发起人:艺术旋风  回复数:0   浏览数:1350   最后更新:2011/10/22 09:26:04 by 艺术旋风
[楼主] 798times 2011-10-22 09:26:04
茶●空间 Tea Time Space
茶●空间 是798艺术区唯一的茶主题文艺空间,位于七星西街。艺术茗茶,卓然小调,高雅贤士积聚。诗画题字尽兴,闲庭小调有余。艺外桃源,闻茶希音。以茶养神,以艺静心。熙攘街道,匆匆过往,难寻着一处娴雅静谧、独思赏玩之所,难逢着一件画品,触动心田,却难得驻足。茶里幽香画里香,久遇相逢,难再释怀。 Tea Time Space is the only one tea art space in 798 zone, we locate at Qixing West Street and provide famous traditional Chinese tea with elegant sentiment for celebrities. Paintings and writings are welcome and appreciated at Tea Time Space. Here you can rest to attain mental tranquility with a cup of tea, meditate your heart by our work of art. Here you may find a treasure among the busy street, find your own favorite collection.

茶●空间 秉承有机、自然、艺术的经营理念致力于打造品茶茗艺的独特消费体验场所。以茶养神,以艺静心。熙攘街道,匆匆过往,难寻着一处娴雅静谧、独思赏玩之所,难逢着一件画品,触动心田,却难得驻足。茶品集山泽灵气,自然养茶,有机茶。我提供的是一个独特的艺术生活体验空间,一个互动交流共享的场所,共同体验有容乃大、自然简约、艺术性的生活消费理念。
Tea Time Space composes organic, natural, art together to create a special art space. The tea here gathers the inspiration of the mountain and water providing unique art experience. Tea Time Space is trying to deliver the peaceful and healthy conception of life.

茶●空间 我们将为您提供茶艺、艺术品投资与收藏、文艺沙龙、小型发布会、商务洽谈、无线上网、茶艺支持、茶衍生品等服务。
Tea Time Space provide services including tea art, appreciation of art, literary salon, press conference, business negotiation, wireless internet, art gifts ,tea products,, etc.

茶●空间 诚邀您到此品茗、鉴赏、洽谈。
Tea Time Space here invites you our space tasting tea appreciates work of art and welcome to any kind of negotiation.