发起人:mrhello  回复数:13   浏览数:2600   最后更新:2007/07/01 06:54:47 by
[楼主] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:10:15


Hasan Elahi

Tracking Transience, 2007
locative performance, video projection
site: Campo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro, 3054


Tracking Transience

From June to November of 2002, I had been the subject of a FBI investigation as a terrorist suspect. I was reported to the police as “an Arab that had explosives who fled on September 12th. As I returned to the US on June 19, I was met at the airport by a FBI agent who rigorously interrogated me on my whereabouts and activities. I spent the next six months frequently meeting FBI agents justifying each and every move that I made around 9/11. After repeated questionings and nine polygraphs, I was eventually cleared and to the relief of friends and family, I am officially no longer considered a terrorist threat.
These experiences have led me to voluntarily develop a network device built upon a modified/hacked mobile phone which in fact opens just about every aspect of my life to the public. Throughout the FBI investigation, I have actively decided to cooperate with them to a point of aggressive compliance to where the current work now borders on a collaboration with them, albeit unauthorized. This network device generates a database of imagery and locative information that combined with a web-enabled companion tracks me and my points of transit live. Since the development of this device, my FBI agent (along with anyone with access to the web) has been able to look me up online to track me. Currently, the device is in a semi-autonomous stage allowing uploads of images tagged with exact GPS coordinates of where the original image was shot to my server which then sends the GPS tag to Google which returns an aerial surveillance image of my exact location. My server then compiles this map with my uploaded image and thumbnails of the used images into a web based file which is then accessed through any computer with net access.
I feel that the level of transparency and the volunteering of information is crucial in the success of this project. I feel that by publicly disclosing every bit of personal information about me attempts to subvert the methodology that is used by intelligence agencies where the main commodity is secrecy and restricted access to information. In this work, I wish to not only devalue the currency of the FBI by disclosing the information that is held secret in my file, but also make every detail about myself completely transparent to the public to the point where it clearly demonstrates how invasive the new Homeland Security and Patriot Act laws in the United States are. Using the powers of the web and new technologies originally intended for military use and their alternate uses for surveillance, I hope to bring to light the political ramifications of such a project and its repercussions on an individual level, using myself as subject.

- Hasan Elahi



- 阿桑•阿莱茜
[沙发:1楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:33:15


Mogas Station

Rokovoko, 2007
video projection
Aurora Association, Caffè Aurora, Piazza San Marco, 48,49,50/Credits: Justin Miller

欧若拉协会, 欧若拉咖啡店,圣马可广场48,49,50号/图片版权:贾斯丁•米勒


"Queequeg was a native of Rokovoko, an island far away to the West and South. It is not down in any map; true places never are."
- Herman Melville, «Moby Dick»

Mogas Station is itself a representative point of contact of various migrations. The multicultural, multidisciplined characteristic of Mogas Station also illustrates the dynamism and the cosmopolitism of a rapidly developing city that is Ho Chi Minh city today. For the Migration Addict Project, Mogas Station will realize a video work. Members of the group will also be the actors of the film.
The actors are filmed drifting at sea, each upon a floating white surface, the ruins of a deconstructed of "white cube", minimally designed and perfectly finished. We could imagine these surfaces as pieces of banquise, or sea ice, carried south by arctic currents to warmer waters.
Curiously they arrive off the Vietnamese coast and a tropical climate.
The film narrative is non-linear, fractured and speaks to isolation, searching for the power of company.
The gestures of the actors imitate the activities of everyday life as if performed in a real-time social context. However once removed from the quotidian into an almost empty environment-a non-space, they create an atmosphere where the absurdity reigns and banality is pushed until the limits of madness.

- Mogas Station


- 赫尔曼•麦尔维尔(Herman Melville),《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)


- 莫卡斯•斯泰兴
[板凳:2楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:41:23


Yap Sau Bin

MappingKLArtSpace, 2007
video projection
site: Aurora Association, Caffè Aurora, Piazza San Marco, 48,49,50

地点:欧若拉协会, 欧若拉咖啡店,圣马可广场48,49,50号


MappingKLArtSpace is in effect a mapping project of art spaces in the city of Kuala Lumpur. It continually maps the various exhibition spaces, art agencies and also site of public art of past and present. It is a historical documentary presented in a ‘flat’, sterile, spatially represented manner.
As part of the Migration Addict project this time, MappingKLArtSpace explores also the context of its existence - the mapping project itself having been featured in Kuala Lumpur and Havana in 2006, is now in Venice - thus a visible trajectory of its movement across the world.
It is also interesting to note that Migration Addicts is itself a migratory project. From Shanghai in 2005, then to Singapore in 2006 and now in Venice, as if making port calls on 3 significant port cities with its own glorious past or present. They were all places of trades of commodities, of dynamism, of exchange, of convergence of cultures.
And essentially, the personnel involved - artists, curators and art administrators in the project - many whom could have extensive traveling experience, which the individual biography could also read as geographical tracks.

- Yap Sau Bin



- 叶绍斌
[地板:3楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:47:56


Rizman Putra

The Hyperbolic Alpha Male, 2007
site: Orange Restaurant and Lounge, Campo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro, 3054


The Hyperbolic Alpha Male

The Hyperbolic Alpha Male (H.A.M) together with the fabulous master of puppets and the obsessed toy maker from hell. Presenting, a spectacle of bona fide souls in liberation for the celebration of life coming together hand in hand like twisted rubber band shooting paper bullets to the sky.
Bodies in the search of meanings in a synthetic space, souls all itching for a ride. The self is lost in the vortex of rapid transformation of ideas and lame conversation.
The elegy is the irony of how one observes the self and the external factors that evolve around him or her. Based on his or her perception, the weapon of choice is the execution of ideas into various forms, and the medium is performance.

- Rizman Putra



- 瑞泽曼•普托拉
[4楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:52:11


Miljohn Ruperto

Acting Exercise: Adrian Leftwich's I Gave the Names, 2007
installation/potential performance
site: Campo Sant'Angelo


Acting Exercise: Adrian Leftwich's I Gave the Names

This project centers around the text I Gave the Names written by Adrian Leftwich for Granta magazine. The LCD flashes the text of the essay in sequential increments allowing the participant to read / perform the essay aloud through the microphone.
The essay accounts Leftwich's betrayal of his friends, comrades, and political cause. Leftwich, a South African, was a militant activist against the apartheid regime in the 1960's. When arrested, Leftwich gave the names, provided information, and served as witness for the prosecution of his friends and fellow activists in exchange for exile. One of the conceits of the essay as a confessional is to provide a vehicle for which the reader can identify with the narrator and be able to share and occupy the space of the transgressor. In this project, the confessional is physicalized and acted out, implicating the participants and the audience in this public performance with the possibility of identifying with this horrible betrayal. More implications arise from there. In the text, Leftwich discusses that his sin isn't the betrayal per se but the lack of self-knowledge about his own limits (i.e. he believed he was a heroic person, yet in reality he was a coward). In enacting/reading the text, the participant embodies those limits through the act of acting/performing. The promises of acting: of empathy, transparency and the transgression of the limits of self, (whether they be possible), become the channels by which the participant re-enacts the betrayer's sin, that is, the lack of self-knowledge.

- Miljohn Ruperto



- 米尼约赫•洛普托
[5楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 22:57:01


Li Pinghu

My Toy, 2007
site: Campo San Barnaba

[6楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:01:14


Htein Lin

How Do You Find Venice?, 2007
site: Campo San Barnaba


How Do You Find Venice?

"How you do find London?" Now that I have arrived in a foreign land, in Burmese 'naing-ngan-kyar, 'another state', this is the question I am asked over and over again.
At first the question was strange to me. What did they mean? And even when I knew what the question meant, how should I answer? Is 'finding' a place about the journey to get there or your experience once you get there? How far does your journey affect the way you find your destination?
And then I am asked, "How did you find prison?" I think that prison found me. I did not set out to get there. Once I arrived I found some things were different from the world outside. Space (small), food (bad), light (dim), sex (none).
But some things remained the same. The freedom to think, to remember, to meditate, to create, to perform, to paint, once I had found new types of canvas, new instruments.
Your spiritual space looks the same, wherever you find yourself.

- Htein Lin



后来有人问我,你怎么找到监狱的?我认为是监狱找到了我。我并没有打算到那里去。我一到达就发现了一些与外面的世界不同的东西。 空间(小),食物(差),光线(暗),性(无)。

- 赫特英林

[7楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:04:28


Huang Kui

I Believe, 2007
site: Campo San Maurizio


I Believe

1.  Star, hot incandescent sphere of gas, held together by its own gravitation, and emitting light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation
whose ultimate source is nuclear energy.
2.  Energy, the property of a system that diminishes when the system does work on any other system, by an amount equal to the work so done.
3.  Entropy, a function of thermodynamic variables, as temperature, pressure, or composition, that is a measure of the energy that is not available for work during a thermodynamic process. A closed system evolves toward a state of maximum entropy.
4.  E=mc²

- Huang Kui


1.  恒星是由炽热气体组成的,能自己发光的球状或类球状天体。
2.  能量是物理学中描写一个系统或一个过程的一个量。
3.  "熵"表示任何一种能量在空间中分布的均匀程度。能量分布得越均匀,熵就越大。如果对于我们所考虑的那个系统来说,能量完全均匀地分布,那么,这个系统的熵就达到最大值。
4.  E=mc²

- 黄奎
[8楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:10:19


Josefina Posch

Iceberg, Right Ahead, 2007
site: Campo Santo Stefano


Iceberg, Right Ahead

For the Migration Addicts Exhibition in Venice I propose to create a large scale inflated rubber iceberg that expands and contracts as if "breathing", sometimes illuminated blue. The iceberg is variable dimensions and can be a closed sculptural mass or constructed to be entered into. The breathing motion is created through a custom electronic device that controls the blowers that inflates the piece. In this way rhythm the iceberg breaths is decided by sound inputs. These sounds will be underwater/hydrophone recordings from various water ways around and in Venice. The sounds will be fed into the Blower Control Device (BCD) and trigger various breathing patterns at different db. e.g. Hyperventilation versus Long slow sleeplike breath. At extreme db the iceberg will be illuminated in blue from inside.
The project is a continuation of my other work that utilizes inflated rubber structures and sound transformed into visual movement. For the Migration Addicts exhibition in Venice I chose to use an iceberg as the inflated shape for several reasons first since icebergs actually migrates. In the Atlantic it is called the IRD Belt and about 90% of Canadian Icebergs originates from Greenland a 2-3 years Migration. I was also inspired about the recent story about 2 large icebergs off the coast of New Zealand, an occurrence that has not happened in over 75 years but immediately triggered our human skin deep desire and for conquest and ownership when the Australian planted their flag and claimed the iceberg!
Even though these iceberg migrations have not officially been linked to global warming they are a reminder of it. In the past changes and/or migrations in societies that climate crises have played a role in, includes the demise of the Vikings during the little ice age beginning of 1300'ds when Greenland cooled off enough to make travel there impossible and only 175 years ago the Potato Famine partly induced by climate change, in Ireland killed one million people and triggered migration. We are still to see what changes and migrations the effects of global warming will trigger in the future and I find it especially appropriate to address the issue in the city of Venice that is notoriously threatened by the raising sea levels. It is with this in mind I chose to bring attention to what is in and under the water and to use these sounds to be the dictator of the movement of the piece.
On a social level the “iceberg” in summer in Venice symbolizes the to me and many more fellow Migrating Addicts well known feeling of being out of place and vulnerable as an immigrant to a new place.

- Josefina Posch


这个作品是我其它使用充气橡胶结构及音频转化为可视活动作品的延续。在威尼斯的"迁移嗜好者"展览上,我选择以冰山来作为充气的形状,这是有多个理由的。首先,冰山确实在迁徙,在大西洋上称为IRD(Ice-rafted debris belt)带,加拿大90%的冰山是格陵兰出发,经过2-3年的迁徙产生的。同样让我产生这个念头的还有最近的一件事,新西兰海岸附近有两个巨大的冰山,它在最近75年内都未引人注意,但最近两个澳大利亚人在冰山上树起国旗,宣布占领,突然激起了人类深层的欲望和征服欲及占有欲。

- 娇索芬娜•波士
[9楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:17:23


Jin Shan

Micturation Urgency, 2007
site: Campo San Polo


I like art in a humoristic way, so I use this method to express my ideas.  Sociology, urban anthropology are for me the methods for observing humans and society.  But when people try to explain the relation between human and society, words and language logic turns to become weak. This is the one of the main reasons I chose humor as an artistic language to express ideas. I know that art cannot solve the existing problems of the real society. I want to display it, just to display it, and I believe this is the role that art is playing in society.
The real power of art lies in a variety of humours. Sociology, urban anthropology cannot substitute art and its language, each of them can not replace the other one, they need to merge.

- Jin Shan


- 靳山
[10楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:21:03



Are You Here?, 2007
urban mobile game
Starting Point at Chiostro Ex Chiesa Santi Cosma e Damiano, Giudecca, 620

起点为Chiostro Ex Chiesa Santi Cosma e Damiano,珠玳卡620号

Are You Here?

"Are You Here?" is an urban mobile game that aims to explore Venice through its inhabitants/migrants.
More and more Venetians are leaving the lagoon to settle in other towns. In the next 30-40 years, it is certain that Venice’s population will be dramatically reduced.
More and more Venetians are moving away from the lagoon to settle down in other towns. Bars, hotel owners come now from abroad while the town is losing its original inhabitants and becoming more and more globalized. In Venice thousands of tourists arrive everyday. The Observer provocatively wrote that if the only destiny of the town is low cost tourism then it would be better to have Venice managed by Disneyland Corporate.
A kind of paradox is happening. Venice could be everywhere, that “exotic” does not exist anymore. Labor migrants from Asia are welcoming you and serving you Italian food.
You are in Venice. But are you really in Venice? What do you see? Who do you meet?
An urban exploration through the faces of the people anyone can meet during his/her staying. Faces of migrants that have become the actual inhabitants, while the player is the stranger.
A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces. Those photos will be joined together into a personal postcard. He/she will receive the postcard at home. A postcard that is  actually sent by him/herself.
The player receives a flyer, an invitation card with a mobile phone number and some instructions: visiting defined places, just like a touristic path. But the places you are supposed to visit, however, are not the ones you would expect to go, the top visited.
And surely you'd never take a photo of people who lives and works in these places. That's what you have to do, though: shoot photos at 11 immigrant people who live and work in Venice, carefully following the path that has been created for you, because you are the stranger, the tourist, and they are a part of Venice instead.
You have to take those photos with your mobile phone and send them by MMS to the number you found on the invitation. But remember, the first photo you send must be a photo of yourself: because you are a part of the game.



越来越多的威尼斯人离开礁湖,定居在其他城镇。现在酒吧、旅馆业主来自国外,原住民流失,威尼斯越来越全球化。每天数以千计的旅行者来到威尼斯。观察者(The Observer)煽动性地写道“如果这个城市最终只能靠低成本旅游生存,那还不如让迪士尼公司来经营。”

- 托多
[11楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:33:00



Are You Here?, 2007
urban mobile game
Starting Point at Chiostro Ex Chiesa Santi Cosma e Damiano, Giudecca, 620

起点为Chiostro Ex Chiesa Santi Cosma e Damiano,珠玳卡620号

Are You Here?

"Are You Here?" is an urban mobile game that aims to explore Venice through its inhabitants/migrants.
More and more Venetians are leaving the lagoon to settle in other towns. In the next 30-40 years, it is certain that Venice’s population will be dramatically reduced.
More and more Venetians are moving away from the lagoon to settle down in other towns. Bars, hotel owners come now from abroad while the town is losing its original inhabitants and becoming more and more globalized. In Venice thousands of tourists arrive everyday. The Observer provocatively wrote that if the only destiny of the town is low cost tourism then it would be better to have Venice managed by Disneyland Corporate.
A kind of paradox is happening. Venice could be everywhere, that “exotic” does not exist anymore. Labor migrants from Asia are welcoming you and serving you Italian food.
You are in Venice. But are you really in Venice? What do you see? Who do you meet?
An urban exploration through the faces of the people anyone can meet during his/her staying. Faces of migrants that have become the actual inhabitants, while the player is the stranger.
A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces. Those photos will be joined together into a personal postcard. He/she will receive the postcard at home. A postcard that is  actually sent by him/herself.
The player receives a flyer, an invitation card with a mobile phone number and some instructions: visiting defined places, just like a touristic path. But the places you are supposed to visit, however, are not the ones you would expect to go, the top visited.
And surely you'd never take a photo of people who lives and works in these places. That's what you have to do, though: shoot photos at 11 immigrant people who live and work in Venice, carefully following the path that has been created for you, because you are the stranger, the tourist, and they are a part of Venice instead.
You have to take those photos with your mobile phone and send them by MMS to the number you found on the invitation. But remember, the first photo you send must be a photo of yourself: because you are a part of the game.



越来越多的威尼斯人离开礁湖,定居在其他城镇。现在酒吧、旅馆业主来自国外,原住民流失,威尼斯越来越全球化。每天数以千计的旅行者来到威尼斯。观察者(The Observer)煽动性地写道“如果这个城市最终只能靠低成本旅游生存,那还不如让迪士尼公司来经营。”

- 托多
[12楼] mrhello 2007-06-30 23:34:10
Belén Cerezo

Far and Close, 2007
video installation and mms via Bluetooth
site: Campo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro, 3054


Far and Close

“Today I am going to explain you the difference between far and close”. One character of a popular children television program said this sentence. This character used to make little performances to teach children opposite concepts. However the difference between being far and being close cannot be explained in such a simple way. Between being far and being close there is a huge space, and we have to move in and to inhabit this space. It can be a space of distance, a space of separation, of pain, hope, desire…
Far and close is exploring the connections between the public space, the city, and our private space referring to our feelings and desires.
In our daily lives we walk fast around a city passing by a great number of unknown faces. Although sometimes we experience the city in a different way, experiencing pain or love, distance or closeness can be very essential suspending or motivating forces.
Migration, the movement of people across the globe, is becoming one of the biggest defining issues of our times. Nevertheless we usually do not tend to look at the emotional side emigration implies. Migration always involves separation, leaving behind at least the past, the home and the customs. Every migrant knows very well the difference between being far and being close.

- Belén Cerezo



- 巴伦•克瑞索
[13楼] jjswulai 2007-07-01 06:54:47
靳山 的 最好玩