viola's video works: Becoming Light (2005), a plasma screen work depicting a lovers' underwater embrace, and Poem A (2005), an elegiac video triptych. British-Nigerian artist Yinka Shonibare, MBE is well known for the exploration of the history of colonization. Shonibare's sculpture Eleanor Hewitt (2005) portrays one of the sisters who were the founders of New York's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. The Hewitt sisters traveled around the world bringing works together for the museum, including objects that date as far back as China's Han Dynasty. The sculpture represents an interesting historical precedent of globalism from the late 19th century. Additionally, we will feature several works by American sculptor, Roxy Paine, including the 2003 scale model for Defunct, a 50-foot stainless steel tree which is currently on view in New York's Madison Square Park. Paine's sculpture is a poetic monument to loss and life, describing the symbiosis between industry and earth, between production and natural selection.

James Cohan Gallery will be located at booth number W2-16. Fair hours are 10 am – 6 pm, September 6 – 9, 2007.
[沙发:1楼] 嘿鬼妹 2007-08-07 06:20:45




How to Blow up Two Heads at Once (Ladies), 2006
Two mannequins, two guns, Dutch wax printed cotton textile, shoes, leather riding boots, plinth
93 1/2 X 63 X 48 inches




Halleluja, 2007
Styrofoam, adhesive
100 X 70 X 178 cm


Various Artists. Summer Show. Installation view. NE Corner, Gallery II. James Cohan Gallery, New York.
[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-09-01 09:52:03
这次带白南准的电视来了吗 好好膜拜下