SGA: The Spirit Scenes from Time Past
发起人:jessie.xie  回复数:1   浏览数:11395   最后更新:2011/12/17 23:08:12 by uggonsale
[楼主] ifa 2010-06-14 12:39:05

society requires 社会要求

performance on wednesday 16 june from 4 to 6 pm
by Xu Fanghuai
表演:6 月16日星期三下午4点至6点
society requires
Best answer
by Yu Lihong and Gong Shangxuan

SHANGHAI, November 6 (Xinhuanet) -- An alternative, avant-garde body painting show was being hotly pursued by Shanghai advertising businesses. However, the Shanghai Industry Commerce Bureau was quick to issue notices clearly prohibiting such shows, and any units or individuals from using human body painting performances in public places for advertising purposes.

A Shanghai Industry and Commerce Bureau official stated that presently, it is prohibited for units or individuals in the business sector to use body painting performances in the media and in various forms of advertising in public places. Also prohibited is the publication of nude or semi-nude bikini images painted onto the human body as a medium of advertising. Body painting images cannot be displayed in outdoor advertising, in print advertising, or on shop billboards, and the Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bureau will not accept or register them. Where such advertising has already been registered, the license will be withdrawn and the perpetrator will be notified to stop publication of the advertising.

It is evident that some are exploiting body painting in Shanghai's commercial activities as a gimmick, calling it "performing art". In the blind pursuit of sensationalism and crass commercialism, the body art becomes "soured", and edges towards pornography. In the future, advertising of Shanghai's business sector-its outdoor advertising, print media, and billboards-will undergo more rigorous inspection. Once the body painting on the advertisement is discovered, it will be stopped by the Bureau. (End)

新华网上海11月6日专电(俞丽虹 龚尚轩)前卫、另类的人体彩绘表演一度成为申城部分商家的追求热点,但上海工商部门日前发布通告,明确禁止任何单位和个人发布在公共聚集场所进行人体彩绘表演活动的广告。



with the kind collaboration of one white cherry tree with a flag on the road
ifa gallery // save the dates 艺法画廊 // 保存这些日期

exhibition continues until 27 june 2010
"The History of Etiquette" 展览继续至 2010年6月27日

upcoming exhibition on 3 july 2010
"Police and Her" 即将展出:2010年7月3日
© 2006-2010 ifa gallery

ifa gallery ● contemporary art 艺法画廊 ● 当代艺术
621 changde road 上海市常德路621号
(near wuding road) (靠近武定路)
shanghai 200040 邮编: 200040

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